Game of April 23, 2014 at 13:34, 4 players
1. 501 pts roocatcher
2. 260 pts faythe
3. 229 pts GLOBEMAN
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 32 32 


5E 94 126 


K5 68 194 


J3 70 264 


8A 77 341 


6A 29 370 


10E 65 435 


11C 52 487 


A1 24 511 


12A 45 556 


4J 34 590 


A12 21 611 


12H 24 635 


13G 29 664 


14F 28 692 


15D 65 757 


N1 40 797 


3L 28 825 


3A 22 847 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
roocatcher 6 19:04 -346 501 1.7169 GLOBEMAN 4 6:14 -618 229
faythe 1 8:03 -587 260 Group: intermediate
GLOBEMAN 4 6:14 -618 229 1.6870 roocatcher 6 19:04 -346 501
s.martin 0 1:41 -823 24 2.6134 faythe 1 8:03 -587 260
Group: novice
1.5798 s.martin 0 1:41 -823 24
On 1st draw, HIVED H4 32 --- HIVE to cause to enter a hive (a bee's nest) [v]
Other moves: HIVED H8 28, HIVED H5 24, HIVED H6 24, HIVED H7 24, HAVE H5 20
On 2nd draw, DERI(S)ORY 5E 94 --- DERISORY expressing derision [adj]
Other tops: (B)ROIDERY 5E 94, (J)OYRIDER 5D 94
Other moves: OVERDY(E)R 6G 68, OV(E)RDYER 6G 68, O(V)ERDYER 7B 66, ORDER(L)Y G8 64, ORDER(L)Y I8 64
Y(A)RDER G7 25 faythe
On 3rd draw, RADIATES K5 68 --- RADIATE to emit rays [v]
Other moves: AIRDATES K3 59, DATARIES K1 59, TEADS 4J 26, TEAD 4J 24, ADIT 4L 22
SEAT 6J 17 faythe
On 4th draw, CLOZE J3 70 --- CLOZE a test of reading comprehension [n]
Other tops: COOZE J3 70
Other moves: COZE J4 69, OOZE J4 67, HIZEN 4H 66, COZ J4 65, ZINCY L1 58
COZE J4 69 roocatcher
COZ J4 65 faythe
On 5th draw, (R)ETAINED 8A 77 --- RETAIN to keep possession of [v]
Other tops: ANTI(W)EED 8A 77, ENTAI(L)ED 8A 77, TAENI(A)E L8 77, (D)ETAINED 8A 77, (L)INEATED 8A 77
Other moves: T(A)ENIAE L8 76, (M)ATINEE L9 73, (R)ETINAE L9 73, (B)ETAINE J9 69, (L)INEATE J9 69
(S)IN 8J 19 faythe
INTE(R) 8K 15 roocatcher
On 6th draw, RETRIM 6A 29 --- RETRIM to trim again [v] --- TRIM to make trim by cutting [v]
Other moves: MELT 4L 28, MERI 4L 28, MERL 4L 28, MILE 4L 28, MILT 4L 28
RETRIM 6A 29 roocatcher, faythe
On 7th draw, OUTWAITS 10E 65 --- OUTWAIT to exceed in patience [v]
Other moves: OUTWAR A1 39, TWAYS L2 34, WAYS L3 32, WAST L9 27, WIST L9 27
SIT 8J 21 faythe
TOWS L11 20 roocatcher
On 8th draw, SIXMO 11C 52 --- SIXMO a paper size [n]
Other moves: ORYX L3 47, MIRK 4L 44, MOSK 4L 44, MIX 11C 42, OXIM 4L 42
MIX 11C 42 faythe, roocatcher
On 9th draw, RIGOUR A1 24 --- RIGOUR failure to react to stimulus [n]
Other tops: GORIER A1 24, OURIE 12E 24
Other moves: OGEE 4L 22, OGRE 4L 22, OUR 12E 21, OURIER A1 21, GROUSE 12G 20
OGRE 4L 22 faythe
GORSE 12H 16 roocatcher
On 10th draw, PIONY 12A 45 --- PIONY a showy flower [n]
Other tops: TYPO 12D 45
Other moves: PINY 12B 37, PIOY 12B 37, PITY 12B 37, PONY 12B 37, STINGY L10 34
PIONY 12A 45 roocatcher
OPT 4L 20 faythe
On 11th draw, LEAPT 4J 34 --- LEAP to spring off the ground [v]
Other moves: LEAP 4J 32, APPLET A10 30, LAPPET A10 30, LEANT 4J 30, BAEL 4L 28
PALP A12 24 roocatcher, s.martin
On 12th draw, PEAG A12 21 --- PEAG a form of currency once used by North American Indians [n]
Other tops: PAGE A12 21
Other moves: ILEAL 8K 18, ILIAL 8K 18, PAIL A12 18, PALE A12 18, PALL A12 18
PAGE A12 21 roocatcher
On 13th draw, FALSE 12H 24 --- FALSE contrary to truth or fact [adj] --- FALSE to deceive [v]
Other tops: QAT N2 24
Other moves: FINABLE J9 23, EF B1 22, FAA 9I 21, FAB 9B 21, FAS L8 21
FALSE 12H 24 roocatcher
On 14th draw, BAH 13G 29 --- BAH an exclamation of disgust [interj]
Other tops: EDH 13A 29
Other moves: DUH B2 28, DAH 13G 27, DUAN 3L 27, DUB B2 25, NAH 13G 25
DAUB M12 24 roocatcher
On 15th draw, GENAL 14F 28 --- GENAL of the cheek [adj]
Other moves: FACE H12 27, LEGAL 14F 27, GENA 14F 25, EGAL 14G 24, FANG H12 24
FACE H12 27 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 16th draw, FOOTS 15D 65 --- FOOT to walk [v]
Other moves: ROOTS 15D 47, OOTS 15E 41, ROTO 15E 41, ROTS 15E 41, FORTE B2 33
FOOTS 15D 65 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
On 17th draw, QUITED N1 40 --- QUITE to depart from or stop [v]
Other moves: QI 10B 34, QUINTET C2 34, QUBIT C2 32, QUEINT C1 30, QUEP M1 30
QUITED N1 40 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 18th draw, BOIL 3L 28 --- BOIL to vaporize liquid [v]
Other tops: COIL 3L 28, COIN 3L 28
Other moves: BOI 3L 26, LOWN O5 26, NOWL O5 26, BLOC 3E 24, NOW B2 24
LOWN O5 26 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 19th draw, GJU 3A 22 --- GJU an old Shetland viol [n]
Other moves: INRUN 8K 18, INURN 8K 18, WE 7G 18, WE G7 18, JA I9 17
SOWN C11 14 roocatcher
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