On 1st draw, STOOK H8 28 --- STOOK to stack upright in a field for drying, as bundles of grain [v]
Other tops: KATIS H4 28, KOTOS H4 28
Other moves: ASKOI H4 20, ASKOI H8 20, ATOKS H4 20, ATOKS H8 20, IKATS H4 20
On 2nd draw, PLUNKY 12D 30 --- PLUNKY marked by a quick, hollow metallic sound [adj]
Other moves: PYIN I10 25, KILTY 12H 24, KYLIN 12H 24, PIONY 10F 24, UPLINK 12C 24
On 3rd draw, OBOVATE 11H 31 --- OBOVATE ovate with the narrow end at the base [adj]
Other moves: ABOVE 13I 28, AMOVE 13I 28, MOVABLE E7 28, BEAM 13C 26, OMOV 11H 25
On 4th draw, HELMER N10 38 --- HELMER a film director [n]
Other tops: HELM 12L 38, HERM 12L 38
Other moves: HEM 12L 32, HIM 12L 32, LEHR 10L 32, HEM 10L 31, HIM 10L 31
On 5th draw, THORP 15K 42 --- THORP a small village [n]
Other moves: HELP 12L 36, HOLP 12L 36, THORN 15K 36, PHONE O6 35, TOPHE O6 35
On 6th draw, (E)GGFRUIT F7 72 --- EGGFRUIT a tropical tree [n]
Other moves: STOOKI(N)G H8 36, G(O)LF 12L 29, FR(A)TI O6 26, FIG(O) O7 25, RIFT(E) O6 25
On 7th draw, ANO(L)YTE O4 85 --- ANOLYTE the part of an electricity-conducting solution nearest the anode [n]
Other moves: ANO(L)YTE I3 70, ANO(L)YTE E1 69, (B)AYONET E1 69, (B)AYONET G1 66, ANO(L)YTE G1 63
On 8th draw, WAN N6 33 --- WAN to become wan [v] --- WAN unnaturally pale [adj]
Other tops: DAW N4 33, DOW N4 33
Other moves: ANOW N3 32, WALD 12L 32, WOLD 12L 32, NAW N4 31, NOW N4 31
On 9th draw, QIS 14J 39 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: STOOKIES H8 36, QIS 15D 35, QI 14J 33, NISEI 15D 31, ISNAE 15E 28
On 10th draw, CARLINE E1 69 --- CARLINE a beam supporting a ship's deck [n]
Other moves: CARLINE G1 63, ARCING 8A 30, CARING 8A 30, CERING 8A 30, LACING 8A 30
On 11th draw, ALIENAGE 4D 70 --- ALIENAGE the state of being foreign [n]
Other moves: STOOKING H8 39, ENCAGE 1C 30, INCAGE 1C 30, ACING 1D 27, CAAING 1E 27
On 12th draw, RETAX 2B 56 --- RETAX to tax again [v] --- TAX to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v]
Other moves: AXITES 15A 55, EXTRAS 15A 55, TAXERS 15A 55, TAXIES 15A 55, SIXER 5I 47
On 13th draw, OVERFINE K2 78 --- OVERFINE too refined [adj]
Other moves: FORGIVEN J1 75, COINFER 1E 45, CONIFER 1E 45, CORVINE 1E 45, CONFER 1E 42
On 14th draw, DEODATES 14A 70 --- DEODATE a gift to God [n]
Other moves: DECADES 1C 51, DECODES 1C 51, DECADE 1C 48, DECADS 1C 48, DECODE 1C 48
On 15th draw, AROID 15A 41 --- AROID a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: CARDIO 1E 36, DARIC 1A 34, DORIC 1A 34, CAIRD 1E 33, CARDI 1E 33
On 16th draw, CEBIDS 1E 42 --- CEBID one of a family of monkeys [n]
Other moves: CEBID 1E 39, CEIBAS 1E 39, ECADS 1D 39, SCAUD 1D 39, CADIES 1E 36 CABS 1E 33 charmz
On 17th draw, MAW 1A 31 --- MAW to mow [v]
Other moves: MAW M7 28, WALI 12L 28, MA 13C 25, MALI 12L 24, TAM M11 24
On 18th draw, CUZ N2 39 --- CUZ a cousin [n]
Other moves: L*ZLEZ N2 35, LUZ N2 35, ZEIN 6B 33, ZO J10 31, CAZ L10 28 VICE 3K 18 mordeckhi
On 19th draw, JUVE 3I 42 --- JUVE a juvenile lead [n]
Other moves: JO J10 25, JULEP D8 22, GUILE J4 21, JAI L10 20, JEU D7 20 JAIL I3 19 mordeckhi