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Game of February 27, 2014 at 05:53, 2 players
1. 37 pts mordeckhi
2. 33 pts charmz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aikoost   H8    28    28   stook
 2. ilnptuy  12D    30    58   plunky
 3. abemotv  11H    31    89   obovate
 4. ehilmrr  N10    38   127   helmer
 5. ehlnopt  15K    42   169   thorp
 6. ?fggirt   F7    72   241   eggfruit
 7. ?aenoty   O4    85   326   anolyte
 8. addnouw   N6    33   359   wan
 9. aeiinqs  14J    39   398   qis
10. aceilnr   E1    69   467   carline
11. aaeegin   4D    70   537   alienage
12. aeirstx   2B    56   593   retax
13. efinorv   K2    78   671   overfine
14. addeeos  14A    70   741   deodates
15. addioru  15A    41   782   aroid
16. abdeisu   1E    42   824   cebids
17. aimuuuw   1A    31   855   maw
18. ceiluuz   N2    39   894   cuz
19. eiijluu   3I    42   936   juve

Remaining tiles: iilu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.4267 Filemordeckhi   0  2:30  -899   37     1.6766 charmz      0  0:10  -903   33 
  2.6766 Filecharmz      0  0:10  -903   33            Group: not rated
                                             1.4267 mordeckhi   0  2:30  -899   37 

On 1st draw, STOOK H8 28 --- STOOK to stack upright in a field for drying, as bundles of grain [v]
Other tops: KATIS H4 28, KOTOS H4 28
Other moves: ASKOI H4 20, ASKOI H8 20, ATOKS H4 20, ATOKS H8 20, IKATS H4 20

On 2nd draw, PLUNKY 12D 30 --- PLUNKY marked by a quick, hollow metallic sound [adj]
Other moves: PYIN I10 25, KILTY 12H 24, KYLIN 12H 24, PIONY 10F 24, UPLINK 12C 24

On 3rd draw, OBOVATE 11H 31 --- OBOVATE ovate with the narrow end at the base [adj]
Other moves: ABOVE 13I 28, AMOVE 13I 28, MOVABLE E7 28, BEAM 13C 26, OMOV 11H 25

On 4th draw, HELMER N10 38 --- HELMER a film director [n]
Other tops: HELM 12L 38, HERM 12L 38
Other moves: HEM 12L 32, HIM 12L 32, LEHR 10L 32, HEM 10L 31, HIM 10L 31

On 5th draw, THORP 15K 42 --- THORP a small village [n]
Other moves: HELP 12L 36, HOLP 12L 36, THORN 15K 36, PHONE O6 35, TOPHE O6 35

On 6th draw, (E)GGFRUIT F7 72 --- EGGFRUIT a tropical tree [n]
Other moves: STOOKI(N)G H8 36, G(O)LF 12L 29, FR(A)TI O6 26, FIG(O) O7 25, RIFT(E) O6 25

On 7th draw, ANO(L)YTE O4 85 --- ANOLYTE the part of an electricity-conducting solution nearest the anode [n]
Other moves: ANO(L)YTE I3 70, ANO(L)YTE E1 69, (B)AYONET E1 69, (B)AYONET G1 66, ANO(L)YTE G1 63

On 8th draw, WAN N6 33 --- WAN to become wan [v] --- WAN unnaturally pale [adj]
Other tops: DAW N4 33, DOW N4 33
Other moves: ANOW N3 32, WALD 12L 32, WOLD 12L 32, NAW N4 31, NOW N4 31

On 9th draw, QIS 14J 39 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: STOOKIES H8 36, QIS 15D 35, QI 14J 33, NISEI 15D 31, ISNAE 15E 28

On 10th draw, CARLINE E1 69 --- CARLINE a beam supporting a ship's deck [n]
Other moves: CARLINE G1 63, ARCING 8A 30, CARING 8A 30, CERING 8A 30, LACING 8A 30

On 11th draw, ALIENAGE 4D 70 --- ALIENAGE the state of being foreign [n]
Other moves: STOOKING H8 39, ENCAGE 1C 30, INCAGE 1C 30, ACING 1D 27, CAAING 1E 27

On 12th draw, RETAX 2B 56 --- RETAX to tax again [v] --- TAX to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v]
Other moves: AXITES 15A 55, EXTRAS 15A 55, TAXERS 15A 55, TAXIES 15A 55, SIXER 5I 47

On 13th draw, OVERFINE K2 78 --- OVERFINE too refined [adj]
Other moves: FORGIVEN J1 75, COINFER 1E 45, CONIFER 1E 45, CORVINE 1E 45, CONFER 1E 42

On 14th draw, DEODATES 14A 70 --- DEODATE a gift to God [n]
Other moves: DECADES 1C 51, DECODES 1C 51, DECADE 1C 48, DECADS 1C 48, DECODE 1C 48

On 15th draw, AROID 15A 41 --- AROID a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: CARDIO 1E 36, DARIC 1A 34, DORIC 1A 34, CAIRD 1E 33, CARDI 1E 33

On 16th draw, CEBIDS 1E 42 --- CEBID one of a family of monkeys [n]
Other moves: CEBID 1E 39, CEIBAS 1E 39, ECADS 1D 39, SCAUD 1D 39, CADIES 1E 36
CABS 1E 33 charmz

On 17th draw, MAW 1A 31 --- MAW to mow [v]
Other moves: MAW M7 28, WALI 12L 28, MA 13C 25, MALI 12L 24, TAM M11 24

On 18th draw, CUZ N2 39 --- CUZ a cousin [n]
Other moves: L*Z N2 35, LUZ N2 35, ZEIN 6B 33, ZO J10 31, CAZ L10 28
VICE 3K 18 mordeckhi

On 19th draw, JUVE 3I 42 --- JUVE a juvenile lead [n]
Other moves: JO J10 25, JULEP D8 22, GUILE J4 21, JAI L10 20, JEU D7 20
JAIL I3 19 mordeckhi

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