Game of June 7, 2014 at 02:48, 2 players
1. 120 pts RussianBlu
2. 14 pts ply2win
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 68 68 


15C 104 172 


15A 39 211 


I7 23 234 


J5 85 319 


12B 30 349 


5E 102 451 


F1 65 516 


1D 48 564 


13A 48 612 


2H 70 682 


8A 39 721 


11C 30 751 


4H 37 788 


1K 31 819 


K10 31 850 


14J 34 884 


O12 39 923 


14A 24 947 


3J 23 970 


M9 44 1014 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: not rated
1. -
RussianBlu 0 13:15 -894 120 1. - RussianBlu 0 13:15 -894 120
ply2win 0 0:48 -1000 14 2.3862 ply2win 0 0:48 -1000 14
On 1st draw, AR(C)ADIA H8 68 --- ARCADIA a region of simple pleasure and quiet [n]
Other tops: DA(T)ARIA H4 68, RADIA(T)A H2 68
Other moves: AR(C)ADIA H3 66, AR(C)ADIA H4 66, AR(C)ADIA H6 66, AR(C)ADIA H7 66, DA(T)ARIA H3 66
On 2nd draw, CURS(I)NG 15C 104 --- CURSE to invoke evil upon [v] --- CURSING the act of cursing [n]
Other moves: CURS(I)NG 15E 101, S(O)URCING 13C 78, S(P)RUCING 13C 78, CRU(I)SING 13C 74, C(O)URSING 13C 74
On 3rd draw, BECURS(I)NG 15A 39 --- BECURSE to curse severely [v]
Other moves: BOVATE 11E 22, BRAVER 11F 22, ABOVE 11H 20, BEVOR E11 20, DROVER 12H 20
On 4th draw, QI I7 23 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: GILLION 13G 22, QI 13G 21, LOGLINE B9 20, DOLLING 12H 18, LINGLE B10 18
On 5th draw, EVITING J5 85 --- EVITE to avoid [v]
Other moves: GENITIVE B8 78, EVITING J3 77, EVI(C)TING 10E 71, VENITE B10 34, INVITE J4 31
On 6th draw, MOPHEAD 12B 30 --- MOPHEAD a person with shaggy hair [n]
Other moves: AMAH K2 28, OPAH K2 28, PAH G11 28, PEH G11 28, POH G11 28
MAPS F12 14 RussianBlu
On 7th draw, DOWAGERS 5E 102 --- DOWAGER a dignified elderly woman [n]
Other tops: WORDAGES 5D 102
Other moves: WORDAGES F6 73, DOWAGER 5E 48, WOAD 11C 38, WOAD 13C 38, D*G*SDAGOS 11A 35
W*P D10WOP D10 8 RussianBlu
On 8th draw, TADPOLES F1 65 --- TADPOLE the aquatic larva of an amphibian [n]
Other moves: SEPAD 4D 37, TAPED 6D 35, APED 6E 34, SALPAE H1 33, TALPAE H1 33
SLOPED F3 15 RussianBlu
On 9th draw, MYTHI 1D 48 --- MYTHUS a type of traditional story [n]
Other moves: THYMI 1F 39, HIYA 13A 38, HAM 13C 37, HIM 13C 37, YAM 13C 37
THAT 1F 21 RussianBlu
MADE B12 14 ply2win
On 10th draw, FIX 13A 48 --- FIX to repair [v]
Other tops: FOX 13A 48
Other moves: FOXSKIN L2 44, FAX G11 43, NIX 13A 42, NOX 13A 42, OX 13B 40
On 11th draw, ORIOLES 2H 70 --- ORIOLE an American songbird [n]
Other moves: LOOR 11C 34, LOSE 11C 34, LOO 11C 30, LOS 11C 30, IS 14A 24
On 12th draw, NAIVES 8A 39 --- NAIVE an unsophisticated person [n]
Other moves: BAVINS 8A 36, BEPAT 4D 31, ABET 1L 30, NAVIES 8A 30, VITAMINE B8 30
VANES 8B 9 RussianBlu
On 13th draw, NOO 11C 30 --- NOO now [adv]
Other moves: DEPOT 4D 29, REPOT 4D 27, TENOR 1K 27, DOMINE B10 26, ODEA 11E 25
TRADE B6 10 RussianBlu
On 14th draw, JA 4H 37 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other moves: TAJ 1M 34, JULEP 4B 31, JAILED 3A 28, JA(C)ENT 10F 28, JILTED 3A 28
JEAT B6 27 RussianBlu
On 15th draw, DETER 1K 31 --- DETER to stop from proceeding [v]
Other tops: DATER 1K 31, DERAT 1K 31
Other moves: TARED 1K 30, TEAED 1K 30, ARED 1L 25, DEALER 6C 25, DUELER 6C 25
GEARED 11J 16 RussianBlu
On 16th draw, YINCE K10 31 --- YINCE once [adv]
Other moves: TYIN K9 27, INLY 4L 26, LINDY 3C 26, CITY 2A 25, YITE K10 25
On 17th draw, BEFLEA 14J 34 --- BEFLEA to infest with fleas [v]
Other moves: FLAT 3K 33, BLATE 3K 32, FELT 3J 32, FETA 3J 32, FETAL 14J 32
On 18th draw, KOAN O12 39 --- KOAN a paradox meditated on by Buddhist monks [n]
Other tops: KNAR O12 39
Other moves: KORAT O11 30, TROAK O11 30, TAK G11 25, KON 10D 24, KOR 10D 24
On 19th draw, UT 14A 24 --- UT the musical tone C in the French solmization system now replaced by do [n]
Other tops: UR 14A 24
Other moves: TELT 3J 23, ELT 3K 19, FIXT 13A 19, OPT D11 19, LET 3L 18
On 20th draw, TELT 3J 23 --- TELL to give a detailed account of [v]
Other tops: ORLE 3J 23, TOLE 3J 23, TOLT 3J 23, TOTE 3J 23
Other moves: ELT 3K 19, FIXT 13A 19, OLE 3K 19, OPT D11 19, LET 3L 18
On 21th draw, WURZEL M9 44 --- WURZEL a variety of beef [n]
Other moves: WIZ 13G 38, ZEA B6 32, ZOA B6 32, ZEP 4D 31, MOZE D1 30
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