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Game of Mars 17, 2014 at 00:37, 5 players
1. 493 pts roocatcher
2. 433 pts gene49
3. 330 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. dfiotuw   H8    22    22   dowf
 2. dehijry   I9    35    57   hey
 3. aehlmrt   G5    33    90   almeh
 4. aenopsu   F9    75   165   posaune
 5. deeefno  E10    26   191   dof
 6. ?deostw  15A   185   376   outweeds
 7. eimnprs   J6    48   424   prism
 8. aeiijnr   8J    63   487   injera
 9. ?agntuu   C8    68   555   untaught
10. cegiklt   H1    47   602   glike
11. abcennt   8A    30   632   taube
12. beglory   2B    82   714   gorbelly
13. adeiior   3B    28   742   oread
14. eirtuvz   4A    59   801   trez
15. anoqtuv   M8    50   851   equant
16. ceinrst   O1    83   934   cisterna
17. aiiilvv   K3    24   958   viva
18. aciilno   N8    20   978   rin
19. aceioox   N2    38  1016   xi
20. aceiloo   M3    22  1038   calo

Remaining tiles: eiiio

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6721 Fileroocatcher  2 17:24  -545  493     1.7056 GLOBEMAN    5  8:32  -708  330 
  2.6155 Filegene49      2 27:44  -605  433            Group: intermediate
  3.7056 FileGLOBEMAN    5  8:32  -708  330     1.6721 roocatcher  2 17:24  -545  493 
  4.6127 FileKalikokat   2  4:30  -864  174     2.6155 gene49      2 27:44  -605  433 
  5.3904 Files.martin    0  1:07 -1002   36     3.6127 Kalikokat   2  4:30  -864  174 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3904 s.martin    0  1:07 -1002   36 

On 1st draw, DOWF H8 22 --- DOWF dull [adj]
Other tops: DOWF H5 22, DOWF H6 22, DOWF H7 22
Other moves: WOF H6 18, WOF H7 18, WOF H8 18, DOWT H5 16, DOWT H6 16
FOUD H5 16 roocatcher
FIDO H6 16 gene49

On 2nd draw, HEY I9 35 --- HEY to dance a country dance [v] --- HEY used to attract attention [interj]
Other moves: JOYRIDE 9G 31, HEY G7 29, HEY I7 29, J*W 10F 29, YEH G7 29
YEH G7 29 roocatcher
JERID 8D 21 gene49

On 3rd draw, ALMEH G5 33 --- ALMEH an Egyptian girl who sings and dances professionally [n]
Other moves: HA G9 28, HE G9 28, HAME J7 27, LAH G7 27, RAH G7 27
HAME J7 27 roocatcher
HERALD 8C 11 gene49

On 4th draw, POSAUNE F9 75 --- POSAUNE the trombone [n]
Other moves: APOLUNES 6D 64, UNSOAPED 8A 36, PAUSE J6 33, PSOAE J6 33, NEAPS H1 32
SPANE 12I 24 roocatcher
PAESANO 5F 18 gene49

On 5th draw, DOF E10 26 --- DOF stupid (South African slang) [adj]
Other tops: DEF E10 26
Other moves: FEED 15E 24, FEND 15E 24, FEOD 15E 24, DONEE H1 23, NEF E10 23
FEOD 15E 24 gene49
FEED 15E 24 roocatcher

On 6th draw, O(U)TWEEDS 15A 185 --- OUTWEED to root out [v]
Other moves: DOW(I)EST J4 91, (G)OWDEST J4 91, (B)ESTOWED 15E 89, O(U)TWEEDS 15B 86, SOWT(H)ED 12I 84
SWEET(E)D 15C 42 roocatcher
ST(R)OWED 12I 34 gene49

On 7th draw, PRISM J6 48 --- PRISM a solid which disperses light into a spectrum [n]
Other moves: ISM J8 38, NIMPS H1 38, PERMS H1 38, PREMS H1 38, PRIME H1 38
IMPRESA 5A 22 gene49
ME 14B 16 roocatcher

On 8th draw, INJERA 8J 63 --- INJERA a type of Ethiopian bread [n]
Other moves: INJERA H1 46, INJERA 14H 31, INJERA K1 30, JANE F2 29, JEAN F2 29
JEAN 5E 22 gene49
JA K5 22 roocatcher

