Game of May 17, 2014 at 05:56, 1 player
1. 270 pts elcee51
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 30 30 


I5 25 55 


5H 72 127 


4J 36 163 


10H 46 209 


H1 39 248 


1H 101 349 


2B 72 421 


C1 80 501 


11I 37 538 


8A 39 577 


A8 83 660 


12J 42 702 


F2 65 767 


14A 34 801 


1A 57 858 


O5 33 891 


B10 31 922 


N9 28 950 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
elcee51 2 11:29 -680 270 1.6435 elcee51 2 11:29 -680 270
On 1st draw, ZHO H7 30 --- ZHO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other tops: ZHO H6 30, ZHO H8 30
Other moves: ZERO H5 26, ZERO H6 26, ZERO H7 26, ZERO H8 26, ZORI H5 26
On 2nd draw, TWAE I5 25 --- TWAE two [n]
Other moves: AWE G8 24, AWE I8 24, EWT G8 24, EWT I8 24, WAE I6 24
On 3rd draw, STONERAW 5H 72 --- STONERAW a lichen [n]
Other moves: HERONSEW 8H 45, ENOWS H1 38, RESAWN 10F 35, RESOWN 10F 35, RESAW 10F 34
On 4th draw, GAMED 4J 36 --- GAME to gamble [v]
Other moves: DEMO 4L 34, QORMA M3 34, DEMO 6L 33, OGAMS H1 33, WAMED O5 33
On 5th draw, SEXY 10H 46 --- SEXY arousing sexual desire [adj]
Other moves: SEX 10H 42, WYES 6I 41, GEY 6L 39, GLEYS H1 39, YEX J8 38
On 6th draw, FLAPS H1 39 --- FLAP to move, as of wings [v]
Other tops: P(E)LFS H1 39
Other moves: DA(F)FS H1 36, D(E)LFS H1 36, FL(A)PS H1 36, FL(I)PS H1 36, FL(O)PS H1 36
On 7th draw, FERNBIRD 1H 101 --- FERNBIRD a small New Zealand bird [n]
Other moves: DIEB 11I 36, DEB 6L 33, NEB 6L 31, NIED 11I 31, DIE 11I 30
On 8th draw, DUTIA(B)LE 2B 72 --- DUTIABLE subject to import tax [adj]
Other moves: WAITED 6I 42, WAIT(E)D 6I 40, WAI(L)ED 6I 40, WAI(N)ED 6I 40, WAI(T)ED 6I 40
On 9th draw, PUNG(E)NCE C1 80 --- PUNGENCE pungency [n]
Other tops: PUNGENC(E) C1 80, PUNGENC(Y) C1 80
Other moves: G(A)PE 6L 37, N(A)PE 6L 35, CEP 3K 34, NE(A)P 6K 33, NE(E)P 6K 33
On 10th draw, MIAOU 11I 37 --- MIAOU to make the sound of a crying cat [v]
Other moves: UREMIA 8A 33, MAURI D8 27, MIAOU D8 27, MO 6N 27, MOIRA D8 27
On 11th draw, BREY 8A 39 --- BREY (South Africa) to pronounce r sound at the back of the throat [v]
Other moves: TRY 6L 37, TREY 8A 33, VERRY M3 30, WIRY O5 30, YBET 8A 30
BREY 8A 39 elcee51
On 12th draw, BLOTTERS A8 83 --- BLOTTER a piece of ink-absorbing paper [n]
Other tops: BOTTLERS A8 83
Other moves: SETTLOR E8 74, SLOTTER E8 74, LOTTERS 12C 71, TOLTERS 12C 71, LOSER 12H 37
BOTTLERS A8 33 elcee51
On 13th draw, SKIN 12J 42 --- SKIN to strip or deprive of skin (the membranous tissue covering the body of an animal) [v]
Other moves: KIPS 1A 39, KO 6N 39, KOPS 1A 39, SKI 12J 38, KINOS 12K 36
KIPS 1A 39 elcee51
On 14th draw, AVICULAR F2 65 --- AVICULAR pertaining to birds [adj]
Other moves: CAPUL 1A 38, CAPI 1A 33, VERRUCA M3 28, LIPA 1A 27, CAP 1A 24
WAIL O5 21 elcee51
On 15th draw, RELIEF 14A 34 --- RELIEF aid in the form of money or necessities [n]
Other tops: FAIL B10 34, FEAL B10 34, FEEL B10 34, FOAL B10 34, FOIL B10 34
Other moves: RIFE B8 32, FAE B10 31, FEE B10 31, FIE B10 31, FOE B10 31
WIFE O5 30 elcee51
On 16th draw, JAPED 1A 57 --- JAPE to mock [v]
Other moves: JAPE 1A 48, JAGG 4A 42, GAPED 1A 39, JAP 1A 39, NAPED 1A 36
WODGE O5 30 elcee51
On 17th draw, WOTTING O5 33 --- WOT to know [v]
Other moves: GOOG J4 28, WONGI O5 27, WING O5 24, WONT 6I 23, GO 6N 21
WOTTING O5 33 elcee51
On 18th draw, HOO B10 31 --- HOO expressing boisterous emotion [interj]
Other tops: HIE B10 31, HOE B10 31, HOI B10 31
Other moves: ODAH N3 29, DAH N4 28, HE B10 28, HI B10 28, HO 6N 28
HOVEL C10 22 elcee51
On 19th draw, QI N9 28 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: TOQUE 11A 28, TOQUE 12A 28
Other moves: EVE 13A 27, QUAI D11 26, VAGI 4A 24, VEGA 4A 24, VEGO 4A 24
QUIT 8L 23 elcee51
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