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Game of May 16, 2014 at 10:20, 1 player
1. 231 pts faythe

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eiotyy   H7    30    30   moyity
 2. ajloqrs  10F    32    62   jailors
 3. defimos   K5    52   114   deiform
 4. aegirsu   8K    30   144   fugie
 5. acdefit   J2    39   183   decaf
 6. aabenpr  11C    25   208   peba
 7. enortuu  12B    32   240   toner
 8. ?abeims   A7    90   330   ableism
 9. aeinrsv   B1    76   406   avenirs
10. aehiorv   L1    42   448   havior
11. adeiino  13A    31   479   mode
12. adeglns   N7    74   553   signaled
13. aelnrtw  O11    40   593   water
14. chiknou   1A    54   647   hack
15. elnoqrx   B9    51   698   ox
16. ginoptt   1L    27   725   hipt
17. aeloruu   G1    61   786   rouleau
18. gilntuw  M13    30   816   wig
19. eilntuz   D1    40   856   kunzite

Remaining tiles: lnnqt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6135 Filefaythe      2  6:03  -625  231     1.6135 faythe      2  6:03  -625  231 

On 1st draw, (M)OYITY H7 30 --- MOYITY a half [n]
Other moves: TY(P)EY H8 28, YE(S)TY H4 28, YE(S)TY H8 28, E(G)OITY H7 24, (M)OIETY H7 24

On 2nd draw, JAILORS 10F 32 --- JAILOR a keeper of a jail [n]
Other moves: JAILOR 10F 31, JOLS G8 31, JAILS 10F 30, SOJA G6 30, RIOJAS 10G 29

On 3rd draw, DEIFORM K5 52 --- DEIFORM having the form of a god [adj]
Other tops: DISFORM K5 52
Other moves: MOIDERS K5 40, FOETID 11E 36, MISFED L8 30, MODIFY 12C 30, FEODS 11J 29

On 4th draw, FUGIE 8K 30 --- FUGIE a runaway [n]
Other tops: FRAGS 8K 30, FR*GS 8K 30, FRUGS 8K 30
Other moves: FAIRS 8K 27, FARES 8K 27, FARSE 8K 27, FEARS 8K 27, FERIA 8K 27

On 5th draw, DECAF J2 39 --- DECAF decaffeinated coffee [n]
Other moves: DAFT J4 34, DEFT J4 34, FIATED L1 34, FACED J2 33, AFT J5 32

On 6th draw, PEBA 11C 25 --- PEBA a type of armadillo [n]
Other tops: APART 11D 25, BRANT 11D 25, PALEA I8 25, PEART 11D 25
Other moves: APNEA 11B 23, AREPA 11B 23, BANT 11E 23, PANT 11E 23, PART 11E 23

On 7th draw, TONER 12B 32 --- TONER one that tones [n]
Other tops: NOTER 12B 32, TENOR 12B 32
Other moves: ONER 12C 30, NOR 12D 24, TOR 12D 24, TRONE 12A 24, NOTE 12B 20

On 8th draw, AB(L)EISM A7 90 --- ABLEISM prejudice or discrimination against disabled people [n]
Other tops: AMB(R)IES A6 90, BEAMIS(H) A7 90, EMBAI(L)S A6 90, EMBAI(L)S A9 90, IMBASE(D) A8 90, IMBASE(D) A9 90, IMBASE(S) A8 90, IMBASE(S) A9 90, IMBA(S)ES A6 90, IMBA(S)ES A9 90, MA(U)BIES A6 90, (L)AMBIES A6 90
Other moves: IMBASE(S) A6 85, IMBA(S)ES A8 85, AMBE(R)IES 3G 80, BEAMI(N)GS M2 76, BI(G)AMIES N7 76

On 9th draw, AVENIRS B1 76 --- AVENIR future [n]
Other tops: RAVINES B1 76
Other moves: SANDIVER 2G 74, RAVINES G2 66, INVADERS 2F 64, MAISE 13A 34, SAVINE 14A 33

On 10th draw, HAVIOR L1 42 --- HAVIOR behavior [n]
Other moves: HAVIOR 1A 39, HAVER 1A 36, HEAVIER 3I 34, HAVE 1A 33, HEAVER 3I 32

On 11th draw, MODE 13A 31 --- MODE a method of doing or acting [n]
Other tops: MADE 13A 31
Other moves: MAID 13A 30, MEAD 13A 30, DEN 13C 28, AHIND 1K 27, IDE 13C 27

On 12th draw, SIGNALED N7 74 --- SIGNAL to notify by a means of communication [v]
Other moves: SIGNALED 5A 70, SLANGED 14D 69, DEALINGS N4 66, LEADINGS N4 66, SLANGED G2 66

On 13th draw, WATER O11 40 --- WATER to sprinkle with water (a transparent, odorless, tasteless liquid) [v]
Other tops: WALER O11 40
Other moves: NARWAL 1A 39, LAWER M11 33, TAWER M11 33, THRAW 1K 33, THREW 1K 33
WHALE 1K 33 faythe

On 14th draw, HACK 1A 54 --- HACK to cut or chop roughly [v]
Other moves: HAICK 1A 51, HAIKU 1A 51, HAIK 1A 48, HANK 1A 48, CAUK 1A 45
HACK 1A 54 faythe

On 15th draw, OX B9 51 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: LOX M13 30, NOX M13 30, UNSEX L8 30, SOREX L10 28, VEX 3L 26
OX B9 51 faythe

On 16th draw, HIPT 1L 27 --- HIP to build a type of roof [v]
Other tops: OHING 1K 27, THING 1K 27, THONG 1K 27
Other moves: PIG M13 26, GIP M13 24, HING 1L 24, HONG 1L 24, PETTING 3A 24
HONG 1L 24 faythe

On 17th draw, ROULEAU G1 61 --- ROULEAU a roll of coins wrapped in paper [n]
Other moves: UROPODAL C8 25, UROPOD C8 23, ALOE M12 21, LAR M11 21, LEAVER 3I 20
PORE N1 12 faythe

On 18th draw, WIG M13 30 --- WIG to provide with a wig (an artificial covering of hair for the head) [v]
Other tops: WINGLET 13I 30
Other moves: WIN M13 28, WIT M13 28, WRIT 1F 21, GIN M13 20, GIT M13 20
WRIT 1F 21 faythe

On 19th draw, KUNZITE D1 40 --- KUNZITE a mineral [n]
Other moves: TREZ 1F 39, KLUTZ D1 36, REZ 1G 36, RIZ 1G 36, ZONED 2F 35
RIZ 1G 36 faythe

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