Game of June 1, 2014 at 03:20, 2 players
1. 171 pts faythe
2. 59 pts dannyboy
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H3 72 72 


8A 83 155 


A8 113 268 


3H 26 294 


B10 38 332 


10H 73 405 


O8 109 514 


2J 74 588 


C11 30 618 


O1 33 651 


15C 30 681 


14F 29 710 


11K 31 741 


7F 72 813 


6C 34 847 


N13 37 884 


M10 34 918 


D1 50 968 


15L 32 1000 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
faythe 2 6:32 -829 171 1.7366 dannyboy 1 2:17 -941 59
dannyboy 1 2:17 -941 59 Group: intermediate
1.6181 faythe 2 6:32 -829 171
On 1st draw, UPS(T)ATE H3 72 --- UPSTATE the northern region of a state [n]
Other tops: PASTEU(P) H4 72, PASTU(R)E H4 72, PEA(N)UTS H4 72, PESAU(N)T H4 72, PETASU(S) H4 72, PETA(S)US H4 72, PUTEA(L)S H4 72, PU(L)SATE H4 72, PU(P)ATES H4 72, SPATU(L)E H3 72, TA(K)EUPS H7 72, TEA(C)UPS H7 72, UPSTA(G)E H3 72, UPSTA(R)E H3 72, UPSTA(T)E H3 72, UPTA(K)ES H3 72, UPTEA(R)S H3 72, UP(B)EATS H3 72, UP(D)ATES H3 72, UP(R)ATES H3 72, (P)ASTEUP H6 72, (P)UPATES H2 72
Other moves: PASTEU(P) H2 68, PASTEU(P) H3 68, PASTEU(P) H7 68, PASTEU(P) H8 68, PASTU(R)E H2 68
On 2nd draw, BANNERET 8A 83 --- BANNERET a knight of higher grade [n]
Other moves: EBURNEAN 3F 78, BANNERE(T) 6A 63, BANNER G7 24, BANNER I7 24, BEARE G7 23
On 3rd draw, BLOWK(A)RT A8 113 --- BLOWKART a three wheeled kart powered by a sail [n]
Other moves: (S)ALTWORK B7 82, LAT(H)WORK B7 78, S(A)LTWORK 5H 78, (B)LOWKART B3 74, (F)LATWORK B6 72
On 4th draw, UVEOUS 3H 26 --- UVEOUS pertaining to the uvea [adj]
Other moves: NEVUS 10D 25, EVOS 10E 24, VOGUES G1 24, WOVENS 11A 24, SOV 10H 23
On 5th draw, YEA B10 38 --- YEA an affirmative vote [n]
Other moves: YE B10 31, MAYA 7E 28, MY 2J 28, MIG 2J 27, YAM 9C 27
On 6th draw, SUICIDE 10H 73 --- SUICIDE to kill oneself intentionally [v]
Other moves: SUICIDES 5A 72, SUICIDES 5H 72, SUICIDE I9 65, SUICIDES M3 63, DICES C11 30
On 7th draw, DASHPOT O8 109 --- DASHPOT a shock absorber [n]
Other moves: POTHEADS E4 106, DASHPOTS 5A 78, DASHPOTS 5F 78, POTASHED E2 78, POTSHARD F2 78
On 8th draw, FOXIER 2J 74 --- FOXY crafty [adj]
Other moves: FIXER 2J 72, FOXIE 2J 72, ENFIX C10 52, FINER 2J 51, INFORCE K5 48
On 9th draw, DELF C11 30 --- DELF an earthenware [n]
Other tops: DEAF C11 30
Other moves: AEFALD 7E 28, DEF C11 28, FAILED L8 28, FEOD 9G 28, FOILED L8 28
On 10th draw, BRIM O1 33 --- BRIM to fill to the top [v]
Other moves: ABA 1M 28, AMA 1M 28, AMU 1M 28, BAA 1M 28, MAA 1M 28
BRIM O1 33 dannyboy
On 11th draw, TENIAE 15C 30 --- TENIA a tapeworm [n]
Other moves: ETESIAN 5E 28, REFINE 14A 22, REFUTE 14A 22, VITAE I3 19, AUDIENT M8 18
On 12th draw, DYNEL 14F 29 --- DYNEL a synthetic fiber [n]
Other tops: EYED G6 29
Other moves: DEY 9G 27, DEY G7 27, DYNE 14F 26, YULE 9C 26, DEY 14F 25
DYNE 14F 26 dannyboy
On 13th draw, HOA 11K 31 --- HOA to stop [v]
Other tops: QA(T) 6F 31
Other moves: RAH 13G 30, THO 11J 30, AROHA 7D 27, HO 11K 26, OH 11J 26
HOA 11K 31 faythe
On 14th draw, ORACLING 7F 72 --- ORACLE to utter as an oracle [v]
Other moves: CORING 12H 43, CLOSING 5E 40, COREIGN E5 40, CLING 12I 35, LORING 12H 35
CONCH K7 12 faythe
On 15th draw, GRIVE(T) 6C 34 --- GRIVET a small monkey [n]
Other moves: TRIVE(T) 6C 33, RIVE(T) 6D 32, VERGING C3 30, VE(T) 6F 30, REV 6D 28
VEG 6D 19 faythe
On 16th draw, ZA N13 37 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: AZO 6M 35, WAZOO 13K 34, WOOTZ K1 34, ZOA 7B 32, ZA 7B 28
ZA N13 37 faythe
On 17th draw, DATA M10 34 --- DATUM something used as a basis for calculating [n]
Other moves: ANT M13 33, ART M13 33, AN M13 31, AR M13 31, AT M13 31
QI E5 22 faythe
On 18th draw, QINTAR D1 50 --- QINTAR a monetary unit of Albania [n]
Other moves: QIGONG C1 34, QI 9J 30, GIANT 12I 26, GANT 12J 24, QI 6K 24
QI 9J 30 faythe
On 19th draw, JOG 15L 32 --- JOG to run at a slow, steady pace [v]
Other tops: JIG 15L 32, JUG 15L 32
Other moves: JINGO 3B 26, IWI E4 24, JO 7B 24, JONG 3B 24, WIG 15L 24
JIN 3B 20 faythe
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