Game of May 31, 2014 at 04:29, 1 player
1. 202 pts faythe
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H3 76 76 


10F 28 104 


11E 41 145 


D11 35 180 


3D 69 249 


9G 46 295 


6H 64 359 


15C 27 386 


5A 76 462 


M6 82 544 


2J 50 594 


8K 60 654 


A2 36 690 


13D 62 752 


4C 31 783 


4J 42 825 


15A 39 864 


B12 34 898 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
faythe 0 9:56 -696 202 1.6199 faythe 0 9:56 -696 202
On 1st draw, SPRINGE H3 76 --- SPRINGE to catch with a type of snare [v]
Other tops: PERSING H4 76, PINGERS H4 76
Other moves: PERSING H6 74, SPRINGE H7 74, PERSING H2 72, PERSING H3 72, PERSING H7 72
GRENS H4 16 faythe
On 2nd draw, MARTED 10F 28 --- MART to market [v]
Other tops: MADRE 10F 28
Other moves: ARMED 10D 26, DAMAR 10H 26, MARAE 10F 26, SMARTED 3H 26, TAMED 10D 26
DAMAR 10H 26 faythe
On 3rd draw, VOWS 11E 41 --- VOW to make a vow (a solemn promise) [v]
Other moves: FOES 11E 32, VOES 11E 32, WOES 11E 32, OWSE 11F 30, SOWF E10 30
FEW 11E 27 faythe
On 4th draw, AG(L)OW D11 35 --- AGLOW glowing [adj]
Other moves: GOWA(N) D8 31, TOWAG(E) D8 31, AGOROT(H) 5E 28, WEA(N) 9G 28, WEA(R) 9G 28
(M)OW 11J 17 faythe
On 5th draw, INMESHED 3D 69 --- INMESH to entangle [v]
Other moves: WHINED 15D 39, MEHNDI 11J 34, WHEEN 15D 33, WHINE 15D 33, HEED 9G 32
WHINED 15D 39 faythe
On 6th draw, JEAT 9G 46 --- JEAT a spout [n]
Other moves: JEE 9G 43, JEU 9G 43, JEAT 4A 42, JAIL D1 38, JUTE 4B 28
JET J2 26 faythe
On 7th draw, INARABLE 6H 64 --- INARABLE arid or barren [adj]
Other moves: BALER 2J 39, BANAL 2J 39, BELAR 2J 39, WARBLE 15D 33, ARABLE 2I 32
BANAL 2J 39 faythe
On 8th draw, TWAITE 15C 27 --- TWAITE a British species of shad [n]
Other moves: PATIO 4H 24, PETIT 4H 24, POTAE 4H 24, TATIE 2B 24, WAITE 15D 24
TEAT O5 12 faythe
On 9th draw, CRAYONER 5A 76 --- CRAYONER one that crayons [n]
Other moves: YARCO 2J 52, YEARN 2J 48, CARNEY 4A 41, CYANO 2I 41, CRAYON 2I 40
On 10th draw, BIOP(S)IED M6 82 --- BIOPSY to examine tissue from a living body [v]
Other moves: P(L)OIDIE(S) 13C 74, PI(N)IONED 7C 71, PERIO(D)ID B3 66, PRE(S)IDIO B4 64, PERIODI(C) B3 62
On 11th draw, HOGEN 2J 50 --- HOGEN strong liquor [n]
Other tops: HOGAN 2J 50
Other moves: GOUACHE A1 42, CHAUNGE A5 39, GAUNCH A1 39, ANOUGH 2I 36, CHANGE A5 36
On 12th draw, IXORA 8K 60 --- IXORA a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: XI 14F 52, XU 14F 52, SALIX 4K 44, AXILS 1F 42, CALIX A5 42
On 13th draw, BISCUIT A2 36 --- BISCUIT a small cake of shortened bread [n]
Other moves: OUBITS 1F 34, BOUTS 1G 31, BUIST 1G 31, OBITS 1G 31, CUBIST A5 30
On 14th draw, (L)OYALEST 13D 62 --- LOYAL faithful to one's allegiance [adj]
Other moves: SLATEY 1J 48, YATES 1K 42, POYSE 4H 38, EASY 6C 37, SALTY 1G 37
On 15th draw, ECO 4C 31 --- ECO ecology [n]
Other moves: FOCI 11J 30, DEIFY D1 28, FED 1M 28, DEF B1 27, DOF B1 27
On 16th draw, REQUIN 4J 42 --- REQUIN a voracious shark [n]
Other moves: QI B1 30, REINK 4J 28, EUK 5J 26, KEN 5J 26, KUE 5J 26
On 17th draw, OUTWAITED 15A 39 --- OUTWAIT to exceed in patience [v]
Other moves: OUZEL 12J 32, FEZ 12L 30, ZO B1 30, FOULED 12I 29, FUD 1M 28
On 18th draw, KUZU B12 34 --- KUZU a thickening agent used in a macrobiotic diet [n]
Other moves: ZEK 12L 32, FEZ 12L 30, ZULU B12 26, L*ZLEZ 12L 24, ZEL 12L 24
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