On 3rd draw, PANED 14F 30 --- PANE a sheet of glass for a window [adj] --- PANE to insert panels in [v]
Other tops: BANED 14F 30, DIEB 14C 30
Other moves: BANNED 14F 29, PANNED 14F 29, BIPEDAL B9 28, PENIAL B10 28, PENNIA 14F 28
On 4th draw, TOOTHIER 11E 94 --- TOOTHY having or showing prominent teeth [adj]
Other moves: TOOTHIER 11H 72, HOOTIER I3 71, TOO(T)HIER 10E 64, (T)OOTHIER 10H 64, HOOTIER 11E 40
On 5th draw, FAYRES A10 72 --- FAYRE a large market [n]
Other moves: FAYS A12 66, FEYS A12 66, AYRES A11 60, EYRAS A11 60, FRAYS A11 60
On 6th draw, JE(Z)EBEL G3 82 --- JEZEBEL a scheming, wicked woman [n]
Other tops: JE(Z)EBEL I3 82
Other moves: BEJE(W)EL B5 78, JE(Z)EBEL B5 78, BEJE(W)EL G3 74, BEJE(W)EL I3 74, EEJ(I)(T) 10D 54
On 7th draw, WHAE H1 45 --- WHAE (Scots) who [pron]
Other moves: HEAD H1 44, SHAD H1 44, SWAD H1 44, BEAD H1 41, HEADS 10J 36
On 8th draw, MAROONERS 8A 86 --- MAROONER one who is marooned [n]
Other moves: MAROONER 8A 33, OOM I1 33, RANSOMER 8A 33, AMINO 13F 30, MOANS 10J 29
On 9th draw, BLONDE 12G 36 --- BLONDE a fair complexioned and haired person [n]
Other moves: BIDING 13G 31, BINDLE 12D 30, BREDING C7 30, GIBED 13G 30, BIDON 13G 29
On 10th draw, XIS 13L 30 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: SAX M12 30, SIX M12 30
Other moves: TAXED 6D 29, AXED 6E 28, AXSEED 4D 28, TAXES 6D 28, XI 13L 28
On 11th draw, MY I2 35 --- MY the possessive form of the pronoun I [pron]
Other moves: GAMY B7 34, MATY B7 33, QATS N10 33, TWAY 10C 33, GAWSY N10 32 AY I2 31 charmz
On 12th draw, (T)OP 10H 27 --- TOP to cut off the top (the highest part, point, or surface) of [v]
Other tops: PACA 10L 27, PACO 10L 27
Other moves: CAUP 10C 26, CAUSA N10 26, COUP 10C 26, PAC 10L 26, YACCA 12A 26
On 13th draw, LIONISED N8 72 --- LIONISE to treat as a celebrity [v]
Other moves: INDOLE 15J 30, IODINE 15J 30, FOILED 10A 25, FOINED 10A 25, DONSIE N10 22
On 14th draw, AGORA O4 27 --- AGORA a market-place in ancient Greece [n] --- AGORA a monetary unit of Israel [n]
Other moves: GADE 15L 24, GARDA 15K 24, GRADE 15K 24, OARAGE B7 24, RAGDE 15K 24
On 18th draw, NEUK B3 40 --- NEUK a corner [n]
Other moves: EUK B4 37, KNAG B6 37, NEUK 10C 36, EUK 10D 35, KEA B6 35
On 19th draw, QUIZ 10C 75 --- QUIZ to test the knowledge of by asking questions [v]
Other moves: FIZ 10D 68, CUZ 10D 67, ZIG A1 43, ZO F10 31, QUIT D12 26