Game of June 2, 2014 at 08:58, 5 players
1. 464 pts roocatcher
2. 118 pts s.martin
3. 96 pts faythe
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 36 36 


13C 88 124 


14A 37 161 


I2 66 227 


A11 54 281 


12A 41 322 


4H 78 400 


11E 48 448 


K2 80 528 


8K 30 558 


O1 21 579 


8A 92 671 


7B 29 700 


N7 76 776 


H1 28 804 


N1 43 847 


O12 23 870 


10B 23 893 


6C 25 918 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
roocatcher 1 16:06 -454 464 1.7481 kellybelly 1 4:41 -830 88
s.martin 1 4:43 -800 118 2.7409 GLOBEMAN 0 1:30 -898 20
faythe 0 7:11 -822 96 Group: intermediate
kellybelly 1 4:41 -830 88 1.6849 roocatcher 1 16:06 -454 464
GLOBEMAN 0 1:30 -898 20 2.6641 s.martin 1 4:43 -800 118
3.6190 faythe 0 7:11 -822 96
On 1st draw, EQ(U)IP H8 36 --- EQUIP to provide with whatever is needed [v]
Other tops: PIQ(U)E H4 36
Other moves: EQ(U)IP H4 32, PIQ(U)E H8 32, EQ(U)IP H5 30, EQ(U)IP H6 30, EQ(U)IP H7 30
On 2nd draw, OBTUSER 13C 88 --- OBTUSE dull [adj]
Other moves: TUBEROSE 8A 83, OBTUSER 13D 77, OBTUSER G2 65, OBTUSER I2 65, TUBERO(U)S 10B 63
EQ(U)IPE H8 16 roocatcher
On 3rd draw, KEX 14A 37 --- KEX a dry, hollow stalk [n]
Other moves: KETA 12A 36, FAX 14A 35, AXE 14B 33, FETA 12A 32, FIXATE 11G 32
FAX 14A 35 roocatcher
On 4th draw, LEEWARD I2 66 --- LEEWARD the direction toward which the wind is blowing [n]
Other tops: LEEWARD G2 66
Other moves: REWAKE A10 51, WAKE A12 45, WEKA A12 45, WELKE A11 39, WAE 12C 35
On 5th draw, CHIKS A11 54 --- CHIK a type of door screen [n]
Other moves: AHIS 14E 49, CHANKS A10 48, CHINKS A10 48, HAICKS A10 48, HOICKS A10 48
CHIKS A11 54 roocatcher
On 6th draw, HOHA 12A 41 --- HOHA peevish [adj]
Other moves: HAND H1 39, DOH J4 36, HOA 12C 35, NOH J4 34, HALO 12A 32
DOH J4 36 roocatcher
On 7th draw, DERAILED 4H 78 --- DERAIL to run off the rails of a track [v]
LED J4 22 roocatcher
On 8th draw, OMNIETY 11E 48 --- OMNIETY allness [n]
Other moves: AMNIOTE 11E 36, DYNAMO O4 36, ENEMY N2 36, TREY J3 35, TROY J3 35
YE J6 28 roocatcher
On 9th draw, (L)EAFWORM K2 80 --- LEAFWORM a moth larva that feeds on leaves [n]
Other moves: (L)EAFWORM 6G 79, LE(A)FWORM M4 70, WA(V)EFORM 6H 67, FIREWO(R)M L3 66, FI(R)EWORM L3 66
FROW J3 41 roocatcher
On 10th draw, RAVED 8K 30 --- RAVE to speak irrationally or incoherently [v]
Other moves: ADVEW 5E 27, DEVAS O4 27, RAVES 8K 27, SED 14H 27, BEAD H1 25
DEVAS O4 27 roocatcher
On 11th draw, OOIDAL O1 21 --- OOIDAL egg-shaped [adj]
Other moves: LAND H1 19, UNLAW 5E 19, ALOIN 12K 17, AULOI 12J 17, AULOI 12K 17
LAND H1 19 roocatcher
On 12th draw, PAGANISED 8A 92 --- PAGANISE to make irreligious [v]
Other moves: PAGANISM F4 69, PIS 14F 40, GIS 14F 34, PANDA H1 33, ANIS 14E 31
PIS 14F 40 roocatcher
On 13th draw, JUTE 7B 29 --- JUTE a strong, coarse fiber [n]
Other moves: EEJIT N8 28, GJU 10D 28, JUGA 6F 28, JUGLET M1 28, JUTE 7D 28
JEAN B6 27 roocatcher, faythe
On 14th draw, SEARCING N7 76 --- SEARCE to sift [v]
Other moves: GIS 14F 34, ANIS 14E 31, ARIS 14E 31, NIS 14F 28, ARCSIN F4 26
GIS 14F 34 faythe
AGS 9A 25 roocatcher
On 15th draw, YERD H1 28 --- YERD to bury [v]
Other tops: YARD H1 28, YEAD H1 28
Other moves: NAVY M6 27, YON O13 26, YOU O13 26, PAEON 12H 24, YAE N2 24
YON O13 26 s.martin, roocatcher
OY O14 18 faythe
On 16th draw, ZITE N1 43 --- ZITE a type of pasta like macaroni [n]
Other moves: ZING 10B 37, ZINGARE 3C 36, ZATI 10B 35, ZA 10E 30, ZA G2 28
ZING 13L 28 roocatcher, s.martin, kellybelly
ZO E10 11 faythe
On 17th draw, TOUN O12 23 --- TOUN a town [n]
Other tops: NOUT O12 23
Other moves: TOUN M12 17, UNITE 10B 17, UNTIE 10B 17, UNTIE 12K 17, OI 9A 16
NOUT O12 23 kellybelly
TOUN O12 23 s.martin
TINGE 14K 6 faythe
On 18th draw, BIOTA 10B 23 --- BIOTA the flora and fauna of a region [n]
Other moves: VITA 6C 22, AB M1 21, AB 9A 20, *B*ABO G1 20, ANTIBUG C2 20
OB 9A 20 s.martin, GLOBEMAN
BO M12 19 roocatcher
JAVA B7 16 kellybelly
On 19th draw, LIEF 6C 25 --- LIEF beloved [n] --- LIEF willing [adj]
Other moves: LIFE 6C 22, FEG 6C 21, FIG 6C 21, FIE 6C 19, LIGNE 6C 19
FEG 6C 21 roocatcher, kellybelly
FIG 6C 21 s.martin
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