Game of May 4, 2014 at 08:45, 4 players
1. 483 pts roocatcher
2. 121 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 89 pts elcee51
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 64 64 


11E 36 100 


12A 32 132 


9B 67 199 


14G 80 279 


15L 52 331 


8A 51 382 


10A 43 425 


15C 74 499 


13G 36 535 


A10 24 559 


13L 31 590 


10K 37 627 


J3 75 702 


O4 36 738 


4E 74 812 


N1 47 859 


1L 27 886 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
roocatcher 1 17:37 -403 483 1.7171 GLOBEMAN 0 5:56 -765 121
GLOBEMAN 0 5:56 -765 121 Group: intermediate
3. -
elcee51 0 6:02 -797 89 1.6917 roocatcher 1 17:37 -403 483
s.martin 0 1:19 -850 36 2.6822 s.martin 0 1:19 -850 36
Group: not rated
1. - elcee51 0 6:02 -797 89
On 1st draw, (I)SOTRON H8 64 --- ISOTRON a device for separating isotopes [n]
Other tops: N(I)TROSO H2 64, N(I)TROSO H4 64, N(I)TROSO H6 64, N(I)TROSO H7 64, N(I)TROSO H8 64, R(A)TOONS H2 64, R(A)TOONS H4 64, R(A)TOONS H6 64, R(A)TOONS H7 64, R(A)TOONS H8 64, S(A)NTOOR H2 64, S(A)NTOOR H4 64, S(A)NTOOR H6 64, S(A)NTOOR H7 64, S(A)NTOOR H8 64, TONSOR(S) H2 64, TONSOR(S) H3 64, TONSOR(S) H4 64, TONSOR(S) H7 64, TONSOR(S) H8 64, TON(S)ORS H2 64, TON(S)ORS H3 64, TON(S)ORS H4 64, TON(S)ORS H6 64, TON(S)ORS H7 64, TON(S)ORS H8 64, TORS(I)ON H2 64, TORS(I)ON H3 64, TORS(I)ON H4 64, TORS(I)ON H6 64, TORS(I)ON H7 64, TRO(G)ONS H2 64, TRO(G)ONS H3 64, TRO(G)ONS H4 64, TRO(G)ONS H6 64, TRO(G)ONS H7 64, TRO(G)ONS H8 64, T(H)ORONS H2 64, T(H)ORONS H4 64, T(H)ORONS H6 64, T(H)ORONS H7 64, T(H)ORONS H8 64, (C)ONSORT H2 64, (C)ONSORT H3 64, (C)ONSORT H6 64, (C)ONSORT H7 64, (C)ONSORT H8 64, (C)ROTONS H2 64, (C)ROTONS H3 64, (C)ROTONS H6 64, (C)ROTONS H7 64, (C)ROTONS H8 64, (E)NROOTS H2 64, (E)NROOTS H3 64, (E)NROOTS H6 64, (E)NROOTS H7 64, (E)NROOTS H8 64, (I)SOTRON H2 64, (I)SOTRON H3 64, (I)SOTRON H6 64, (I)SOTRON H7 64, (P)ROTONS H2 64, (P)ROTONS H3 64, (P)ROTONS H6 64, (P)ROTONS H7 64, (P)ROTONS H8 64, (U)NROOST H2 64, (U)NROOST H3 64, (U)NROOST H6 64, (U)NROOST H7 64, (U)NROOST H8 64, (U)NROOTS H2 64, (U)NROOTS H3 64, (U)NROOTS H6 64, (U)NROOTS H7 64, (U)NROOTS H8 64
Other moves: N(I)TROSO H3 62, N(I)TROSO H5 62, R(A)TOONS H3 62, R(A)TOONS H5 62, S(A)NTOOR H3 62
SOON(E)R H4 12 roocatcher
STRON(G) H4 12 elcee51
On 2nd draw, PLATANE 11E 36 --- PLATANE a large tree [n]
Other moves: PALAVER 12B 24, LEAP G10 22, NEAP G10 22, PALEA G8 20, PAV G13 20
PAVER 12D 20 roocatcher, elcee51
On 3rd draw, FARCI 12A 32 --- FARCI stuffed with finely chopped meat [adj]
Other tops: FARCE 12A 32
Other moves: CARVE 12A 30, CAVIE 12A 30, CRAVE 12A 30, FAVER 12K 29, FIVER 12K 29
FACER 12K 27 elcee51
FAR I13 21 roocatcher
On 4th draw, DOWNCAST 9B 67 --- DOWNCAST an overthrow or ruin [n]
