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Game of February 27, 2014 at 07:23, 2 players
1. 383 pts fatcat
2. 294 pts jimling

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?fhiioo   H4    28    28   hoofs
 2. deiilor   7E    64    92   oilfired
 3. aensttw   F3    65   157   tawniest
 4. ainnorv   8K    33   190   ravin
 5. afhinsz   G9    45   235   hafiz
 6. aacegnu   8A    35   270   cangue
 7. aegmrsu  13G    40   310   zeugmas
 8. ?aerrst   K3    82   392   parterres
 9. abelrsy   O4    66   458   blarneys
10. delortu   A8    86   544   clotured
11. eeinopt  14I    37   581   pointe
12. aijnpty   N6    53   634   jai
13. adeeioy  15L    39   673   eyed
14. eikopuv  N10    40   713   kip
15. beinoux  15F    58   771   unbox
16. acegmnw  B10    38   809   wame
17. cdeioov   L1    31   840   vied
18. ceiilno   1J    33   873   novice

Remaining tiles: giloqt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6458 Filefatcat      3 12:42  -490  383     1.6458 fatcat      3 12:42  -490  383 
  2.6439 Filejimling     0 11:41  -579  294     2.6439 jimling     0 11:41  -579  294 

On 1st draw, HOOF(S) H4 28 --- HOOF the hard covering on the feet of certain animals [n] --- HOOF to dance [v]
Other tops: (C)HOOF H8 28, (W)HOOF H8 28
Other moves: FO(L)IO H4 22, HIOI(S) H4 22, HI(K)OI H4 22, HOOF H5 20, HOOF H6 20

On 2nd draw, OILFIRED 7E 64 --- OILFIRED using oil as fuel [adj]
Other moves: IDOLI(S)ER 8C 60, OILIER G4 24, OLDIE G4 24, HOLDER 4H 20, RHODIE 4G 20

On 3rd draw, TAWNIEST F3 65 --- TAWNY light brown [adj]
Other moves: NEWTS 8K 33, SEWAN 8K 33, TAWSE 8K 33, TAWTS 8K 33, NEWTS 8A 29

On 4th draw, RAVIN 8K 33 --- RAVIN to devour greedily [v]
Other moves: RAVINE 8A 32, ARVO 8L 28, VINA E2 28, VINO E2 28, NAVARHO 4C 26

On 5th draw, HAFIZ G9 45 --- HAFIZ a Muslim who knows the Koran by heart [n]
Other moves: ZA E4 43, HAFIZ 4H 40, HAZERS K4 36, HAZIER K3 36, HAZER K4 34

On 6th draw, CANGUE 8A 35 --- CANGUE an ancient Chinese punishing device [n]
Other moves: CANGUE 3H 33, NAGA H12 32, GENA H10 29, ACE H13 26, GANACHE 4C 26
ACE H13 26 fatcat
NAG H12 19 jimling

On 7th draw, ZEUGMAS 13G 40 --- ZEUGMA the use of a word to modify or govern two or more words, while applying to each in a different sense [n]
Other moves: SAME H12 35, SAGE H12 32, MESA H10 31, RUSMA E1 30, AMU H13 26
SAME H12 35 fatcat
SAGE H12 32 jimling

On 8th draw, (P)ARTERRES K3 82 --- PARTERRE a section of a theater [n]
Other tops: TRA(V)ERSER K3 82, (B)ARTERERS K3 82
Other moves: CARRE(C)TS A8 80, CATER(E)RS A8 80, CAT(E)RERS A8 80, CRA(F)TERS A8 80, CREAT(O)RS A8 80
TEAR H12 18 jimling
ARREST(S) B8 16 fatcat

On 9th draw, BLARNEYS O4 66 --- BLARNEY to beguile with flattery [v]
Other moves: BLARNEYS C4 65, BASELY H10 49, BLAY L1 35, BLEY L1 35, BRAY L1 35
YE J10 28 fatcat
YEAR 12L 28 jimling

On 10th draw, CLOTURED A8 86 --- CLOTURE to end a debate by calling for a vote [v]
Other moves: ROUNDLET C5 62, UREDO E1 27, DEER H12 26, DEET H12 26, DELE H12 26
DEER H12 26 jimling, fatcat

On 11th draw, POINTE 14I 37 --- POINTE a ballet position [n]
Other moves: PONGEE J10 29, OPING J9 28, PENE B10 28, PENGO J10 28, PINE B10 28
POT 12L 20 jimling, fatcat

On 12th draw, JAI N6 53 --- JAI onward to victory (Indian) [interj]
Other moves: JANTY 3C 38, JA E4 37, JAY L2 37, YAP B10 35, YIP B10 35
JEAN 10J 27 jimling
JAY 4J 26 fatcat

On 13th draw, EYED 15L 39 --- EYE to watch closely [v]
Other moves: DOY 15H 33, AYE J9 31, EYE J9 31, OYE J9 31, YEAD L1 31
EYE J9 31 fatcat
YEA 15M 26 jimling

On 14th draw, KIP N10 40 --- KIP to sleep [v]
Other tops: KEP N10 40, KOP N10 40
Other moves: KOI N10 38, KUE N10 38, KI N10 37, KO N10 37, KO(P)PIE 3I 32
KOP N10 40 fatcat
KEPI 10J 20 jimling

On 15th draw, UNBOX 15F 58 --- UNBOX to remove from a box [v]
Other moves: BOX 15H 52, XI B10 52, IBEX L1 47, NOX 15H 46, BOX L2 43
IBEX L1 47 fatcat, jimling

On 16th draw, WAME B10 38 --- WAME the belly [n]
Other moves: WAGE B10 36, WEM B10 35, WANE B10 34, WAG B10 33, AWE J9 31
AWE J9 31 jimling
WEM 14D 24 fatcat

On 17th draw, VIED L1 31 --- VIE to strive for superiority [v]
Other tops: COO(P)ED 3H 31, VOID L1 31
Other moves: ED 14A 28, WAMED B10 28, COED L1 27, OVOID 12D 27, VID C13 26
VOID L1 31 fatcat

On 18th draw, NOVICE 1J 33 --- NOVICE a person new to any field or activity [n]
Other moves: LENTIC 3C 31, NOETIC 3C 31, OLIVINE 1I 30, VICE 1L 27, OVINE 1K 24
NOVICE 1J 33 fatcat

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