Game of May 16, 2014 at 16:22, 2 players
1. 277 pts Kalikokat
2. 151 pts Grace_Tjie
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 72 72 


13F 72 144 


15D 60 204 


11E 102 306 


9D 60 366 


12A 47 413 


A12 42 455 


B10 42 497 


A6 56 553 


14J 25 578 


E2 70 648 


15L 37 685 


2E 65 750 


1K 40 790 


O8 63 853 


1G 50 903 


N9 31 934 


4A 54 988 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
Kalikokat 2 7:27 -711 277 1.6144 Kalikokat 2 7:27 -711 277
Grace_Tjie 0 5:34 -837 151 2.6379 Grace_Tjie 0 5:34 -837 151
On 1st draw, E(C)TOPIA H8 72 --- ECTOPIA congenital displacement of parts or organs [n]
Other tops: OPIATE(D) H3 72, OPIATE(S) H3 72
Other moves: ATOPIE(S) H2 68, ATOPIE(S) H3 68, ATOPIE(S) H4 68, ATOPIE(S) H7 68, ATOPIE(S) H8 68
TAPE(R) H4 14 Grace_Tjie
On 2nd draw, TRIGLOT(S) 13F 72 --- TRIGLOT a book written in three languages [n]
Other moves: TR(I)GLOT G2 61, TR(I)GLOT I2 61, GROT(S) 15D 45, TROG(S) 15D 42, GLO(S)T 15E 39
On 3rd draw, COLDS 15D 60 --- COLD the relative lack of heat; a chill [n]
Other tops: CLODS 15D 60, CODES 15D 60, COEDS 15D 60
Other moves: COLES 15D 57, COOLS 15D 57, DECOS 15D 57, DOCOS 15D 57, DOLCES 15C 57
On 4th draw, DEMONIAC 11E 102 --- DEMONIAC one regarded as possessed by a demon [n]
Other tops: DAEMONIC 11D 102
Other moves: MEDICANT L6 80, COMEDIAN 11G 76, MEDICANT F6 75, MEDCINAL J6 71, MEDICANT 10A 67
MEAN 12K 21 Grace_Tjie
On 5th draw, TRAN(C)ING 9D 60 --- TRANCE to put into a trance (a semiconscious state) [v]
Other moves: GIANT 12K 29, GAIN 12K 25, GAIR 12K 25, GAIT 12K 25, AIRN 12L 21
On 6th draw, JASPE 12A 47 --- JASPE rayon cloth with a shaded effect [n]
Other moves: JAPE 8A 45, JAPS 8A 45, POLJES 12A 42, JALOP 12D 39, JALOPS C10 39
On 7th draw, JOEY A12 42 --- JOEY a young kangaroo [n]
Other moves: DAILY 12K 41, DOILY 12K 41, EYLIAD 8A 41, EYOT 10E 39, JADE A12 36
JADE A12 36 Grace_Tjie
On 8th draw, HEARD B10 42 --- HEAR to perceive by the ear [v] --- HEARD herd [n]
Other moves: HEADS B10 41, SHEARS B9 40, DEASH B10 38, HEARS B10 38, SADHE B11 36
HUES 8A 27 Grace_Tjie
HE B14 25 Kalikokat
On 9th draw, WANZE A6 56 --- WANZE to decrease [v]
Other moves: HAZE 8A 54, HAZE A7 53, LAZE 8A 45, NAZE 8A 45, LAZE A7 44
HAZE A7 53 Grace_Tjie
WEAN J6 15 Kalikokat
On 10th draw, ARIOSE 14J 25 --- ARIOSE in the manner of an aria [adj]
Other moves: ARIOSE B1 23, AROUSE B1 23, AROUSE(S) M7 22, AERO 12L 21, AEROS 8K 21
SORE B5 17 Kalikokat
On 11th draw, BENITIER E2 70 --- BENITIER a holy-water font [n]
Other moves: BEEN O12 27, BEET O12 27, BIEN O12 27, BIN 15M 27, BIT 15M 27
BIT 15M 27 Kalikokat
On 12th draw, DUOS 15L 37 --- DUO an instrumental duet [n]
Other moves: ABOVES O10 36, BOD 15M 33, VAES O12 33, VAT 10F 33, VOES O12 33
BOD 15M 33 Kalikokat
On 13th draw, BLAGUEUR 2E 65 --- BLAGUEUR one who talks pretentious nonsense [n]
Other moves: REGAL D3 25, RUGAL D3 25, ARGLE 8K 24, ARGUE 8K 24, AUGER 8K 24
LEG B5 16 Kalikokat
On 14th draw, MOVIE 1K 40 --- MOVIE a motion picture [n]
Other moves: EMBOLIES O8 39, OGIVE H1 39, MOBIE 1K 37, MOBLE 1K 37, BLIVE B2 31
MOVE 1K 17 Kalikokat
On 15th draw, WHARFIES O8 63 --- WHARFIE (Australian slang) a wharf labourer [n]
Other moves: AFRIT 8K 39, WITH 3G 35, WAT 10F 33, WIT 10F 33, FAH D3 32
WIT 3G 26 Kalikokat
On 16th draw, TAX 1G 50 --- TAX to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v]
Other tops: LAX 1G 50
Other moves: AX 1H 45, EXALT 3J 41, AKE N9 40, KAE N10 40, AXEL 3J 39
TAX 1G 50 Kalikokat
On 17th draw, OF N9 31 --- OF coming from [prep]
Other moves: FIB D3 29, FOB D3 29, BOI N10 28, OB N9 25, FAVE F8 23
OF N9 31 Kalikokat
On 18th draw, QUEYN 4A 54 --- QUEYN a worthless woman [n]
Other moves: QUBYTE D5 50, QUEY B4 30, BLENNY 4A 28, YULE D3 27, BYTE D7 26
NUB M7 20 Kalikokat
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