Game of May 9, 2014 at 22:18, 3 players
1. 593 pts musdrive
2. 139 pts SQUAW1
3. 27 pts bobt45
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 26 26 


4G 70 96 


3J 45 141 


10B 84 225 


O4 45 270 


E4 94 364 


12B 86 450 


D1 33 483 


1B 83 566 


N6 31 597 


J3 37 634 


M9 36 670 


12K 54 724 


13A 40 764 


14D 70 834 


O11 42 876 


11I 26 902 


G7 36 938 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
musdrive 4 16:07 -345 593 1.7581 musdrive 4 16:07 -345 593
SQUAW1 1 1:57 -799 139 2.7349 SQUAW1 1 1:57 -799 139
bobt45 0 2:39 -911 27 Group: not rated
1.4610 bobt45 0 2:39 -911 27
On 1st draw, VETOER H4 26 --- VETOER one that vetoes [n]
Other moves: VOTER H4 24, REVOTE H3 20, REVOTE H4 20, REVOTE H7 20, REVOTE H8 20
VETOER H4 26 musdrive
On 2nd draw, AVIATIO(N) 4G 70 --- AVIATION the aircraft industry [n]
Other moves: (Z)OIATRIA 9C 59, AVIATI(C) 4G 18, AVIATO(R) 4G 18, TAI(H)OA G5 18, VIATI(C)A 4H 18
AVIATO(R) 4G 18 musdrive
On 3rd draw, MAXI 3J 45 --- MAXI a long skirt or coat [n]
Other moves: ADMIX 3K 44, MAXED 5E 42, MIXED 5E 42, MUXED 5E 42, AXE I6 39
MIXED 5E 42 musdrive
On 4th draw, EPONYMS 10B 84 --- EPONYM a person after whom something is named [n]
Other moves: EPONYMS 2D 75, EPONYMS G9 72, EPONYMS I9 72, MOPSY O1 51, POESY O1 45
YEPS O1 42 musdrive
On 5th draw, SCRAY O4 45 --- SCRAY the tern [n]
Other tops: SCARY O4 45
Other moves: CARVY 3C 43, CAYS O1 42, VACS O1 42, VARDY 3C 41, CARDY 3C 39
CAYS O1 42 musdrive
On 6th draw, REINVENT E4 94 --- INVENT to devise originally [v] --- REINVENT to invent again [v]
Other moves: INVENTER E6 72, REINVENT E7 72, NERVINE E5 40, INTERNE E5 28, VIRENT 5E 27
OVERT D10 16 musdrive
On 7th draw, BO(O)SHIT 12B 86 --- BOOSHIT (Australian slang) excellent [n]
Other tops: B(O)OSHIT 12B 86
Other moves: ISOB(A)TH 12D 84, BOTHI(E)S N8 83, B(O)OSHIT N8 83, (P)HOBIST 2E 81, BO(O)SHIT N8 79
B(A)THS 12A 36 musdrive
On 8th draw, COPED D1 33 --- COPE to contend or strive [v]
Other moves: GEODE 5G 31, COPER D1 30, PODGE D3 30, COPE 13A 29, CORED D1 29
COPED D1 33 musdrive
On 9th draw, RECULING 1B 83 --- RECULE to force back [v]
Other tops: ULCERING 1B 83
Other moves: REGULINE B3 61, CLINGER 1D 30, CLUEING 1D 30, CRINGLE 1D 30, CURLING 1D 30
CURLING 1D 30 musdrive
On 10th draw, OAKED N6 31 --- OAKED (of wine) stored for a time in oak barrels before bottling [adj]
Other moves: DEKARE 9D 30, RANKED B1 30, KADE 13A 29, KAED 13A 28, KOND 13A 28
RANKED B1 30 musdrive
On 11th draw, MANQUE J3 37 --- MANQUE frustrated in the fulfillment of one's aspirations [adj]
Other moves: EQUINE B5 35, BEDUIN M9 34, QUINE B6 34, REQUIN B1 34, EQUID M10 33
EQUINE B5 35 musdrive
On 12th draw, WIRRA M9 36 --- WIRRA used to express sorrow [interj]
Other tops: WAINS M9 36, WAIRS M9 36, WARNS M9 36
Other moves: SWAIN M8 34, SWAN M8 33, RAWN 13A 29, RAWS 13A 29, SAWN 13A 29
WAINS M9 36 musdrive
On 13th draw, HERTZ 12K 54 --- HERTZ a unit of frequency [n]
Other moves: TEAZE L10 49, TREZ 12L 46, ZA G7 44, THEAVE 8A 39, HAZE K8 37
ZETA L8 35 musdrive
On 14th draw, GOFF 13A 40 --- GOFF to play golf (a ball game) [v]
Other moves: TEFF 13A 38, TOFF 13A 38, *FFEFF 13B 36, OFF 13B 36, FOGLE 13G 31
GOFF 13A 40 musdrive
FLEER 4A 12 bobt45
On 15th draw, TANGLED 14D 70 --- TANGLE to bring together in intricate confusion [v]
Other moves: ZEAL O12 39, ZETA O12 39, GANEV 8A 30, DOGATE 2C 24, RANGED B1 24
ZETA O12 39 musdrive
GAD A13 15 bobt45
On 16th draw, AZANS O11 42 --- AZAN the Muslim call to prayer [n]
Other moves: ZEAL O12 39, ZEAS O12 39, ZELS O12 39, JA G7 36, ALANE 15H 29
ZEAS O12 39 musdrive
On 17th draw, BLUER 11I 26 --- BLUE having the color of the clear sky [adj]
Other moves: OB 14A 25, LEONE 5G 20, OBE 11I 20, OLE 15H 20, ROUBLE B1 20
OB 14A 25 SQUAW1, musdrive
On 18th draw, JO G7 36 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other moves: GJU A13 33, OW 14A 29, JOULE B6 28, IDOL 15H 27, JATO K2 26
OW 14A 29 musdrive
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