Game of May 18, 2014 at 22:59, 3 players
1. 394 pts roocatcher
2. 314 pts remij
3. 107 pts GLOBEMAN
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H2 74 74
2. G3 52 126
3. F6 41 167
4. F1 25 192
5. 1A 27 219
6. 9H 70 289
7. K4 90 379
8. N2 86 465
9. D1 70 535
10. O1 28 563
11. I3 34 597
12. 8A 42 639
13. 11F 59 698
14. H11 36 734
15. 12L 33 767
16. O11 48 815
17. B7 37 852
18. 2A 38 890
19. 10B 39 929
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.6926 roocatcher 3 14:54 -535 394 1.7383 GLOBEMAN 2 3:37 -822 107
2.4779 remij 2 14:33 -615 314 Group: intermediate
3.7383 GLOBEMAN 2 3:37 -822 107 1.6926 roocatcher 3 14:54 -535 394
Group: not rated
1.4779 remij 2 14:33 -615 314
On 1st draw, SEMINAR H2 74 --- SEMINAR an advanced study group at a college or university [n]
Other tops: MARINES H4 74, REMAINS H2 74, SIRNAME H7 74
Other moves: MARINES H2 70, MARINES H3 70, MARINES H6 70, MARINES H7 70, MARINES H8 70
On 2nd draw, PAKEHA G3 52 --- PAKEHA a person who is not of Maori descent [n]
Other moves: PAKEHAS 2B 48, PAKEHA G5 43, AWHAPES 2B 42, HAKEA G3 41, AWAKE G2 39
On 3rd draw, FAB F6 41 --- FAB excellent (FABBER, FABBEST) [adj] --- FAB something created or constructed [n]
Other tops: FAB(S) F6 41
Other moves: F(A)B F6 39, BAF(F) F6 37, BAF(T) F6 37, FA(B) F6 35, FA(E) F6 35
On 4th draw, SWOT F1 25 --- SWOT to study hard [v]
Other tops: TWOS F1 25
Other moves: NOW I1 24, SOW I1 24, TOW I1 24, WON F2 24, WOS F2 24
On 5th draw, RANGIS 1A 27 --- RANGI (Maori) sky [n]
Other moves: ARGONS 1A 24, GIRONS 1A 24, GNARRS 1A 24, GRAINS 1A 24, GROANS 1A 24
On 6th draw, SNAILED 9H 70 --- SNAIL to move slowly [v]
Other moves: DENIALS I8 67, SNAILED I8 66, DENI I3 36, DENS I3 36, DESI I3 36
FABLES F6 13 remij
On 7th draw, DIOECIE(S) K4 90 --- DIOECY separation of sexes in plants [n]
Other moves: RECOI(L)ED A1 83, RECOI(N)ED A1 83, RECO(P)IED A1 83, RE(J)OICED A1 83, RE(V)OICED A1 83
DOC 8M 24 roocatcher
DO(S) 8M 15 remij
On 8th draw, T(I)MECARD N2 86 --- TIMECARD a card for recording an employee's times of arrival and departure [n]
Other moves: CREMATE(D) M7 78, CREMATE(S) M7 78, CREMAT(E)D N2 78, CRE(W)MATE M7 78, CR(E)MATED N2 78
MEATE(D) 10J 34 roocatcher
MOAT 6J 12 remij
On 9th draw, GALLEONS D1 70 --- GALLEON a large sailing vessel [n]
Other moves: AEONS 10J 32, LEANS 10J 32, NEALS 10J 32, CEORL 8K 29, LANES O1 28
NEALS 10J 32 roocatcher
LANES O1 28 remij
On 10th draw, TOTER O1 28 --- TOTER one that totes [n]
Other moves: ROTE O1 23, TOTE O1 23, ERGOT L1 22, TOTER L3 22, GORE L1 20
TOTER O1 28 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
ROTE O1 23 remij
On 11th draw, NERD I3 34 --- NERD a socially inept person [n]
Other moves: PURED L1 31, DEN I3 28, NEP I3 28, UPEND L2 27, URPED L1 27
APED J9 24 roocatcher
VERS 8A 21 remij
On 12th draw, JOWS 8A 42 --- JOW to ring or toll (a bell) [v]
Other moves: JOE M7 37, JOTS 8A 33, OWE 10I 29, JOT L3 28, JOWL 3A 28
JOWS 8A 42 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN, remij
On 13th draw, EGOTI(S)ED 11F 59 --- EGOTISE to talk about oneself a lot [v]
Other moves: GEODE L3 27, GEOID L1 27, GEOID L3 27, GODET L3 27, GODET L1 26
ODE 9A 23 roocatcher
DEI 10J 17 remij
On 14th draw, OVOLI H11 36 --- OVOLO a convex moulding [n]
Other moves: LIQUOR B4 35, LIQUOR 12A 34, QI L3 28, QU(I)T 3L 24, LIQUOR 10A 23
QU(I)T 3L 24 remij, roocatcher
On 15th draw, HABU 12L 33 --- HABU a poisonous snake [n]
Other moves: BAH 10D 29, HA 10F 29, HAIR 12L 29, HABU 10D 28, HUIA L1 28
AHI J9 27 roocatcher
HOB 13G 15 remij
On 16th draw, QUIPO O11 48 --- QUIPO a device to help memory [n]
Other moves: QUINE O11 42, QUINO O11 42, QUOIN O11 42, PIGEON L1 34, PEG 13M 31
QUIPO O11 48 remij
QUINE O11 42 roocatcher
On 17th draw, TOUZY B7 37 --- TOUZY shaggy [adj]
Other moves: NERTZ F10 36, AZURY B1 34, ZULU 14F 33, LUZ 14H 32, RUNTY 10B 31
ZULU 14F 33 roocatcher
JUT A8 10 remij
On 18th draw, EX 2A 38 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other tops: UNIFY L2 38
Other moves: YEX G13 37, YUNX 12C 37, XI I13 36, ENFIX C11 35, FIX 12D 35
EX 2A 38 roocatcher
FLEX 14G 30 remij
On 19th draw, ZINGY 10B 39 --- ZINGY enjoyably exciting [adj]
Other moves: FUNGI A11 38, UNIFY L2 38, FRY 8M 32, FRY 10D 30, FY 10E 29
FIN I13 23 roocatcher
YUP 14M 16 remij
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