Game of May 16, 2014 at 00:12, 5 players
1. 247 pts roocatcher
2. 96 pts faythe
3. 88 pts dannyboy
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 22 22 


7B 72 94 


E5 36 130 


8A 31 161 


A8 86 247 


11G 32 279 


12L 30 309 


13I 45 354 


14F 58 412 


6I 73 485 


L2 72 557 


15G 43 600 


5A 62 662 


2E 74 736 


1A 52 788 


O4 39 827 


O12 33 860 


F5 27 887 


D3 24 911 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
roocatcher 0 11:06 -664 247 1.7464 dannyboy 0 2:35 -823 88
faythe 2 6:37 -815 96 2.7320 GLOBEMAN 0 0:42 -872 39
dannyboy 0 2:35 -823 88 3.7144 s.martin 0 1:14 -884 27
GLOBEMAN 0 0:42 -872 39 Group: intermediate
s.martin 0 1:14 -884 27 1.6904 roocatcher 0 11:06 -664 247
2.6135 faythe 2 6:37 -815 96
On 1st draw, NAGGED H7 22 --- NAG to find fault incessantly [v]
Other tops: GANGED H4 22, GANGED H7 22, GONGED H4 22, GONGED H7 22, NOGGED H7 22
Other moves: GADGE H4 20, GAGED H4 20, GAGED H8 20, GANGED H3 20, GANGED H8 20
DOG H6 10 roocatcher
On 2nd draw, TEAZLING 7B 72 --- TEAZLE to raise a nap on fabric [v]
Other moves: GLITZED 12B 36, GAZE 10H 34, GLAZED 12C 34, ZAG 10F 33, ZIG 10F 33
ZAG 10F 33 roocatcher
L*Z G6LEZ G6 27 s.martin
On 3rd draw, COZIED E5 36 --- COZY to attempt to get on friendly terms [v]
Other tops: COED 8A 36, ZODIAC E7 36
Other moves: COZED E5 34, ZOECIA E7 34, CADE 8A 32, CADI 8A 32, CEDI 8A 32
COZED E5 34 roocatcher
On 4th draw, PILEI 8A 31 --- PILEUS the umbrella-shaped portion of a mushroom [n]
Other moves: CAPTIVE 5E 28, LITAI 8A 25, PAVE D9 25, ELATIVE C7 22, PAVED 12D 22
VAT 8A 22 roocatcher
On 5th draw, PE(R)INEUM A8 86 --- PERINEUM a region of the body at the lower end of the trunk [n]
Other moves: DEMI(L)UNE 12H 72, ECUMENI(C) 5D 72, (S)EMINUDE 12B 70, MEUNIE(R)E 11G 68, IN(S)EEM D10 23
EM 9B 18 roocatcher
On 6th draw, FEIJOA 11G 32 --- FEIJOA a green edible fruit [n]
Other moves: ADJIGO 10D 31, FEIJOA F9 30, GAJO 10H 28, FEAT B11 27, EEJIT 11G 24
JEDI 12F 12 roocatcher
On 7th draw, REEK 12L 30 --- REEK to give off a strong, unpleasant odor [v]
Other tops: REIK 12L 30, TEEK 12L 30, TREK 12L 30
Other moves: EEK 9A 27, EIKED 12D 25, IRKED 12D 25, JERK J11 25, KITED 12D 25
QAT L10 24 roocatcher
On 8th draw, MERCH 13I 45 --- MERCH (colloquial) merchandise [n]
Other moves: CROMED 13I 40, HOMED 13I 39, REDOCK O7 39, CHEERO N9 38, OCHERED N9 38
On 9th draw, UN(T)AX 14F 58 --- UNTAX to remit a tax on [v]
Other moves: AX(E) 14I 55, RAX 14H 55, R(O)UX 14G 55, (B)RUX 14G 55, (C)RUX 14G 55
RAX 14H 55 roocatcher, dannyboy
On 10th draw, ABSINTH 6I 73 --- ABSINTH a bitter liqueur [n]
Other moves: ABSINTHE N5 71, BHAKTIS O9 48, BANKITS O9 39, TAKHIS O10 39, THANKS O8 39
THANKS O8 39 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 11th draw, SARDINED L2 72 --- SARDINE to pack tightly [v]
Other moves: DARKENS O9 36, DASHED O3 36, DREAD 15E 34, DAKERS O10 33, DASHER O3 33
On 12th draw, YAY 15G 43 --- YAY an affirmative vote [n]
Other moves: OKAYS O11 36, RYAS 15F 36, HAIRY O6 33, HOARY O6 33, HORSY O6 33
On 13th draw, ROOTCAPS 5A 62 --- ROOTCAP the loose mass of cells that covers the tip of some roots [n]
Other moves: PORTHOS O2 39, PATHOS O3 36, POTASH O1 36, POTHOS O3 36, SPARTH O1 36
SPARK O8 33 dannyboy
On 14th draw, LOWLIVES 2E 74 --- LOWLIFE a despicable person [n]
Other moves: VIEWS H1 45, VOWER A1 36, WEEVIL 8J 36, WIVER A1 36, WIVES H1 36
On 15th draw, ROQUET 1A 52 --- ROQUET to cause one's own ball to hit another in croquet [v]
Other moves: QUOTE 1A 47, ROQUE 1A 47, TOQUE 1A 47, WUTHER O3 39, QUOTED 12C 37
On 16th draw, BAHUT O4 39 --- BAHUT a fancy chest [n]
Other moves: BOTHAN O3 36, BATIK O8 33, BOINK O8 33, BHUNA O5 30, HABIT O6 30
KUTA O12 24 faythe
On 17th draw, KIFS O12 33 --- KIF hemp smoked to produce euphoria [n]
Other moves: FINOS 13C 27, FIRNS 13C 27, FLIRS H1 27, FLITS H1 27, FLORS H1 27
KIFS O12 33 faythe
On 18th draw, AWL F5 27 --- AWL a pointed tool for making small holes [n]
Other tops: OW 6E 27
Other moves: WOON 3F 26, WOOT 3F 26, INTRO 3C 24, NITRO 3C 24, TWO 3E 22
AWL F5 27 faythe
On 19th draw, VITTAE D3 24 --- VITTA a streak or bank of colour [n]
Other tops: INTRO 3C 24, NITRO 3C 24
Other moves: ENVIRO 13A 20, ONTO B12 20, ROIN 3F 20, ROON 3F 20, ROOT 3F 20
AVO 3L 12 faythe
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