Game of June 30, 2014 at 04:43, 1 player
1. 98 pts elcee51
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H3 24 24 


5G 32 56 


K5 72 128 


8K 39 167 


8A 89 256 


B2 30 286 


J10 73 359 


15G 39 398 


C8 78 476 


A8 89 565 


13G 45 610 


D11 31 641 


A1 59 700 


O1 92 792 


5E 36 828 


2K 32 860 


3J 35 895 


F3 76 971 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
elcee51 0 4:53 -873 98 1.6885 elcee51 0 4:53 -873 98
On 1st draw, (H)YAENA H3 24 --- HYAENA a wolflike mammal [n]
Other tops: YA(Q)ONA H4 24, YEO(M)AN H4 24, YO(J)ANA H4 24, (P)AEONY H7 24
Other moves: ANO(M)Y H8 22, AN(N)OY H8 22, A(G)ONY H8 22, A(N)NOY H8 22, A(T)ONY H8 22
(M)EANY H8 22 elcee51
On 2nd draw, WAXED 5G 32 --- WAX to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v]
Other tops: DEWAX 5E 32
Other moves: DEXIE 6D 29, EXPAT 5E 28, TAXIED 5G 28, DEX I6 27, APEX 5H 26
On 3rd draw, DISGRADE K5 72 --- DISGRADE to strip of rank [v]
Other tops: GARIS(H)ED 3C 72
Other moves: AGRISED 9D 70, (H)AGRIDES 3H 70, (H)EADRIGS 3H 70, AGRISED I7 69, DISAGREE 6A 69
On 4th draw, GYNIE 8K 39 --- GYNIE gynaecology [n]
Other moves: UNWAXED 5E 36, YENTE J10 36, EYEN J9 35, YETI J10 33, YITE J10 33
On 5th draw, AMBERINA 8A 89 --- AMBERINA a type of glassware [n]
Other moves: AMBERINA 10D 70, MIRBANE G8 67, MIRBANE I8 67, BRIDEMAN 11H 63, REWAXED 5E 36
On 6th draw, EPICISM B2 30 --- EPICISM epic quality [n]
Other tops: SEPIC 13K 30, SPICE 13K 30
Other moves: SCUP 13K 28, SPEC 13K 28, SP*CSPIC 13K 28, PIES J10 27, PUCES 13G 27
On 7th draw, ZEALOT J10 73 --- ZEALOT one who is zealous [n]
Other moves: AZOTE J9 72, ZOAEA J10 72, ZOEAL J10 72, ZEAL J10 69, ZETA J10 69
On 8th draw, UNSTOW 15G 39 --- UNSTOW to empty of contents [v]
Other moves: UNWAXED 5E 36, UNSOWN M3 26, NOWLS 13G 25, SOL 9B 25, SON 9B 25
On 9th draw, BIFORATE C8 78 --- BIFORATE having two perforations [adj]
Other moves: REWAXED 5E 36, FIRIE 6J 31, REIF C1 29, TREF C1 29, FIAR 6J 28
On 10th draw, ACUPOINT A8 89 --- ACUPOINT an acupuncture site [n]
Other moves: UNPOETIC O4 63, COUP A1 46, NOUP A1 40, UNWAXED 5E 36, INEPT 15A 30
On 11th draw, FOULDER 13G 45 --- FOULDER to thunder [v]
Other moves: FEOD A1 41, FEUD A1 41, FOUD A1 41, JIRD 4A 40, DEWAXED 5E 38
On 12th draw, METOL D11 31 --- METOL a powder used as a photographic developer [n]
Other moves: GOLEM J2 28, LEME J4 24, MEET C1 24, MET C2 24, METE D11 24
On 13th draw, GOUK A1 59 --- GOUK a fool [n]
Other moves: GO(O)K A1 55, GO(U)K A1 55, G(O)OK A1 55, G(O)UK A1 55, G(R)OK A1 55
On 14th draw, SA(P)HENAE O1 92 --- SAPHENA a large vein in the leg [n]
Other moves: AS(T)HENIA N2 74, SA(P)HENAE D1 72, HANA(P)ERS E2 70, SA(P)HENAE O4 61, ANAR(C)HS E5 46
UPS 3A 10 elcee51
On 15th draw, REWAXED 5E 36 --- REWAX to wax again [v]
Other moves: GAYER 4F 25, TRANQ M5 25, QATS 1L 23, GRAVEN M3 22, KIVA 4A 22
On 16th draw, QIBLA 2K 32 --- QIBLA the direction Muslims face when praying [n]
Other moves: QAT 4D 28, KIBLA 4A 24, QATS 1L 23, KIVA 4A 22, TIBIAL N5 22
QAT 4D 28 elcee51
On 17th draw, VITA 3J 35 --- VITA a brief, autobiographical sketch [n]
Other moves: HOE 6F 32, HOYA 4F 29, HILA 6J 28, HILI 6J 28, HILT 6J 28
HIT 3J 19 elcee51
On 18th draw, OVERLIGHT F3 76 --- OVERLIGHT to light excessively [v]
Other moves: HOE 6F 32, HILT 6J 28, HIT 6J 27, EH J5 26, HI 6J 26
LIGHT N7 19 elcee51
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