Game of April 27, 2014 at 14:10, 1 player
1. 26 pts faythe
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H2 70 70 


5E 32 102 


2B 82 184 


8A 92 276 


B5 74 350 


E8 68 418 


15B 27 445 


12D 38 483 


1A 41 524 


C6 34 558 


13C 44 602 


14A 43 645 


11G 29 674 


L1 33 707 


12L 34 741 


13M 38 779 


14J 87 866 


1L 42 908 


N1 30 938 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
faythe 0 1:39 -912 26 1.6135 faythe 0 1:39 -912 26
On 1st draw, ELDRESS H2 70 --- ELDRESS a female elder (a church officer) [n]
Other moves: ELDRESS H3 68, ELDRESS H4 68, ELDRESS H6 68, ELDRESS H7 68, ELDRESS H8 68
On 2nd draw, GUERITE 5E 32 --- GUERITE a turret [n]
Other moves: GUMTREE 5D 20, LEGUME 3H 20, DEGUM 4H 18, EMEU G5 18, EMIGRE 5D 18
On 3rd draw, FRIVO(L)ED 2B 82 --- FRIVOL to behave playfully [v]
Other moves: FRIVOL(E)D 3C 80, DISF(A)VOR 7F 70, DISF(A)VOR 8F 65, FIDO(S) L1 32, FOID(S) L1 32
On 4th draw, ADIPOSIS 8A 92 --- ADIPOSIS obesity [n]
Other moves: ADIPOSIS 7C 64, ADIPOSIS 7A 63, ADIPOSIS 8C 63, SOAP 1A 41, PADIS L1 31
On 5th draw, GOODBYE(S) B5 74 --- GOODBYE a concluding remark or gesture at parting [n]
Other moves: BOOGEYE(D) K1 63, (B)OOB 1A 38, (D)OOB 1A 38, B(I)OG 1A 35, BOGEY 4K 34
On 6th draw, OUTLINED E8 68 --- OUTLINE to indicate the main features or different parts of [v]
Other moves: UNTILTED J3 65, UNTITLED J3 65, LEUD 1A 33, LIED 1A 33, NIED 1A 33
On 7th draw, UREDIAL 15B 27 --- UREDIAL pertaining to a uredium [adj]
Other moves: ALURE D11 26, REAL 1A 25, RIAL 1A 25, RIEL 1A 25, ROUL 1A 25
On 8th draw, NIQAB 12D 38 --- NIQAB (Arabic) a type of veil worn by some Muslim women that is made of lightweight opaque fabric and leaves only the eyes uncovered [n]
Other moves: BEAT 1A 31, WEB 14D 29, QAT A4 27, NEAT 1A 25, WANED 4D 25
On 9th draw, TEEM 1A 41 --- TEEM to be full to overflowing [v]
Other moves: MEETER 6F 36, MEET 1A 31, REMEET 14D 30, EMEER 14E 27, MEET 6F 26
On 10th draw, WHIO C6 34 --- WHIO New Zealand mountain duck [n]
Other moves: THEOW 4K 32, HEWN 13G 31, HOWE 13G 31, HEW 13G 30, HOW 13G 30
HI F14 26 faythe
On 11th draw, PANIM 13C 44 --- PANIM a heathen [n]
Other moves: PRIMY 4K 36, PAYNIM 11G 34, YEP 14D 29, PANIM 4K 28, PYA 14A 28
On 12th draw, AXE 14A 43 --- AXE to ax [v]
Other moves: RELAX 4K 42, XI 14B 41, RAXED 4D 40, AX 14A 36, AX 3C 36
On 13th draw, COIGNE 11G 29 --- COIGNE to secure with a type of wedge [v]
Other moves: JONG 11G 28, COGIE 11G 27, COIGN 11G 27, CONGE 11G 27, JOG 11G 27
On 14th draw, FRATS L1 33 --- FRAT a college fraternity [n]
Other tops: FAROS L1 33, F*RTSFARTS L1 33, FORTS L1 33
Other moves: FAR 3B 32, FAS 3B 32, AFROS 12K 30, FOIST I9 30, FRIST I9 30
On 15th draw, TACK 12L 34 --- TACK to fasten with tacks (short, sharp-pointed nails) [v]
Other tops: NOCK 12L 34, TOCK 12L 34
Other moves: FANK 1L 33, ATOK 12L 30, AVOCET L7 30, TANK 12L 30, TONK 12L 30
On 16th draw, RHY 13M 38 --- RHY a grass [n]
Other tops: YEH M1 38
Other moves: HAYED 4D 34, RHY 13K 34, KHAN O12 33, KYAR O12 33, KYNE O12 33
On 17th draw, ZLOTE 14J 87 --- ZLOTY a monetary unit of Poland [n]
Other moves: JIZ 10L 49, ZITE 14K 45, CHEZ N12 36, CHIZ N12 36, TOZE 10L 36
On 18th draw, FUJI 1L 42 --- FUJI a silk fabric [n]
Other moves: RAJ 10L 29, JAR A4 27, JUN A4 27, RAJ A4 27, UNFAIR 1J 27
On 19th draw, JOANNA N1 30 --- JOANNA a piano [n]
Other moves: ARNA 2K 28, JAVA N1 28, ORRA 2K 28, VARNA A4 27, AN 2N 24
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