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Game of May 27, 2014 at 12:17, 1 player
1. 308 pts iLody

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?enrrtw   H4    24    24   winter
 2. aabeino   4H    22    46   wabain
 3. adinotu   6H    65   111   nudation
 4. adeijmw   3I    45   156   jam
 5. eorstvy   O4    42   198   renvoys
 6. eeeostv   J6    64   262   devotees
 7. deegrsy  11E    44   306   redeyes
 8. aadilnr   N9    79   385   nadiral
 9. bcehkow  15K    57   442   whelk
10. ?aceitz  13C    90   532   zincates
11. dilopsx  H11    60   592   extol
12. afgiilo   2J    36   628   fag
13. defopuu  10C    32   660   pouf
14. cilopst  M10    26   686   lipo
15. beeilms  12L    22   708   spim
16. bdehloq  14D    34   742   doh
17. aeiilot  15A    20   762   tile
18. ceiinru   1K    36   798   curie
19. abinqtu   C7    26   824   quip
20. abegnrt   6B    32   856   began

Remaining tiles: ginort

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5128 FileiLody       2  7:28  -548  308     1.5128 iLody       2  7:28  -548  308 

On 1st draw, W(I)NTER H4 24 --- WINTER to pass the winter (the coldest season of the year) [v]
Other tops: TW(I)NER H3 24, WR(I)TER H4 24, W(A)NTER H4 24, W(A)RNER H4 24, W(A)RREN H4 24, (S)TREWN H8 24
Other moves: REN(E)W H8 22, R(E)NEW H8 22, T(H)REW H8 22, WENT(S) H4 22, WREN(S) H4 22

On 2nd draw, WABAIN 4H 22 --- WABAIN a poisonous alkaloid [n]
Other tops: BEANO G5 22
Other moves: OBIA G4 20, EBON G7 18, ABA G7 17, *B* G7 17, BEAN G5 17

On 3rd draw, NUDATION 6H 65 --- NUDATION the act of making bare [n]
Other moves: NUDATION 6A 63, DURATION 9F 62, AUDITION L1 61, NUDATION M4 61, TONDI 3I 30

On 4th draw, JAM 3I 45 --- JAM to force together tightly [v]
Other moves: MIDW(I)NTER H1 42, WANED O4 39, WINED O4 39, JA 3I 38, AIDMEN O1 36

On 5th draw, RENVOYS O4 42 --- RENVOY the sending back of an alien by a government [n]
Other moves: RENVOY O4 39, ENVOYS O5 36, SENVY O4 36, VENTS O4 36, ENVOY O5 33

On 6th draw, DEVOTEES J6 64 --- DEVOTEE an ardent follower or supporter [n]
Other moves: TENSIVE M2 28, VESTEE 10F 28, EVES 10E 24, EVETS N10 24, EVOS 10E 24

On 7th draw, REDEYES 11E 44 --- REDEYE a railroad danger signal [n]
Other moves: DEGREES 11E 36, GEYSERS 13G 34, YEDE K9 31, YEED K9 30, YERD K9 30
GREYED 12H 26 iLody

On 8th draw, NADIRAL N9 79 --- NADIR a point on the celestial sphere [adj] --- NADIRAL pertaining to nadir [adj]
Other moves: LANIARDS 13C 74, LAIRD 2J 28, NADIR 2J 28, NAIAD 2J 28, NARIAL 2J 28
ELAIN H11 18 iLody

On 9th draw, WHELK 15K 57 --- WHELK a marine gasteropod [n]
Other moves: HOCKLE 15J 54, JAMBOK 3I 50, HOLK 15L 45, WELK 15L 45, WHOLE 15K 45
WHOLE 15K 45 iLody

On 10th draw, ZI(N)CATES 13C 90 --- ZINCATE a chemical salt [n]
Other moves: ZAITEC(H)S 13C 88, ZI(N)CATE 10A 80, C(R)AZIEST 13D 79, CA(P)IZ 2J 60, AZI(D)E M9 55
ZEA F10 32 iLody

On 11th draw, EXTOL H11 60 --- EXTOL to praise highly [v]
Other moves: XI 12D 38, MALAX K3 37, DIPOLE M10 35, TIX H13 30, PIX M10 29
EXTOL H11 60 iLody

On 12th draw, FAG 2J 36 --- FAG to make weary by hard work [v]
Other tops: FAIL 2J 36
Other moves: FA 2J 34, FIGO M10 32, GOAF 14A 32, GOAF 10C 31, LOAF 10C 30
FAG 2J 36 iLody

On 13th draw, POUF 10C 32 --- POUF a loose roll of hair [n] --- POUF to give a puffed shape to the hair [v]
Other tops: UFO 10E 32
Other moves: DEF 10D 30, DOF 10D 30, DOF 14B 30, EPODE M11 30, FEOD 14A 30
DOF 14B 30 iLody

On 14th draw, LIPO M10 26 --- LIPO liposuction [n]
Other tops: PISO M10 26
Other moves: CLOT 14A 25, PLOT 14A 25, SCOT 14A 25, SPOT 14A 25, TOPIS M8 25
CLOT 14A 25 iLody

On 15th draw, SPIM 12L 22 --- SPIM an instant message version of spam (unsolicited messages) [n]
Other tops: LIMB D12 22
Other moves: SEEK O12 20, SEIK O12 20, MIBS D12 18, EME G7 17, PEIZES C10 17
LIME D12 14 iLody

On 16th draw, DOH 14D 34 --- DOH a musical note [n]
Other moves: BODE 14B 29, EH 14E 29, OH 14E 29, THEBE 7H 29, HOD 14B 28
QI D12 22 iLody

On 17th draw, TILE 15A 20 --- TILE to cover with tiles (thin slabs of baked clay) [v]
Other tops: ALOE 15A 20, LATE 15A 20, LITE 15A 20, LOTE 15A 20, TALE 15A 20, TOLE 15A 20
Other moves: ALIT 1L 19, ALOE 1L 19, ALTO 1L 19, ETA 15D 19, FAGOT 2J 18

On 18th draw, CURIE 1K 36 --- CURIE a unit of radioactivity [n]
Other tops: CUNEI 1K 36
Other moves: UNCE 1L 25, UNCI 1L 25, URIC 1L 25, CURE 1K 19, CURN 1K 19

On 19th draw, QUIP C7 26 --- QUIP to make witty remarks [v]
Other tops: QUA L8 26, QUAINT 7C 26
Other moves: QUATE 8D 24, QUA(I) 5E 24, QUIN 9B 24, QUINE 8D 24, QUITE 8D 24

On 20th draw, BEGAN 6B 32 --- BEGIN to start [v]
Other tops: BEGAR 6B 32, BEGAT 6B 32
Other moves: GAUNTREE 8A 30, GRUB 8A 30, TAUBE 8A 30, BERG 6B 29, ABET 6A 28

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