Other moves: FAWN A12 30, FACT A12 27, COWARD C8 26, FADO A12 24, FAND A12 24
FAWN A12 30 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN, elcee51
On 5th draw, ENORMITY 14G 80 --- ENORMITY a grave offense against decency [n]
Other moves: MOTEY 12K 32, MOY 8A 32, YOM 8A 31, DREAMY B9 28, FERM A12 27
FIRM A12 27 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
On 6th draw, FEED 15L 52 --- FEED to give food to [v]
Other tops: FEOD 15L 52
Other moves: DEAF 15L 42, FADO 8A 39, *FF*DEFFED A11 36, OFFED A11 36, DEAF 15I 30
OFFED A11 36 roocatcher, s.martin
On 7th draw, WEKA 8A 51 --- WEKA a flightless bird [n]
Other moves: KAW 13L 45, AWOKE 13F 43, HOKA 13G 42, HOKE 13G 42, WOKE 13G 42
FANK A12 33 roocatcher
On 8th draw, THAE 10A 43 --- THAE these; those [adj]
Other tops: THAN 10A 43
Other moves: HAE 10B 42, HAN 10B 42, HA 10B 35, AH 10A 28, EH 10A 28
AH 13M 25 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
On 9th draw, VIXENS 15C 74 --- VIXEN a shrewish woman [n]
Other moves: HIVES 15D 68, NIXES 15D 62, VEINS 15D 59, VINES 15D 59, NESH 15F 49
NIXES 15D 62 roocatcher
On 10th draw, HOY 13G 36 --- HOY a heavy barge or scow [n] --- HOY to incite [v]
Other moves: HONEY 12K 35, RHYNE 12H 34, YEH 13B 34, FOGY A12 33, HYING 12K 33
HO 13N 14 roocatcher
On 11th draw, TIFTE(D) A10 24 --- TIFT to lunch [v]
Other tops: TUFTE(D) A10 24, TUFTE(R) A10 24, TUF(F)ET A10 24
Other moves: (D)UET 13L 23, (D)UNE 13L 23, (D)UNT 13L 23, (K)UNE 13L 23, (K)UTI 13L 23
FINE A12 21 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
On 12th draw, GANG 13L 31 --- GANG to form into a gang (a group) [v]
Other moves: GAL 13L 27, GAN 13L 27, AGING 12K 20, ANI 13M 18, ANN 13M 18
GANG 13L 31 roocatcher
On 13th draw, ADOZE 10K 37 --- ADOZE dozing [adj]
Other moves: ADOZE 10J 26, LEA F11 24, ADZE 10J 23, ZOA G7 23, ADZ 10J 22
ZOA G7 23 roocatcher
On 14th draw, ODOROUS J3 75 --- ODOROUS having an odor [adj]
Other moves: ODORS J5 25, DOOS J6 24, DORS J6 24, DUOS J6 24, ODOURS J4 24
ROOSED O6 21 roocatcher
On 15th draw, GETABLE O4 36 --- GET to obtain or acquire [adj] --- GETABLE able to be got [adj]
Other moves: GEEBAG O8 33, BAGEL I3 30, BEGAT I3 30, GATELEG O7 30, BAGUET O6 27
BAT 11M 22 roocatcher
On 16th draw, UNBRIDLE 4E 74 --- UNBRIDLE to set loose [v]
Other moves: BINER K3 29, RUBINE K1 29, BEIN K5 26, BINE K3 25, BRINE K2 25
BINE I3 23 roocatcher
On 17th draw, PIQUES N1 47 --- PIQUE to arouse anger or resentment in [v]
Other moves: QUIRES H1 45, RISQUE M2 44, QUIRE H1 42, EQUIP 5A 40, QUEP 5B 38
QUIRES H1 45 roocatcher
On 18th draw, IMPI 1L 27 --- IMPI a body of South African warriors [n]
Other moves: VIM 5C 24, VUM 5C 24, ILIUM 5A 22, RIMU 5C 22, MURRI H1 21
MIL I3 17 roocatcher
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