Game of May 9, 2014 at 03:58, 2 players
1. 399 pts elcee51
2. 5 pts iwhist
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 26 26 


I6 39 65 


G7 41 106 


5F 79 185 


F10 35 220 


L1 48 268 


4A 71 339 


C3 76 415 


14A 68 483 


15G 35 518 


15A 51 569 


8A 36 605 


1L 42 647 


13A 38 685 


N1 34 719 


E11 48 767 


D12 34 801 


O6 32 833 


A1 36 869 


14K 21 890 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
1. -
elcee51 4 17:36 -491 399 1.6525 iwhist 0 1:53 -885 5
iwhist 0 1:53 -885 5 Group: not rated
1. - elcee51 4 17:36 -491 399
On 1st draw, ROGUY H8 26 --- ROGUY pertaining to a rogue [adj]
Other moves: ROGUY H4 20, ROGUY H5 18, ROGUY H6 18, ROGUY H7 18, GOEY H5 16
On 2nd draw, ILEX I6 39 --- ILEX a shrub of the holly family [n]
Other moves: LEX I7 38, REX I7 38, XI I9 37, EX I8 36, RELAX G7 31
On 3rd draw, JUGA G7 41 --- JUGUM a pair of the opposite leaflets of a pinnate leaf [n]
Other moves: JAG G7 37, JOG G7 37, JUG G7 37, JAUNT J2 34, JOTUN J2 34
On 4th draw, DAB(S)TER 5F 79 --- DABSTER a bungler [n]
Other tops: RABIDE(S)T 6F 79, TABERD(S) 5C 79
Other moves: BETRAY(E)D 12C 76, B(E)TRAYED 12C 76, DRYBEAT(S) 12F 76, U(M)BRATED 11H 70, DIATR(I)BE 6H 68
On 5th draw, HOPES F10 35 --- HOPE to have a desire or expectation [v]
Other moves: HOISE F10 33, HONES F10 33, HOSEN F10 33, HEPS F10 32, HESP F10 32
On 6th draw, Q(U)ATRE L1 48 --- QUATRE the four at cards or dice [n]
Other moves: TRA(N)Q L4 46, P(R)EMATURE 8A 45, Q(U)ATE 6B 40, PARQ(U)ET L3 36, Q(U)EP 4D 35
Q(U)AD F2 33 elcee51
On 7th draw, ORATION 4A 71 --- ORATION a formal speech [n]
Other moves: TRANQ 1H 42, INRO M1 26, INTO M1 26, INORB H1 24, ITA M1 22
INTO M1 26 elcee51
On 8th draw, TARTUFES C3 76 --- TARTUFE a hypocrite [n]
Other moves: TUFTERS M6 64, FEST 3C 32, FETS 3C 32, FETT 3C 32, FUST 3C 32
FOSTER A3 27 elcee51
On 9th draw, ADENOSES 14A 68 --- ADENOSIS abnormal growth of glandular tissue [n]
Other moves: SEASONED 14C 63, SEASONED 14F 61, EASED M3 34, NOSED M3 34, DOSE M3 30
SAFE 8A 24 elcee51
On 10th draw, NIECES 15G 35 --- NIECE a daughter of one's brother of sister [n]
Other moves: AINEE 15A 34, ASCIAN A10 33, CAFES 8A 33, INCASE 15H 33, CAFE 8A 30
NIECES 15G 35 elcee51
On 11th draw, WADE 15A 51 --- WADE to walk through water [v]
Other moves: QUAD 1L 42, QUOD 1L 42, WAD 15A 42, WED 15A 42, WAE 15A 38
WADE 15A 51 elcee51
On 12th draw, OFFAL 8A 36 --- OFFAL waste material [n]
Other moves: FIFE 8A 33, FO(U)LIE 2J 32, FOLIOLE A3 30, FO(U)LE 2J 30, OF 13B 28
FIFE 8A 33 elcee51
On 13th draw, QUAG 1L 42 --- QUAG a quagmire [n]
Other moves: MAGE 13C 32, GAME 13C 31, MALE 13C 29, MANE 13C 29, ALMUG 3E 27
QUAG 1L 42 elcee51
On 14th draw, MOB 13A 38 --- MOB to crowd about [v]
Other moves: BONER 13C 37, MONER 13C 37, NOMA 13A 37, ROMA 13A 37, MABE 13C 35
BARM 14K 22 elcee51
On 15th draw, ARTILY N1 34 --- ARTILY in an arty manner [adv]
Other moves: CYTON A1 30, TOLUIC 11E 29, ANTICLY N1 28, LYNE D12 25, TYNE D12 25
On 16th draw, ZO E11 48 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other tops: ZONOID A1 48
Other moves: ZIPPY 12D 42, PEZANT 3I 40, PIZED 14K 40, PIEZO 14K 38, PIZE 14K 36
DIP 14K 11 elcee51
On 17th draw, PENE D12 34 --- PENE to beat with a rounded hammer head [v]
Other moves: EPHORI A1 33, KEPHIRS L9 32, HIKER 14K 31, EPHOR A1 30, HOPPY 12D 30
HIKER 14K 31 elcee51
On 18th draw, ADMIRE O6 32 --- ADMIRE to regard with wonder, pleasure, and approval [v]
Other moves: AIMED O6 29, AMIDE O6 29, ARMED O6 29, ADMIRE 3E 28, ARMED 3E 27
ADMIRE O6 32 elcee51
YE 6N 5 iwhist
On 19th draw, HIKOI A1 36 --- HIKOI (Maori) to take part in a protest march, HIKOIS, HIKOIING, HIKOIED [v]
Other moves: KILO A1 24, KINO A1 24, KNIVE 11K 24, KNIVE K11 24, KHIS L12 22
HILI N11 19 elcee51
On 20th draw, WILI 14K 21 --- WILI the spirit of a maiden [n]
Other tops: WINN 14K 21
Other moves: WILI N11 19, WINN N11 19, WINNLE 11J 18, WINNLE K10 18, WILIS L11 16
WIN 14K 13 elcee51
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