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Game of Mars 11, 2014 at 19:21, 3 players
1. 473 pts naomiari
2. 428 pts scrab21
3. 224 pts Kalikokat

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adehino   H4    28    28   hoiden
 2. bdeertu   5H    72   100   outbreed
 3. aeilouy   O4    30   130   odyle
 4. aaeiorw   L1    24   154   wirer
 5. aceilot   N8    74   228   aloetic
 6. aceilrw   2J    34   262   wailer
 7. ?fghorv  15K    42   304   frosh
 8. acnosst   8D    63   367   costeans
 9. ?agrsxy   6L    64   431   sexy
10. aikmrtv  M10    40   471   maik
11. abgiorv   1E    35   506   virago
12. aeglmno   1L    39   545   wame
13. eijlnot  14J    33   578   joe
14. bddeitu   3J    32   610   tired
15. annouvy  12J    32   642   vanity
16. aefnpru   F8    71   713   superfan
17. abggnos  15B    42   755   gobangs
18. einpqtt   C9    24   779   pentito
19. dilnquz   4D    36   815   nudzh

Remaining tiles: iilqu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6446 Filenaomiari    3 18:16  -342  473     1.6446 naomiari    3 18:16  -342  473 
  2.6157 Filescrab21     2 21:44  -387  428     2.6157 scrab21     2 21:44  -387  428 
  3.6145 FileKalikokat   0  4:17  -591  224     3.6145 Kalikokat   0  4:17  -591  224 

On 1st draw, HOIDEN H4 28 --- HOIDEN to act like a tomboy [v]
Other tops: HAINED H4 28, HONIED H4 28
Other moves: DONAH H8 26, HOAED H4 26, HONDA H4 26, HONED H4 26, HAINED H7 24
HONIED H4 28 naomiari
HAND H8 16 scrab21

On 2nd draw, OUTBREED 5H 72 --- OUTBREED to interbreed relatively unrelated stocks [v]
Other moves: REDOUBT 5E 40, BERTHED 4D 26, DEBUT G6 24, HERBED 4H 24, BEDE G6 23
BERTH 4D 20 scrab21
BED G3 17 naomiari

On 3rd draw, ODYLE O4 30 --- ODYLE a mystical pervasive force [n]
Other tops: LAYED O1 30, YAULD O1 30, YIELD O1 30
Other moves: DAILY O5 27, DELAY O5 27, DOILY O5 27, AERILY L3 26, AUDILE O3 24
LAYED O1 30 scrab21
DAILY O5 27 naomiari

On 4th draw, WIRER L1 24 --- WIRER one that wires [n]
Other tops: ARROW L4 24, WRIER L1 24
Other moves: AWARE G7 22, OWER G7 21, AWA G7 20, AWAITER J1 20, AWE G7 20
OW 4L 19 naomiari
RAW N8 16 scrab21

On 5th draw, ALOETIC N8 74 --- ALOE an African plant [adj] --- ALOETIC medicine containing aloes [n]
Other moves: ALOETIC I7 73, ALOETIC G9 64, ALOETIC I9 64, TWICE 1K 30, COITAL 2J 28
TWICE 1K 30 naomiari, scrab21

On 6th draw, WAILER 2J 34 --- WAILER one that wails [n]
Other moves: WAWE 1L 30, WAWL 1L 30, BECRAWL K5 28, WAIL M10 27, WEAL M10 27
WRITE 12K 18 scrab21

On 7th draw, FRO(S)H 15K 42 --- FROSH a freshman [n]
Other moves: GO(S)H 15L 36, F(A)H M11 32, F(E)H M11 32, RHY 6M 32, FORTH 12K 30
HO 1N 26 scrab21
(O)HO 1H 20 naomiari

On 8th draw, COSTEANS 8D 63 --- COSTEAN to dig down to the bedrock [v]
Other tops: CONTESSA 8D 63
Other moves: SANCHOS 4D 28, CANSO 1F 26, CANTO 1F 26, CASTS 10F 26, COSTA 10F 26
COST 10F 23 naomiari
CATS 12L 14 scrab21

On 9th draw, S(E)XY 6L 64 --- SEXY arousing sexual desire [adj]
Other moves: Y(E)X M11 48, GR(E)X M10 46, RAX M11 42, S(E)XY 10H 40, XYS(T) 10F 40
S(E)XY 6L 64 naomiari
RAX M11 42 Kalikokat
AX(E)S F5 26 scrab21

On 10th draw, MAIK M10 40 --- MAIK a halfpenny [n]
Other moves: KAIM M10 38, KIVA 1G 38, MIKRA 1F 38, MAK M11 36, MIKVAH 4C 36
MAK M11 36 naomiari
MA 1N 22 Kalikokat
KEX N4 20 scrab21

On 11th draw, VIRAGO 1E 35 --- VIRAGO a noisy, domineering woman [n]
Other tops: BRAVO 1F 35
Other moves: VIRGA 1F 32, GARBO 1F 29, VIGA 1G 29, VIRAGO 14F 27, ARVO 1G 26
BA 1N 22 Kalikokat
BO 1N 22 scrab21
BIO 1H 20 naomiari

On 12th draw, WAME 1L 39 --- WAME the belly [n]
Other moves: ENGRAM 3I 37, WANE 1L 31, WENA 1L 31, MENG L9 30, MEGA L9 29
MO 1N 22 Kalikokat
MO 14J 15 naomiari

On 13th draw, JOE 14J 33 --- JOE a fellow [n]
Other moves: JOSTLE F6 31, INJECT D4 30, JO 14J 30, JOIN 6F 29, JEST F6 27
JOE 14J 33 naomiari, scrab21

On 14th draw, TIRED 3J 32 --- TIRED sapped of strength [adj]
Other moves: BRED 3K 30, IRED 3K 24, DEB 2F 23, DOUBTED E7 22, TIRE 3J 22
CUBED D8 20 scrab21
DEX N4 14 naomiari
BITE 12L 14 Kalikokat

On 15th draw, VANITY 12J 32 --- VANITY inflated pride in oneself [n]
Other tops: NOVITY 12J 32
Other moves: ANNUITY 12I 28, UNITY 12K 24, ANY 9G 23, ONY 9G 23, CANYON D8 22
ANY 9G 23 Kalikokat, naomiari
VITA 12L 16 scrab21

On 16th draw, SUPERFAN F8 71 --- SUPERFAN an exceedingly devoted enthusiast [n]
Other moves: FEN 2F 31, FER 2F 31, FE 2F 28, FAINE 6F 24, FURNACE D3 24
FER 2F 31 Kalikokat
FEN 2F 31 naomiari, scrab21

On 17th draw, GOBANGS 15B 42 --- GOBANG a Japanese board game [n]
Other moves: OBANGS 15C 36, BANGS 15D 33, BONGS 15D 33, BANNS 15D 30, GANGS 15D 27
BANGS 15D 33 scrab21
OB E10 20 naomiari
NAGS 15F 15 Kalikokat

On 18th draw, PENTITO C9 24 --- PENTITO in Italy, a Mafia criminal who has become a police informer [n]
Other tops: PETTING B9 24
Other moves: PITTER 12A 22, PEINCT D4 20, PENTITI 6D 19, NIPTER 12A 18, PE E11 18
PITTER 12A 22 scrab21
PE E11 18 naomiari

On 19th draw, NUDZH 4D 36 --- NUDZH to noodge [v]
Other moves: QUIN 6F 35, ZED 10B 33, DITZ 12A 32, ZEL 10B 32, LUTZ 12A 28
QUIN 6F 35 scrab21, naomiari
ZED 10B 33 Kalikokat

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