Game of June 9, 2014 at 03:40, 1 player
1. 24 pts faythe
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H6 28 28 


G9 76 104 


I2 81 185 


3B 78 263 


15D 92 355 


4G 81 436 


J6 40 476 


14B 33 509 


12F 90 599 


O1 47 646 


14I 38 684 


13C 41 725 


B1 38 763 


8A 32 795 


1B 36 831 


12A 39 870 


15M 34 904 


3M 26 930 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
faythe 0 0:46 -906 24 1.6116 faythe 0 0:46 -906 24
On 1st draw, JOEY H6 28 --- JOEY a young kangaroo [n]
Other tops: JOEY H5 28, JOEY H7 28, JOEY H8 28, ORYX H5 28, ORYX H6 28, ORYX H7 28, ORYX H8 28
Other moves: JOY H6 26, JOY H7 26, JOY H8 26, OXTER H4 26, OXTER H8 26
On 2nd draw, FLIRT(E)R G9 76 --- FLIRTER someone who flirts [n]
Other moves: FILTER(E)R 8D 64, R(E)FILTER 8B 64, FERTIL(E)R 8G 61, FILT(E)RER 8B 61, FLIRTER(S) 8C 61
On 3rd draw, LAMPADS I2 81 --- LAMPAD a candlestick [n]
Other moves: MADRAS 15D 36, PSALM(E)D 14B 34, DAMARS 15C 30, MAARS 15D 30, PARDALS 15E 30
On 4th draw, VIEW(D)ATA 3B 78 --- VIEWDATA a videotex [n]
Other moves: TI(D)(E)WAVE 14D 70, VIEW(D)ATA 3D 67, AWET(O) J5 47, AWE(S) J5 45, REAV(O)W 15G 45
On 5th draw, ENORMITY 15D 92 --- ENORMITY a grave offense against decency [n]
Other moves: ENORMITY 12D 82, MOY J4 47, TRIONYM 15F 45, OYE J5 43, YETI J6 43
On 6th draw, SEMUNCIA 4G 81 --- SEMUNCIA a Roman half ounce [n]
Other moves: EUCAINES D3 72, CUISINE 11E 36, CASE J1 30, ENIACS 14J 29, INCASE 14J 29
On 7th draw, BATH J6 40 --- BATH a receptacle for bathing [n]
Other tops: HUITAIN 11E 40
Other moves: BAT J6 36, H(E)AT 14F 33, BA J6 32, HIJAB 6F 31, UNHAT 14J 29
On 8th draw, QADI 14B 33 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other moves: QAID 14A 31, AW(E) 14E 28, OW(E) 14E 28, QADI 11D 28, QADI M1 28
On 9th draw, BRONZIER 12F 90 --- BRONZY of a brownish colour [adj]
Other moves: BRAIZE N2 74, ZINEB O1 65, ZIBET 13C 63, BIZE O1 62, ZONER O1 59
On 10th draw, VAWS O1 47 --- VAW the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet [n]
Other moves: STRAW O4 41, SWART O4 41, WAIST O1 41, WARST O1 41, WRAST O1 41
On 11th draw, HENGES 14I 38 --- HENGE a circular Bronze Age structure in England [n]
Other moves: NESH K4 35, NOSH K4 35, HOG 13C 32, GHEES 11K 31, HONGS K2 31
SHEEN 10J 24 faythe
On 12th draw, KORAT 13C 41 --- KORAT a cat having a silver-blue coat [n]
Other moves: KAW 3M 34, KOA 13C 33, KOR 13C 33, GOOK 13L 31, KOA N2 31
On 13th draw, DIVORCE B1 38 --- DIVORCE to terminate the marriage contract between [v]
Other moves: DOC 12B 33, ROC 12B 31, ERICOID 11B 28, COR 12B 27, COURIED M9 26
On 14th draw, TELOI 8A 32 --- TELOS an ultimate end [n]
Other moves: TEIL 8A 29, LEI 8A 23, LET 8A 23, LEU 8A 23, OUTLIE A7 23
On 15th draw, DODGIER 1B 36 --- DODGY evasive [adj]
Other moves: ESTRIDGE 8H 33, DOOR 12A 31, GOOR 12A 31, ODOR 12A 29, ODORED 1A 27
On 16th draw, FEAL 12A 39 --- FEAL loyal [adj] --- FEAL to conceal [v]
Other moves: CULEX 6B 30, FAIX M2 28, FLAX C7 28, FLEX C7 28, FLIX M2 28
On 17th draw, NOX 15M 34 --- NOX short for nitrogen oxide [n]
Other moves: OX 15N 29, EXPO 10J 27, EXPO D3 26, PEW 3M 26, TOXINE E5 26
On 18th draw, PEW 3M 26 --- PEW a bench for seating people in church [n]
Other moves: PONE 4A 24, PONT 4A 24, POTE 4A 24, GETUP 10I 22, GONE 4A 20
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