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Game of February 27, 2014 at 08:07, 3 players
1. 546 pts jimling
2. 515 pts fatcat
3. 425 pts babsbedi

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aabegky   H8    36    36   beaky
 2. deeirsu  11F    76   112   dukeries
 3. adeflrt   L7    76   188   faltered
 4. ?ehimnt   K3    81   269   thymine
 5. ?bcdert   I3    76   345   bracted
 6. imnopsv  12B    37   382   visnomy
 7. agilrsu   L1    26   408   glia
 8. afginor   1H   167   575   foraging
 9. adennvw  B10    40   615   waved
10. agntuuw   M3    30   645   gnaw
11. eoostuv  14J    36   681   vodous
12. ehirsty   6B    76   757   hysteric
13. aoopqtu   A8    54   811   quop
14. aeeinpr   O7    83   894   naperies
15. elottux  C10    44   938   exit
16. aeijnoz  A13    70  1008   jiz
17. cilnotu   D1    22  1030   coulis
18. aaenoot   5A    24  1054   tenia

Remaining tiles: aloo

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6415 Filejimling     1 15:37  -508  546     1.6415 jimling     1 15:37  -508  546 
  2.6460 Filefatcat      4 17:12  -539  515     2.6460 fatcat      4 17:12  -539  515 
  3.6782 Filebabsbedi    3 16:17  -629  425     3.6782 babsbedi    3 16:17  -629  425 

On 1st draw, BEAKY H8 36 --- BEAKY resembling a beak [adj]
Other moves: BEAKY H4 34, BEAKY H5 28, BEAKY H6 28, BEAKY H7 28, BYKE H5 26
BEAKY H8 36 fatcat, jimling

On 2nd draw, DUKERIES 11F 76 --- DUKERY a duke's seat [n]
Other moves: UREIDES I3 69, RESIDUE I2 64, DEBRUISE 8F 62, DUIKERS 11E 48, DUSKIER 11E 48
REEDY 12D 18 jimling
KIDS 11H 18 fatcat

On 3rd draw, FALTERED L7 76 --- FALTER to hesitate [v]
Other tops: DEFLATER L5 76, FALTERED L5 76, REFLATED L5 76
FASTER M9 26 jimling
RAFTED L7 22 fatcat

On 4th draw, TH(Y)MINE K3 81 --- THYMINE a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: TH(Y)MINE M1 80, HEM(A)TIN K2 79, TH(Y)MINE K1 77, HEM(A)TIN I3 74, TH(Y)MINE I2 70
HIDE(S) 14J 32 babsbedi
HIM M13 29 fatcat
MATH(S) 8K 27 jimling

On 5th draw, BR(A)CTED I3 76 --- BRACT a leaf that bears a flower in it's axil [adj] --- BRACTED having a bract [adj]
Other moves: B(A)CHED 4H 32, BEDD(E)R 14J 30, BEDR(I)D 14J 30, BR(O)CHED 4G 30, B(A)DDER 14J 30
B(U)DDER 14J 30 babsbedi
CRED(I)T 14I 20 fatcat
BR(A)CED 14G 16 jimling

On 6th draw, VISNOMY 12B 37 --- VISNOMY the act of judging character from appearance [n]
Other moves: SPIM L1 34, MORPHINS 4G 32, VIM L2 32, MORPHIN 4G 30, ORPHISM 4H 30
MOVES 13I 26 fatcat
MOP M13 25 jimling, babsbedi

On 7th draw, GLIA L1 26 --- GLIA supporting tissue that binds nerve tissue [n]
Other moves: GRAVIS B9 24, GURRAHS 4F 24, ARGILS M2 23, GLAIRS M2 23, GLAURS M2 23
GIRLS M3 21 jimling
HAILS 4K 18 fatcat
RAG M13 15 babsbedi

On 8th draw, FORAGING 1H 167 --- FORAGE to search about [v]
Other moves: FORAGING 1E 89, GONIF M3 53, FADING 14J 38, FAVOR B10 38, FORGING 1F 36
FORAGING 1H 117 jimling
FARING 1G 30 babsbedi
FIG M13 27 fatcat

On 9th draw, WAVED B10 40 --- WAVE to move freely back and forth or up and down [v]
Other moves: VADED 14J 36, WADED 14J 36, NAVEW 8K 33, WAVED 13I 32, DEAW M3 30
WAVED B10 40 babsbedi
WIVED C11 24 fatcat
WAVED 14H 20 jimling

On 10th draw, GNAW M3 30 --- GNAW to wear away by persistent biting [v]
Other moves: WAG A13 29, WITAN C11 28, TWA M3 27, WAN A13 26, WAT A13 26
WAG A13 29 fatcat, babsbedi, jimling

On 11th draw, VODOUS 14J 36 --- VODOU a primitive religion [n]
Other moves: VODOU 14J 34, VETOES 13A 30, VETO A7 26, NAVES 8K 24, TOSES M9 24
EVO A8 23 jimling
STOVED 14G 18 babsbedi
DOVE 14L 16 fatcat

On 12th draw, HYSTERIC 6B 76 --- HYSTERIC one who is subject to fits of hysteria [n]
Other tops: HYSTERI(A) 5B 76
Other moves: SHYEST O10 48, THYRSE O10 48, THYRSI O10 48, HIBERNATES 8F 45, THYRSES O8 42
HISSY O11 36 jimling
HEST O12 33 babsbedi
YES A13 26 fatcat

On 13th draw, QUOP A8 54 --- QUOP to throb [v]
Other moves: QUOTAS D1 50, QUAT A8 46, QUA A8 41, QUA 2F 37, QUOTHA B2 36
QUOP A8 54 fatcat, babsbedi
PAST O12 27 jimling

On 14th draw, NAPERIES O7 83 --- NAPERY table linen [n]
Other moves: PERINEA 2B 77, PERINEA C9 42, REPINE C9 38, PENIE C9 35, PANEER 5A 34
PRAISE O10 27 fatcat
PAN A13 22 babsbedi
RASP O12 21 jimling

On 15th draw, EXIT C10 44 --- EXIT to go out [v]
Other moves: TIX C11 43, TEX A13 35, EX A14 30, OX A14 30, DETOX 14B 29
TIX C11 43 jimling, babsbedi
OX A14 30 fatcat

On 16th draw, JIZ A13 70 --- JIZ a wig [n]
Other moves: JAZIES D1 60, ZANIES D1 50, JAZY C3 46, ZONAE 5A 44, JAI A13 43
JIZ A13 70 fatcat
JOE A13 43 jimling
ZANY C3 32 babsbedi

On 17th draw, COULIS D1 22 --- COULIS a thick sauce of pureed vegetable or fruit [n]
Other tops: CLINTS D1 22, CLONUS D1 22, CLOUTS D1 22, COITUS D1 22, COLINS D1 22, COUNTS D1 22, COUNTY C1 22, CUTINS D1 22, OCTYL C3 22, UNLICH B1 22
Other moves: JETTON 13A 21, NOUT 5C 21, CLOTH B2 20, CONSULT D3 20, COUTH B2 20
COUNTY C1 22 babsbedi
COUNTS D1 22 fatcat
CITY C3 18 jimling

On 18th draw, TENIA 5A 24 --- TENIA a tapeworm [n]
Other moves: ONIE 5B 22, ENACT 1A 21, JETTON 13A 21, TAE N4 21, TAO N4 21
ENACT 1A 21 fatcat

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