Game of May 19, 2014 at 01:17, 2 players
1. 334 pts remij
2. 317 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H5 26 26
2. G8 69 95
3. F3 79 174
4. 14A 76 250
5. E5 46 296
6. A12 57 353
7. H12 40 393
8. D4 38 431
9. 12A 26 457
10. C1 25 482
11. 1C 33 515
12. 10F 77 592
13. L7 34 626
14. 8J 27 653
15. 13J 26 679
16. O10 36 715
17. N12 43 758
18. 5H 76 834
19. J2 36 870
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
1.4794 remij 0 19:31 -536 334 1.6944 roocatcher 3 9:42 -553 317
2.6944 roocatcher 3 9:42 -553 317 Group: not rated
1.4794 remij 0 19:31 -536 334
On 1st draw, CRUX H5 26 --- CRUX a basic or decisive point [n]
Other tops: CRUX H6 26, CRUX H7 26, CRUX H8 26
Other moves: TAXA H5 22, TAXA H6 22, TAXA H7 22, TAXA H8 22, CARAT H4 20
TAX H8 20 remij
On 2nd draw, E(X)UVIAE G8 69 --- EXUVIUM the moulted covering of an animal [n]
Other moves: EXUVIA(T)E 8G 68, EVACUE(E) 5E 44, EVACU(E)E 5E 44, (E)VACUEE 5E 44, AC(H)IEVE 5G 22
VIXE(N) 8F 14 remij
On 3rd draw, SEAWARE F3 79 --- SEAWARE seaweed used as fertilizer [n]
Other moves: SWEE H12 34, SAW F12 31, SEW F12 31, AWA F13 29, AWE F13 29
SEW H13 22 remij
On 4th draw, LA(U)GHTER 14A 76 --- LAUGHTER the act or sound of one that laughs [n]
Other moves: GRAITHL(Y) 12D 74, LITHARG(E) 12F 74, THIRLAG(E) 12E 74, LETHARG(Y) 14F 65, HA(N)G E5 42
HEAT 14F 15 remij
On 5th draw, DAMP E5 46 --- DAMP moist [adj] --- DAMP to lessen in intensity [v]
Other moves: AMPLE A11 36, AMP 15A 34, DERM H12 34, GRAMP E1 34, GRAMP E8 34
ARM 15A 26 remij
EM 15H 18 roocatcher
On 6th draw, JOLE A12 57 --- JOLE jowl [n] --- JOLE to bump [v]
Other tops: JILT A12 57, JOLT A12 57
Other moves: KALE A12 39, KALI A12 39, KELT A12 39, KILO A12 39, KILT A12 39
JOLE A12 57 roocatcher
JAKS 3C 30 remij
On 7th draw, DARK H12 40 --- DARK having little or no light [adj] --- DARK to darken [v]
Other moves: DERM H12 34, NARK H12 32, NERK H12 32, JAKE 12A 30, DARE H12 28
MATH E11 18 remij
AM B14 8 roocatcher
On 8th draw, FOYS D4 38 --- FOY a parting entertainment or gift [n]
Other moves: RYFE I7 35, SURFY 10F 34, FREONS D2 33, NOYS D4 32, FOY D4 31
FOGY D12 30 roocatcher
SO I14 20 remij
On 9th draw, JINGO 12A 26 --- JINGO a zealous patriot [n]
Other moves: DIGONAL B9 24, JIRD 12A 24, JONG 12A 24, CODLING 5H 22, CORDING 5H 22
CORDING 5H 22 roocatcher
KIND 15H 9 remij
On 10th draw, HOVE C1 25 --- HEAVE to lift forcefully [v] --- HOVE to swell [v]
Other moves: CHEROOT 5H 24, REH I11 24, EH I12 23, COHORT 5H 22, CORVET 5H 22
EH I6 20 roocatcher
On 11th draw, HAIRED 1C 33 --- HAIR to free from hair [v] --- HAIRED having hair [adj]
Other tops: HATRED 1C 33
Other moves: RAHED 1A 30, ITHER 1A 27, TAHR 1A 24, TEHR 1A 24, TEAD 11B 23
DAH 1A 21 roocatcher
HIRED 1C 10 remij
On 12th draw, SUBTILER 10F 77 --- SUBTIL delicate [adj] --- SUBTILE insidious [adj]
Other moves: RIBLETS B4 73, RIBLETS 2G 66, BELS I11 27, RIELS I10 26, SUBTILE 10F 26
SUBER 10F 24 roocatcher
STIRS 3F 7 remij
On 13th draw, SWEENEY L7 34 --- SWEENEY atrophy of a horse's shoulder muscle [n]
Other tops: SINEWY 11J 34
Other moves: SWEENY L7 32, WEENSY L8 32, WEENY L8 30, YETIS I8 30, YITES I8 30
SWEENY L7 32 roocatcher
WINERY M6 14 remij
On 14th draw, TOWIER 8J 27 --- TOWY resembling coarse hemp or flax fiber [adj]
Other tops: TAWIER 8J 27
Other moves: AWETO 8K 24, OWRIE 8K 24, RATER M10 24, TWIER 8K 24, TWIRE 8K 24
TAWIER 8J 27 roocatcher
LOR K10 12 remij
On 15th draw, ATYPIC 13J 26 --- ATYPIC not typical [adj]
Other tops: PICANTE N2 26
Other moves: LINAC K10 25, LIPA K10 25, PIAN 11B 25, TYPIC 13K 24, NAP M12 22
TAP M12 22 roocatcher
YAP 13L 16 remij
On 16th draw, FLACON O10 36 --- FLACON a small stoppered bottle [n]
Other tops: FALCON O10 36
Other moves: FOCAL O11 33, OILCAN O10 27, ANCON O11 24, IF 14M 24, NICOL O11 24
FALCON O10 36 roocatcher
FINO N12 14 remij
On 17th draw, ZITI N12 43 --- ZITI a type of pasta like macaroni [n]
Other moves: ZIN N12 39, ZIT N12 39, TOZIE N4 34, LAZO J12 33, NAZI J12 33
ZIT N12 39 remij
On 18th draw, COLUMNED 5H 76 --- COLUMN a vertical cylindrical support [adj] --- COLUMNED having a column [adj]
Other moves: UNHAIRED 1A 36, DOUM 11B 30, LEUD 11B 23, LOUD 11B 23, NOODLE K6 23
DOM 2B 16 remij
On 19th draw, QUILT J2 36 --- QUILT to stitch together with padding in between [v]
Other tops: QUINA B10 36, UNHAIRED 1A 36
Other moves: QUIET N2 32, QUOIN 2A 32, QUOIT 2A 32, QUIM L2 30, QUINE N1 28
QUIET N2 32 remij
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