On 9th draw, UNTAUG(H)T C8 68 --- UNTEACH to cause to unlearn something [v]
Other tops: UNGU(L)ATE M1 68
Other moves: U(N)GUENTA M4 60, UNGUE(N)TA M4 59, JUGAT(E) L8 26, JUGU(L)A L8 26, JAUNT L8 24
T(A)NGA H1 23 gene49
(S)NAG 12I 17 roocatcher

On 10th draw, GLIKE H1 47 --- GLIKE a jest [n]
Other moves: ICKLE H1 38, KLIEG H1 36, KLUGE 8A 36, TICKLER N2 30, KLIEG D4 29
TICKLE M3 26 gene49
GLIKE K2 24 roocatcher

On 11th draw, TAUBE 8A 30 --- TAUBE a German plane [n]
Other tops: JACENT L8 30
Other moves: BANC K10 27, BANNET K10 27, BAC K10 25, ABUNE 8A 24, ACUTE 8A 24
ACUTE 8A 24 roocatcher
BANNET M4 10 gene49

On 12th draw, GORBELLY 2B 82 --- GORBELLY a potbelly [n]
Other moves: GORBELLY 2C 78, BOGEY K10 33, GLOBBY D4 33, BERYL K10 31, BOGY K10 31
BEY 7M 25 roocatcher
BERYL 6C 18 gene49

On 13th draw, OREAD 3B 28 --- OREAD a mountain nymph in Greek mythology [n]
Other moves: RADE 1A 27, JERID L8 26, IDEA 3B 25, ODEA 3B 25, ODEA 9L 25
RADE 1A 27 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
ROADIE M3 16 gene49

On 14th draw, TREZ 4A 59 --- TREZ threepence [n]
Other moves: REZ 4B 55, VEZIR N4 37, TREZ N7 33, BAIZE E2 32, REZ N8 32
ZEA B6 32 roocatcher
ZEE M7 23 Kalikokat
VIRTUE M3 20 gene49

On 15th draw, EQUANT M8 50 --- EQUANT a geometric adjustment to explain planetary motion [n]
Other moves: QUA B6 32, QUOTA K2 32, QUA K4 28, TAN 1D 27, TON 1D 27
QUA B6 32 Kalikokat
QUOTA K2 32 gene49
QUART N5 16 roocatcher

On 16th draw, CISTERNA O1 83 --- CISTERNA a fluid-containing sac [n]
CREST 14J 42 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
INCEST 14I 36 s.martin, gene49
ICERS 14I 29 Kalikokat

On 17th draw, VIVA K3 24 --- VIVA a shout or cry used to express approval [n] --- VIVA to examine orally [v]
Other moves: VALVE 5K 22, VIVAS 3K 22, VIVAT 4K 22, VAVS 3L 20, VIVE E5 20
AVAIL 11K 16 gene49
VAIN 12J 14 roocatcher
VIA B6 14 Kalikokat

On 18th draw, RIN N8 20 --- RIN to run or melt [v]
Other tops: IONIC 12K 20, LAIC L11 20, LINAC 12K 20
Other moves: AGONIC 1G 19, ANIONIC 14E 18, AVIONS 3J 18, LAIC N11 18, LAIN N2 18
LINAC 12K 20 gene49
VAC 3K 16 Kalikokat
CLAN 12J 12 roocatcher

On 19th draw, XI N2 38 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: AXENIC 12J 36, AXONIC 12J 36, EXONIC 12J 36, XENIC 12K 34, VEX 3K 26
XI N2 38 Kalikokat, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
VEX 3K 26 gene49

On 20th draw, CALO M3 22 --- CALO a Spanish argot used by Chicano youths [n]
Other tops: AEONIC 12J 22, CEIL M3 22, CIAO M3 22, CIEL M3 22, COAL M3 22, COIL M3 22, COLA M3 22, COLE M3 22, COOL M3 22
Other moves: CEL M3 20, COL M3 20, COO M3 20, LAIC L11 20, LINAC 12K 20
COLA M3 22 roocatcher
COOL M3 22 Kalikokat, GLOBEMAN
AEONIC 12J 22 gene49

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