Game of May 17, 2014 at 06:42, 1 player
1. 471 pts elcee51
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 68 68 


8F 67 135 


K4 102 237 


8F 54 291 


M7 32 323 


4F 34 357 


L12 36 393 


N10 36 429 


O12 43 472 


3B 30 502 


2E 25 527 


1A 56 583 


1H 33 616 


13A 78 694 


O1 77 771 


A11 48 819 


B10 46 865 


9F 35 900 


N2 42 942 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
elcee51 1 22:00 -471 471 1.6645 elcee51 1 22:00 -471 471
On 1st draw, (O)UTREDS H7 68 --- OUTRED to surpass in redness [v]
Other tops: DET(O)URS H4 68, DUSTER(S) H4 68, DUST(I)ER H4 68, DU(S)TERS H4 68, D(O)UREST H4 68, D(O)UTERS H4 68, REDU(I)TS H2 68, RED(O)UTS H2 68, RESTUD(Y) H7 68, RETU(N)DS H7 68, RUST(L)ED H6 68, RUST(R)ED H6 68, R(O)USTED H6 68, STRUDE(L) H8 68, STUR(T)ED H6 68, SUT(U)RED H6 68, S(P)URTED H6 68, S(T)URTED H6 68, S(U)TURED H6 68, TRUS(S)ED H6 68, TRUS(T)ED H6 68, TRU(S)SED H6 68, U(N)DREST H2 68, (B)URSTED H6 68, (C)RUSTED H6 68, (L)USTRED H6 68, (R)USTRED H6 68, (T)RUSTED H6 68
Other moves: DET(O)URS H2 66, DET(O)URS H3 66, DET(O)URS H6 66, DET(O)URS H7 66, DET(O)URS H8 66
On 2nd draw, EQUATIO(N) 8F 67 --- EQUATION the act of making equal [n]
Other moves: Q(U)OITER 10B 37, QOR(M)A 10F 35, REQ(U)IT 10H 34, ROQ(U)ET 10H 34, ROQ(U)E 10H 33
REQ(U)IT 10H 34 elcee51
On 3rd draw, CURVIEST K4 102 --- CURVEY curved [adj]
Other moves: CURVETS N2 95, OVERCUTS L8 78, COUVERTS L7 76, CUTOVERS L5 76, CRUIVES K5 48
VEST N6 32 elcee51
On 4th draw, EQUATIO(N)AL 8F 54 --- EQUATIONAL [adj]
Other moves: FALCON 4H 30, FLACON 4H 30, CALIF 4K 28, FINCA 4H 28, FLITE 9E 27
FIT 9F 24 elcee51
On 5th draw, I(N)FAMES M7 32 --- INFAME to defame [v]
Other moves: FAMES 3G 31, FITS 9F 29, MIMES 3G 29, SAMITE 9D 29, EMITS 9E 28
On 6th draw, FACTICE 4F 34 --- FACTICE a rubber substitute [n]
Other moves: FACE L12 32, FACT L12 32, FICE L12 32, FACTICE 4I 30, JEFE 12L 30
FACE L12 32 elcee51
On 7th draw, PERV L12 36 --- PERV one who has been perverted [n] --- PERV to look at lustfully [v]
Other moves: GROVEL 3B 30, PLOVER 5B 29, PORE L10 28, GLOVER 5B 27, GROVEL 5B 27
GROVEL 3B 30 elcee51
On 8th draw, WOE N10 36 --- WOE tremendous grief [n]
Other tops: WAE N10 36, WAT N10 36, WET N10 36, WIT N10 36, WOT N10 36
Other moves: TWICE H1 30, VIEW 15L 30, WE N10 30, WO N10 30, TWAITE 9D 28
VIEW 15L 30 elcee51
On 9th draw, NEXT O12 43 --- NEXT coming immediately after; adjoining [adj] --- NEXT the person or thing that comes immediately after [n]
Other moves: EXACT H1 42, VEXT 15L 42, HEX 5E 40, BATCH H1 36, BATHE 5E 36
HEX 5E 40 elcee51
On 10th draw, UMBRIL 3B 30 --- UMBRIL a visor [n]
Other moves: LIQUOR G6 26, BLOC H1 24, BROIL 3C 24, LIMBOUS 13B 24, OI N14 24
BRIM 9C 15 elcee51
On 11th draw, ODAL 2E 25 --- ODAL a Scottish estate without feudal superior [n]
Other tops: OUD 2D 25, UDAL 2E 25
Other moves: BODRAG D3 24, D*G*DAGO 2F 24, DARG 2F 24, GAUD 2F 24, ODA 2E 24
GLARED 11D 16 elcee51
On 12th draw, ZINEB 1A 56 --- ZINEB a chemical spray for grass and fruit [n]
Other moves: AZINE 1H 51, NAZE 1G 49, NAZI 1G 49, KAIZENS 13B 42, NABK 1G 40
NAZE 1G 49 elcee51
On 13th draw, AIDED 1H 33 --- AID to help [v]
Other moves: ADDIO 1H 30, ADDLE 1H 30, AILED 1H 30, ALOED 1H 30, EIDOLA 1H 30
ADDLE 1H 30 elcee51
On 14th draw, KARENGOS 13A 78 --- KARENGO (New Zealand) an edible seaweed [n]
Other moves: BROKAGE D3 32, ONAGER 2J 28, ORANGE 2J 28, GANEV 15H 27, BANKER D3 26
RANKED 12C 22 elcee51
On 15th draw, SOTERIAL O1 77 --- SOTERIAL pertaining to salvation [adj]
Other moves: TOASTIER J8 70, TROIKAS A9 36, ATOKES A10 33, RESOAK A8 33, SOAKER A10 33
STOKER A10 33 elcee51
On 16th draw, YAKOW A11 48 --- YAKOW a crossbred of a cow and yak [n]
Other moves: AHOY 4A 45, WHOA 4A 45, HAY 4B 41, HOY 4B 41, HOYA 12B 39
On 17th draw, HOGAN B10 46 --- HOGAN a Navaho Indian dwelling [n]
Other moves: LITH 9F 35, POH N4 35, LOHAN B10 34, HIP N2 32, HOP N4 31
HINGE 11D 18 elcee51
On 18th draw, LITH 9F 35 --- LITH a joint [n]
Other tops: POH N4 35
Other moves: HIP N2 32, HOP N4 31, NOH N4 31, HOI 4B 29, OH N5 28
PHON C8 24 elcee51
On 19th draw, JUN N2 42 --- JUN a coin of North Korea [n]
Other tops: JIN N2 42
Other moves: JUPON C7 36, POUND 12D 31, JIN C9 29, BIJOU D3 28, PUNJI C6 28
JIN N2 42 elcee51
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