Game of May 28, 2014 at 07:14, 1 player
1. 20 pts faythe
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 46 46 


5E 98 144 


4K 37 181 


O2 39 220 


2H 82 302 


1D 27 329 


N6 23 352 


M7 48 400 


2E 52 452 


L8 36 488 


N9 36 524 


O12 22 546 


E4 74 620 


8A 24 644 


C3 28 672 


B2 33 705 


A1 29 734 


11B 61 795 


H11 36 831 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
faythe 0 0:59 -811 20 1.6179 faythe 0 0:59 -811 20
On 1st draw, JIG(G)Y H4 46 --- JIGGY with the rhythm of a jig (dance) [adj]
Other tops: JI(G)GY H4 46
Other moves: JI(V)EY H4 44, JIBE(D) H4 42, JIBE(R) H4 42, JIBE(S) H4 42, JIG(G)Y H8 38
On 2nd draw, PROIGNED 5E 98 --- PROIGN to preen [v]
Other moves: PERIGON 5E 40, PROINED 5E 40, GROINED 5E 36, PIDGEON 5G 22, PODGIER 5D 22
On 3rd draw, FAKIR 4K 37 --- FAKIR a religious ascetic in India [n]
Other moves: TILAK 4K 36, FAIK 4K 33, FIRK 4K 33, FLANK J2 30, FRANK J2 30
On 4th draw, SCREIGH O2 39 --- SCREIGH to shriek [v]
Other tops: CHOREGI O1 39
Other moves: CHIGOE 4A 36, HEROICS O2 36, CHIROS O1 33, CHORES O1 33, OCHRES O1 33
On 5th draw, RUCTIONS 2H 82 --- RUCTION a noisy disturbance [n]
Other moves: COURTIN(G) 7A 61, CITRUS 2J 28, COITUS 2J 28, CORNUS 2J 28, COUNTS 2J 28
On 6th draw, DOO(L)E 1D 27 --- DOOLE dule [n]
Other tops: DOO(N)A 1D 27, (R)OADEO 1C 27
Other moves: GOO(N)DA 6H 26, (R)OADEO 1D 26, GOAD(S) 6H 25, GOOD(S) 6H 25, ADA(G)E 1D 24
On 7th draw, BA N6 23 --- BA the eternal soul, in Egyptian mythology [n]
Other moves: OB 2E 22, VOLK M1 22, ANON 6J 20, BOAK M1 20, BONK M1 20
On 8th draw, ZAIRE M7 48 --- ZAIRE a monetary unit of central Africa [n]
Other moves: ZEA M7 46, ZA M7 44, ZAIRE 2B 41, RAZER 2A 33, IZAR 2B 31
On 9th draw, EX 2E 52 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: SAXES 12I 39, AXES 12J 37, BASSED 12J 37, AX 1K 36, EX 1K 36
On 10th draw, DHOTI L8 36 --- DHOTI a loincloth worn by Indian men [n]
Other moves: DHOL D1 29, MOTH L9 26, MHO 1L 25, MHO L8 25, HM 1L 24
On 11th draw, MALINE N9 36 --- MALINE a delicate net used for veils [n]
Other tops: MENIAL N9 36
Other moves: DWAM D1 33, MAWN N9 30, MEWL N9 30, MALINE K10 29, MAW N9 29
On 12th draw, TUNE O12 22 --- TUNE to put into the proper pitch [v]
Other tops: TULE O12 22
Other moves: GIEN 6H 20, UNTIE 6B 17, TONK M1 16, TOUK M1 16, LET O10 15
On 13th draw, APPOSERS E4 74 --- APPOSER one that apposes [n]
Other moves: SOAPERS 13F 73, PASHIMS 9I 31, APSOS 3C 29, PESOS 3C 29, APSO 3C 25
On 14th draw, ABETS 8A 24 --- ABET to encourage and support [v]
Other tops: ABUTS 8A 24, BANES 8A 24, BANTS 8A 24, BATEAU 4A 24, BATES 8A 24, BATTS 8A 24, BEANS 8A 24, BEATS 8A 24, BEAUS 8A 24, BENTS 8A 24, BETAS 8A 24, BUATS 8A 24, BUNAS 8A 24, BUNTS 8A 24, BUTES 8A 24, BUTTS 8A 24, NABES 8A 24, TABES 8A 24, TABUS 8A 24, TUBAS 8A 24, TUBES 8A 24
Other moves: BRANT F4 23, BRENT F4 23, BEAUT D9 22, TUBAE D7 21, BATTA 4A 20
On 15th draw, WIELDER C3 28 --- WIELDER one that wields [n]
Other tops: TWIRLED C3 28
Other moves: DREW F4 24, WED 9A 23, GIED 6H 22, RETILED C3 22, TEDIER 9A 22
On 16th draw, TALMA B2 33 --- TALMA a loose cloak [n]
Other moves: QAT B2 31, TALEA B2 27, ALMA B3 23, ALME B3 23, AMATE B1 23
On 17th draw, LUV A1 29 --- LUV a sweetheart [n]
Other tops: LEV A1 29, LEW A1 29
Other moves: VOW K7 25, LOW K7 22, VOLK M1 22, OW K8 21, BOWEL B8 20
On 18th draw, NEWSIEST 11B 61 --- NEWSY full of news [adj]
Other moves: WHIMS 9K 27, ENSEW D11 26, NEWIES 13G 24, HIMS 9L 23, SCREIGHS O2 23
WISE 15L 20 faythe
On 19th draw, SAVOY H11 36 --- SAVOY a variety of cabbage [n]
Other moves: G*YGOY 6H 31, SAYON H11 27, WAVY D11 26, AWNY D10 22, ENVOY C11 22
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