Game of May 28, 2014 at 11:42, 2 players
1. 421 pts naomiari
2. 305 pts kellybelly
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H2 70 70 


6D 65 135 


G8 64 199 


15E 75 274 


14F 30 304 


L9 77 381 


K1 74 455 


K10 39 494 


3B 78 572 


D3 30 602 


2A 42 644 


M12 48 692 


12A 74 766 


L1 47 813 


A7 39 852 


M2 31 883 


N2 36 919 


M7 35 954 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
naomiari 3 15:26 -533 421 1.7492 kellybelly 4 12:15 -649 305
kellybelly 4 12:15 -649 305 Group: intermediate
1.6419 naomiari 3 15:26 -533 421
On 1st draw, EUGARIE H2 70 --- EUGARIE Queensland name for the pipi shellfish [n]
Other moves: EUGARIE H3 68, EUGARIE H4 68, EUGARIE H6 68, EUGARIE H7 68, EUGARIE H8 68
AGREE H4 14 naomiari
On 2nd draw, AVIARIST 6D 65 --- AVIARIST the keeper of an aviary [n]
Other moves: TAVS 9E 20, AVAST 9E 19, VARIAS 6F 19, VISIT 9F 19, VISTA 9F 19
VATS 9E 17 naomiari
On 3rd draw, OUTWEAR G8 64 --- OUTWEAR to last longer than [v]
Other moves: OUTSWARE J3 63, OUTSWEAR J3 63, AVOWER E5 24, OUTWAR 5J 24, OUTWEAR 3G 24
WIT 7G 23 naomiari
On 4th draw, EU(S)(T)ELE 15E 75 --- EUSTELE a plant part [n]
Other moves: EU(S)(T)ELE L4 73, (B)LUEWEE(D) 11C 68, RE(F)UELE(D) 14G 66, EU(S)TELE(S) K3 62, (M)ULETEE(R) K2 62
LE(A)(S)E 15D 22 naomiari
On 5th draw, GRIME 14F 30 --- GRIME to make dirty [v]
Other moves: EMONG 14J 28, EMOVING E3 26, GEMINI I1 26, MEOWING 11D 26, MOOVING E3 26
MO I3 17 naomiari
On 6th draw, LODGERS L9 77 --- LODGER one who stays in rented accommodation [n]
Other moves: DOGGRELS 4E 72, DOGGRELS 4F 72, STODGER K5 36, STRODLE K5 32, DROLES L1 30
DREGS L2 26 naomiari
On 7th draw, IMBITTER K1 74 --- IMBITTER to make bitter [v]
Other moves: IMBITTER 10B 66, IMBITTER 10C 66, EMBER 13I 31, TERBIUM 3C 30, MATIER 5G 28
ME M13 18 naomiari
On 8th draw, YEAH K10 39 --- YEAH an affirmative reply [n] --- YEAH yes [adv]
Other moves: AHA J1 35, HA J2 32, HYAENA D1 32, YEAH F9 31, AH J1 30
AH J1 30 naomiari
On 9th draw, INTERCUT 3B 78 --- INTERCUT to alternate camera shots in filming [v]
Other moves: INTERACT D1 74, RETICENT 12B 72, ETHERIC 13I 35, CRINITE 1I 30, ICIER 1K 30
HENCE 13K 20 kellybelly
NICER 4J 14 naomiari
On 10th draw, TINAJAS D3 30 --- TINAJA an earthenware jar [n]
Other tops: ANIS L3 30
Other moves: ANISIC B1 28, JASIES 12C 28, JAWS 11E 28, TINAJA D3 28, JAI 2A 26
JAWS 11E 28 kellybelly, naomiari
On 11th draw, ZHO 2A 42 --- ZHO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other tops: ZONAL 8A 42
Other moves: ZONA 8A 39, HON M11 35, HOT M11 35, ZONULET 12B 34, OH M12 32
ZO C8 26 kellybelly, naomiari
On 12th draw, OX M12 48 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: OX H11 39, NOXAL 8A 36, OW M12 32, WOXEN 12D 32, DOON L1 31
OX M12 48 kellybelly
VOX E6 31 naomiari
On 13th draw, DONARIES 12A 74 --- DONARY a thing given to sacred use [n]
Other moves: INROADS C9 71, ORDAINS C9 71, SADIRON M4 69, SADIRON N6 67, AIDOS L2 40
RODS 14L 20 kellybelly
DON M8 14 naomiari
On 14th draw, FOOD L1 47 --- FOOD a substance taken into the body to maintain life and growth [n]
Other moves: DOONA L1 35, FLOOD B10 34, DOON L1 31, OAF L2 30, OOF L2 30
FOOD L1 47 naomiari, kellybelly
On 15th draw, BOPPED A7 39 --- BOP to dance to pop music [v]
Other moves: BOEP M2 37, P**PPOEP M2 37, OPEN M2 35, PAEON M2 35, BEANO M3 34
BOPPED A7 39 naomiari, kellybelly
On 16th draw, NY M2 31 --- NY to approach [v]
Other tops: AY M2 31
Other moves: ALWAY 11E 30, AVAL E5 29, RYND 14L 29, YA M2 28, RYAL 14L 27
AY M2 31 kellybelly
BODY 3K 20 naomiari
On 17th draw, AFT N2 36 --- AFT behind, nautically [adv]
Other moves: AFOUL B10 31, ALOFT B10 28, QUA M7 26, UVA E5 25, FAT 13B 23
FAT 13B 23 kellybelly
On 18th draw, QUAD M7 35 --- QUAD to space out by means of quadrats [v]
Other moves: QUA M7 26, UVA E5 25, ALOUD B10 24, QUAD B5 23, VAN B6 20
QUAD M7 35 naomiari
QUAD B5 23 kellybelly
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