Game of July 8, 2014 at 04:36, 1 player
1. 16 pts faythe
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 66 66 


15B 101 167 


12F 68 235 


14A 44 279 


M7 34 313 


8K 33 346 


O1 83 429 


10C 73 502 


K5 38 540 


J4 34 574 


L3 23 597 


N3 42 639 


D7 32 671 


C3 35 706 


D2 32 738 


E5 31 769 


F6 46 815 


J12 26 841 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
faythe 0 0:24 -825 16 1.6107 faythe 0 0:24 -825 16
On 1st draw, TR(I)GLOT H8 66 --- TRIGLOT a book written in three languages [n]
Other tops: TR(I)GLOT H3 66, TR(I)GLOT H4 66, TR(I)GLOT H6 66, TR(I)GLOT H7 66
Other moves: TR(I)GLOT H2 64, TR(I)GLOT H5 64, GROTT(O) H4 16, GROTT(Y) H4 16, GR(O)TTO H4 16
On 2nd draw, DAUNERS 15B 101 --- DAUNER to stroll [v]
Other tops: ASUNDER 15G 101
Other moves: DANSEUR 15E 98, TRANSUDE 8H 80, TRANSUDE 14H 72, ENGUARDS 11F 70, LAUNDERS 12H 70
On 3rd draw, GILLNETS 12F 68 --- GILLNET to catch fish in a gillnet [v]
Other tops: GILLNETS 12E 68, STELLING 12D 68, STELLING 12E 68, TELLINGS 12E 68, TELLINGS 12F 68
Other moves: LIGN(I)TES 10D 64, L(I)NGIEST 10G 64, LING(I)EST 10D 62, L(I)GNITES 10G 62, TINGLERS 9B 62
On 4th draw, FENMAN 14A 44 --- FENMAN a fen country resident [n]
Other moves: FAINED B10 36, FANNED B10 36, FINNED B10 36, METIF 14F 36, NEF 14D 31
On 5th draw, HARMOST M7 34 --- HARMOST a Spartan governor of a subject province [n]
Other tops: MIHA 13K 34, MOHR 13K 34
Other moves: OHIA 11J 30, HAIR 11K 28, MAHSIR M9 28, MAR 13C 28, MAT 13C 28
On 6th draw, APAGE 8K 33 --- APAGE away [interj]
Other moves: ABATE 8K 30, AGAPE 8K 30, PAGE 8L 30, BEPAT L4 28, BAIT 8L 27
On 7th draw, BRAND(I)SE O1 83 --- BRANDISE a trivet [n]
Other moves: BAND(O)RAS K2 70, BAND(U)RAS K2 70, SANDBAR(S) K3 70, SAR(A)BAND K3 70, S(A)RABAND K3 70
On 8th draw, ROYAL(I)ZE 10C 73 --- ROYALIZE to play the king [v]
Other moves: OYEZ 14L 48, AZO N2 41, ZA 13B 41, ZONARY J10 40, TOLZEY 14H 36
On 9th draw, RELAYS K5 38 --- RELAY to put down new flooring [v]
Other tops: RIYALS K5 38, SLAYER 14J 38
Other moves: SEELY K10 36, AERIALS K4 34, SLEY K10 34, LYASE 14J 33, ARYLS 14K 32
On 10th draw, CAFE J4 34 --- CAFE a small restaurant [n]
Other moves: FAA 13B 30, FAE 13B 30, OAF J4 29, EF J5 28, FA J6 28
On 11th draw, VITE L3 23 --- VITE quickly [adv]
Other tops: VOTE L3 23
Other moves: EVO 13D 22, VETO 13E 22, VET L4 21, EGO 11G 19, GEO 11H 19
On 12th draw, DOEK N3 42 --- DOEK an African cloth [n]
Other moves: JOKER 9D 40, KEG N6 39, EIK N4 37, OIK N4 37, JOE 2J 34
On 13th draw, ADJOIN D7 32 --- ADJOIN to lie next to [v]
Other moves: TAJ 14H 26, ADJOURN C5 24, DOJO D9 24, JUDO 9B 24, ADJOINT 8B 23
On 14th draw, BICEP C3 35 --- BICEP an arm muscle [n]
Other moves: EPODIC 8A 33, VIBE E5 25, VOICE C3 25, VIED 8A 24, VOID 8A 24
On 15th draw, QAT D2 32 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QAT B2 30, WAIT D1 30, QAT E5 29, QI G7 23, WAIT 4A 22
On 16th draw, WOVE E5 31 --- WEAVE to form by interlacing threads [v]
Other tops: HIVE E5 31, HOVE E5 31, HOWE E5 31, WIVE E5 31
Other moves: HOW B2 29, VOW B2 29, HEW E5 26, HOW E5 26, VIEW 2J 26
On 17th draw, HEW F6 46 --- HEW to cut with an ax [v]
Other moves: HOWE F4 45, OWE F5 41, HE F6 35, HEW F4 35, HOW F4 35
HI E1 16 faythe
On 18th draw, NIX J12 26 --- NIX a water sprite [n] --- NIX to veto [v]
Other tops: NOX J12 26, OX N10 26, TIX 14H 26, TUX 14H 26
Other moves: OXO B1 25, OXO N13 22, OX 13J 20, OX N13 20, XI E1 20
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