Game of May 9, 2014 at 04:47, 2 players
1. 45 pts roocatcher
2. 31 pts elcee51
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 24 24 


10B 71 95 


C8 48 143 


8A 36 179 


15A 53 232 


14C 69 301 


15I 74 375 


11F 34 409 


A4 26 435 


M8 78 513 


G2 74 587 


B2 38 625 


8J 51 676 


F6 64 740 


H1 49 789 


N6 28 817 


5E 24 841 


12G 22 863 


O1 26 889 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
roocatcher 0 1:07 -844 45 1.6881 roocatcher 0 1:07 -844 45
elcee51 0 1:47 -858 31 2.6435 elcee51 0 1:47 -858 31
On 1st draw, AIERY H8 24 --- AIERY the nest of a bird of prey [n]
Other moves: AIERY H4 18, AYRIE H4 18, AYRIE H8 18, EYRIE H4 18, EYRIE H8 18
YEAR H5 14 elcee51
On 2nd draw, VOI(V)ODES 10B 71 --- VOIVODE an army leader [n]
Other moves: OVOIDA(L)S 8C 65, (V)OIVODES 10B 63, DISROO(T) 11E 28, ODORIS(E) 11E 28, S(P)OROID 11E 28
VOIDS G5 17 elcee51
On 3rd draw, EXOMION C8 48 --- EXOMION a Roman sleeveless garment [n]
Other moves: EXONYM 12D 36, EPOXY 12D 34, MOXIE C9 34, EXOMION F5 32, OXIME D8 30
On 4th draw, ALEFT 8A 36 --- ALEFT to the left hand [adv]
Other moves: ALEF 8A 33, FAVA B8 28, FAENA 8A 27, NAVAL B8 25, FAINT 12A 24
On 5th draw, GOSH 15A 53 --- GOSH used as an exclamation of surprise [interj]
Other moves: RESH 15A 50, HOSER 15A 44, HOSE 15A 41, EFS 15A 35, EHS 15A 35
On 6th draw, NECROSES 14C 69 --- NECROSE to affect with necrosis [v] --- NECROSIS the death of living tissue [n]
Other moves: ONCERS 14B 31, ONCER 14B 29, ONCES 14B 29, CLEVES B7 26, CLOVES B7 26
On 7th draw, (M)INUTIA 15I 74 --- MINUTIA a small detail [n]
Other moves: NAUTI(L)I 13I 69, (M)INUTIAL B1 68, (H)UITAIN 13I 65, (M)INUTIA 13I 65, (H)UITAINS I3 64
On 8th draw, FERITY 11F 34 --- FERITY wildness [n]
Other moves: RARIFY 11F 31, FAIRY 12A 30, YATE 14L 27, YITE 14L 27, RARITY 11F 25
REFS I7 23 roocatcher
On 9th draw, QIBLA A4 26 --- QIBLA the direction Muslims face when praying [n]
Other moves: QI B12 24, QI I7 23, NEB 14L 22, NIB 14L 22, QI N14 22
QI N14 22 roocatcher
On 10th draw, PROVIANT M8 78 --- PROVIANT provisions [n]
Other moves: PROVIANT E1 76, PORINA B1 39, PAVIN B1 33, PROVANT M9 30, RAVIN B1 29
On 11th draw, BETHANK G2 74 --- BETHANK to thank [v]
Other moves: BEPAT 8K 30, BINK 12L 30, EPHA 8L 30, HAIK 12A 30, KITH 12L 30
On 12th draw, GRIDE B2 38 --- GRIDE to scrape harshly [v]
Other moves: WIDE H1 37, WIPED 8K 36, CEDI H1 34, CIDE H1 34, WRIED N6 34
On 13th draw, COWPEA 8J 51 --- COWPEA a black-eyed pea [n]
Other moves: OCHREAE 5E 48, WARE H1 33, WERE H1 33, WERO H1 33, WORE H1 33
On 14th draw, ZO F6 64 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ZED H1 46, ZEL H1 42, ZOL H1 42, TOWZED 4G 40, ZO H1 37
On 15th draw, JADE H1 49 --- JADE to weary [v]
Other moves: JAM H1 44, JAIL 12A 38, JET H1 36, DAME H1 35, MADE H1 34
On 16th draw, ADEEM N6 28 --- ADEEM to take away [v]
Other moves: EDH 5E 27, DAH 5E 26, DEEM N7 25, LAVED B8 25, LAH 5E 24
On 17th draw, NAH 5E 24 --- NAH no [adv]
Other tops: RAH 5E 24
Other moves: NAW F1 22, RAW F1 22, TAW F1 22, WAIN 12A 22, WAIR 12A 22
On 18th draw, WYTE 12G 22 --- WYTE to write [v]
Other tops: WEIL 12A 22
Other moves: REPUTED 3B 20, WEPT M3 20, WIPE 12L 20, LETUP M2 18, PE L12 18
On 19th draw, GURLET O1 26 --- GURLET a pickaxe [n]
Other moves: BARRULET 2G 24, REGLUED 3B 18, REURGED 3B 18, GUILE 12A 16, GUILT 12A 16
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