Game of July 7, 2014 at 10:25, 1 player
1. 106 pts faythe
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 80 80 


8H 80 160 


K4 122 282 


O3 61 343 


N10 53 396 


O12 26 422 


J8 35 457 


J1 26 483 


5A 72 555 


A2 98 653 


1D 45 698 


D4 26 724 


12C 78 802 


F3 39 841 


13E 37 878 


11D 30 908 


L8 24 932 


14H 35 967 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
faythe 0 2:19 -861 106 1.6107 faythe 0 2:19 -861 106
On 1st draw, CR(A)WLED H4 80 --- CRAWL to move with the body on or near the ground [v]
Other tops: CL(O)WDER H4 80
Other moves: CL(O)WDER H8 78, CR(A)WLED H6 78, CL(O)WDER H3 76, CL(O)WDER H6 76, CL(O)WDER H7 76
WELD(E)R H4 26 faythe
On 2nd draw, LEGATION 8H 80 --- LEGATION the sending of an official envoy [n]
Other moves: GELATION 8F 60, INGRATE 5E 32, TEARING 5E 32, OTARINE 5E 28, EATING I7 23
COATING 4H 20 faythe
On 3rd draw, SYNTAXES K4 122 --- SYNTAX the way in which words are put together to form phrases and sentences [n]
Other moves: SYNTEXIS M2 104, SYNT(A)XES 6D 71, SYNAXES K5 68, YEX 7K 45, NEXT 7K 42
YEX 7K 45 faythe
On 4th draw, PERSONAE O3 61 --- PERSONA a character in a literary work [n]
Other tops: PERAEONS O2 61
Other moves: GAPERS J8 36, GAPER J8 35, GAPES J8 35, GAPOS J8 35, GAPE J8 34
SPA 9M 15 faythe
On 5th draw, FIK(E)D N10 53 --- FIKE to fidget restlessly [v]
Other moves: F(E)TID N10 45, FI(X)IT N10 43, FIK(E)D J10 39, KO(F)F N7 38, F(E)TID J10 34
On 6th draw, ONIE O12 26 --- ONIE any (Scots) [adj]
Other moves: GONE J8 22, LENTO L1 21, OLLIE L1 21, INERTLY 5E 20, LIONCELS 4D 20
On 7th draw, GEMOT J8 35 --- GEMOT a public meeting in Anglo-Saxon England [n]
Other tops: GOMER J8 35
Other moves: GEM J8 31, MOTED J10 30, GODET J8 29, MOLDER J10 29, MOLTED J10 29
On 8th draw, GURAMI J1 26 --- GURAMI a food fish [n]
Other moves: REMEX 9G 25, GURAMI M3 24, MAGI L1 24, GAUM N1 22, GLUM N1 22
On 9th draw, RATIFIER 5A 72 --- RATIFIER one that ratifies [n]
Other moves: RATIFIED 10A 66, FRIGATE 1G 36, FERIA G9 25, FIRIE G9 25, AIGRET 1H 24
On 10th draw, NAARTJIE A2 98 --- NAARTJIE a small sweet orange [n]
Other moves: TINAJA B2 58, NAARTJE A2 45, NARTJIE A3 45, INJERA A1 42, JARINA A3 42
On 11th draw, PROBANG 1D 45 --- PROBANG a surgical rod [n]
Other moves: ZABRA B1 42, ZAG 1H 39, ZAP L2 38, AZON B9 35, ABRAZO 3A 34
On 12th draw, VIVDA D4 26 --- VIVDA meat hung and dried without salt [n]
Other moves: VIVAT D4 24, TAD 6D 22, VAUT N1 20, VIVA D4 20, VIVDA F4 20
On 13th draw, SNOWBELT 12C 78 --- SNOWBELT a region that receives an appreciable amount of snow each year [n]
Other moves: TOWELS L8 39, TOWEL L8 37, WEB 2F 37, BOW 2F 33, SWOB 10A 33
On 14th draw, CLIQUED F3 39 --- CLIQUE to form a clique (an exclusive group of persons) [v]
Other moves: QUOD 11B 38, CLIQUE F3 37, QUOD N1 35, CLOQUE E10 34, COUDE 13B 30
On 15th draw, HOYA 13E 37 --- HOYA a flowering plant [n]
Other tops: AHOY 13B 37, AHOY 13D 37
Other moves: HAY 13C 35, HOY 13C 35, HORSILY C9 34, HOY 13E 34, HARO 13C 33
On 16th draw, UH 11D 30 --- UH used to express hesitation [interj]
Other moves: LITH L1 28, RUTH L1 28, UGH L2 26, HURST C9 24, HUTIA B1 24
On 17th draw, TOGE L8 24 --- TOGE a toga [n]
Other moves: TOLE L8 22, ERUGO 14G 21, LOGIA B1 21, OE 14F 20, TOG L8 20
On 18th draw, RIZ 14H 35 --- RISE to move upward [v]
Other tops: ZIT 10B 35
Other moves: ZIP 3M 28, ZIT 13A 28, SITZ C12 26, ZIT C8 24, ZO 7N 22
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