Game of June 16, 2014 at 09:51, 2 players
1. 505 pts fatcat
2. 14 pts faythe
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 28 28 


6H 64 92 


L5 92 184 


13H 32 216 


O1 122 338 


11I 40 378 


H12 45 423 


O11 33 456 


10J 40 496 


9C 25 521 


3I 34 555 


E6 66 621 


1H 104 725 


D11 43 768 


G1 35 803 


2A 84 887 


C13 39 926 


D4 33 959 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
fatcat 4 13:43 -454 505 1.6601 fatcat 4 13:43 -454 505
faythe 0 1:14 -945 14 2.6085 faythe 0 1:14 -945 14
On 1st draw, WEDGE H4 28 --- WEDGE to force apart with a wedge (a tapering piece of wood or metal) [v]
Other tops: WODGE H4 28
Other moves: GLOWED H4 26, GLOWED H7 26, GOWLED H4 26, GOWLED H7 26, WEDEL H4 26
GLOWED H4 26 fatcat
On 2nd draw, DRAGONET 6H 64 --- DRAGONET a marine fish [n]
Other moves: NEGATOR G8 62, NEGATOR I8 62, TWANGER 4G 22, WAGONER 4H 22, AWRONG 4G 20
WAGONER 4H 22 fatcat
On 3rd draw, SODOMIZE L5 92 --- SODOMIZE to engage in sodomy with [v]
Other tops: SODOMIZE L3 92
Other moves: MESTIZO O3 57, DITZES O4 54, TOZED O6 45, TOZIES O6 45, TOZES O6 42
ZO I3 26 fatcat
On 4th draw, OROI(D)E 13H 32 --- OROIDE an alloy used to imitate gold [n]
Other tops: ARIO(S)E 13H 32, ARIO(S)O 13H 32, ROA(D)EO 13I 32, ROA(D)IE 13I 32
Other moves: ARI(S)E 13I 30, ARO(S)E 13I 30, IRA(D)E 13I 30, OOZIER 11J 30, OO(S)IER 13J 30
RA(D)IO 13J 28 fatcat
On 5th draw, STRAIT(E)N O1 122 --- STRAITEN to make strait [v]
Other tops: NITRAT(E)S O1 122, TANISTR(Y) O1 122
Other moves: STR(O)NTIA O1 113, TRIAZ(I)NS 11H 82, TR(I)AZINS 11H 82, (M)INARETS M8 79, ANTIR(U)ST O4 74
ATT(A)INS O4 21 fatcat
On 6th draw, BENZOIC 11I 40 --- BENZOIC derived from benzoin [adj] --- BENZOIN an aromatic gum [adj]
Other moves: BENZOIN 11I 36, BENZIN 11I 34, BIZONE 11J 34, BONZE 11I 32, COZEN 11J 32
BONE H12 27 fatcat
On 7th draw, FOGY H12 45 --- FOGY a person with an old-fashioned outlook [n]
Other moves: FOYS H12 42, FAYEST 2J 40, FEYS 14H 40, FEY 14H 37, CAGEY O11 36
FOGY H12 45 fatcat
On 8th draw, CAVIL O11 33 --- CAVIL to carp [v]
Other tops: CLAVI O11 33
Other moves: CABIN O11 30, PLAINT 2J 28, PLIANT 2J 28, BAP 10H 27, BAIL 10J 26
NAB 10H 25 fatcat
On 9th draw, HAIK 10J 40 --- HAIK an outer garment worn by Arabs [n]
Other tops: FAIK 10J 40, HOIK 10J 40
Other moves: KHAF 10G 39, KAF 10H 35, FAH 10H 34, FOH 10H 34, FOID 10J 34
DEAF 10G 33 fatcat
On 10th draw, VAULTS 9C 25 --- VAULT to provide with a vault (an arched ceiling) [v]
Other tops: SIP N10 25, VAIL N9 25
Other moves: PAIL N9 24, PAVS 9E 24, VATFUL 12E 24, SAPFUL 12E 23, LAVS 9E 22
SIP N10 25 fatcat
On 11th draw, FAWNIER 3I 34 --- FAWNY of a yellowish-brown color [adj]
Other tops: FAWNED D8 34, WAIFED D8 34
Other moves: FAINED M3 31, WAGED 14F 31, WAIF N9 31, WAINED M3 31, WINDAGE K1 31
FAWNED D8 34 fatcat
On 12th draw, TENUIOUS E6 66 --- TENUIOUS slender [adj]
Other tops: TENUIOUS E3 66
Other moves: ELUTIONS F8 62, OUTLINES F6 62, EOSIN N8 25, ENVIOUS C7 22, ETUI N8 22
SIN N10 21 fatcat
On 13th draw, EBAUCHES 1H 104 --- EBAUCHE a rough draft [n]
Other moves: EBAUCHE 2C 71, HAE 2J 34, EH 2I 31, HA 2J 31, BUCHU 12A 30
EH 2I 31 fatcat
On 14th draw, JOEY D11 43 --- JOEY a young kangaroo [n]
Other moves: JAGER 14F 37, MARY D12 36, JOE D11 35, JOEY D4 35, JORAM D3 34
JOE 2F 28 fatcat
On 15th draw, DIRAM G1 35 --- DIRAM a monetary unit of Tajikistan [n]
Other moves: MAP C13 29, PAM C13 29, MAD C13 27, PAD C13 27, DAM G1 26
RAPID 2D 17 fatcat
RAPES 13A 14 faythe
On 16th draw, TERRAPIN 2A 84 --- TERRAPIN a North American tortoise [n]
Other moves: PARTNER D1 78, PRETRAIN 2A 76, PANE F2 35, PARE F2 35, PATE F2 35
PARE F2 35 fatcat
On 17th draw, POX C13 39 --- POX to infect with syphilis [v]
Other moves: PIXY 14A 32, POXY 14A 32, DIXY 14A 30, DOXY 14A 30, OXID D4 29
POXES 13A 28 fatcat
On 18th draw, QUID D4 33 --- QUID a portion of something to be chewed [n]
Other tops: DUX 15A 33, QUID N9 33, QUIT 6B 33
Other moves: QUIT N9 31, LUX 15A 30, QUIT D4 30, TIX 15A 30, TUX 15A 30
QUIT 6B 33 fatcat
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