Game of July 18, 2014 at 21:38, 7 players
1. 608 pts OrangeCup
2. 531 pts roocatcher
3. 508 pts Davina
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 30 30 


3C 36 66 


8A 86 152 


5E 122 274 


4A 30 304 


I5 33 337 


6B 26 363 


10E 76 439 


L8 25 464 


13I 32 496 


O8 42 538 


4L 34 572 


N6 38 610 


O1 27 637 


K10 33 670 


14M 50 720 


15F 30 750 


J4 34 784 


14B 80 864 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
OrangeCup 6 12:35 -256 608 1.7749 OrangeCup 6 12:35 -256 608
roocatcher 4 19:13 -333 531 2.7058 Davina 1 19:50 -356 508
Davina 1 19:50 -356 508 3.7404 SQUAW1 1 4:47 -667 197
SQUAW1 1 4:47 -667 197 4.7744 PIThompson 1 4:59 -747 117
PIThompson 1 4:59 -747 117 5.7295 GLOBEMAN 0 3:54 -796 68
GLOBEMAN 0 3:54 -796 68 6.7046 s.martin 0 1:24 -840 24
s.martin 0 1:24 -840 24 Group: intermediate
1.6858 roocatcher 4 19:13 -333 531
On 1st draw, HIDDER H4 30 --- HIDDER a young male sheep [n]
Other moves: HIDED H4 28, HIDER H4 26, HIRED H4 26, HIDDER H3 24, HIDDER H7 24
HIDDER H4 30 Davina, OrangeCup
On 2nd draw, MAVENS 3C 36 --- MAVEN an expert [n]
Other moves: JAMES 10D 32, JASMINE 5D 32, JADES 6F 31, HAJES 4H 30, JASMIN 5D 30
JADES 6F 31 OrangeCup, SQUAW1
JAM G3 29 roocatcher, Davina
On 3rd draw, FI(L)IGREE 8A 86 --- FILIGREE to adorn with intricate ornamental work [v]
Other moves: GA(S)IFIER D2 74, FRIGIDE(R) 7C 68, F(R)IGIDER 6C 68, F(R)IGIDER 7C 68, FRIGI(D)ER 9G 67
FR*G 4AFRIG 4A 34 OrangeCup
FE 2F 28 roocatcher
FRA(M)E D1 22 Davina
On 4th draw, RESIZING 5E 122 --- RESIZE to size again [v]
Other moves: ZINGERS 10B 102, RESIZING 5C 86, RESIZING D5 86, RESIZING B5 72, ZINGERS E5 68
ZEIN 4A 54 OrangeCup, SQUAW1, roocatcher
ZINGERS 10B 52 Davina
On 5th draw, DIOTA 4A 30 --- DIOTA an ancient two-handled vase [n]
Other tops: DADO 6H 30, DIDO 6F 30, DODO 6F 30, DODO 6H 30
Other moves: IDOLA 4A 28, DAD 6H 27, DOD 6H 27, LIDO 4B 26, ADO 4C 24
DODO 6H 30 OrangeCup
DIDO 6F 30 roocatcher
LOAD 4A 22 Davina
On 6th draw, ZOOS I5 33 --- ZOO a place where animals are kept for public exhibition [n]
Other moves: DATA 6H 24, DATO 6H 24, DONA 6H 24, ODAS 6G 24, SODA 6F 24
ZOOS I5 33 OrangeCup
DOT 6H 21 Davina
SAT 6D 16 roocatcher
On 7th draw, TEAED 6B 26 --- TEA to drink a beverage made with tea leaves and boiling water [v]
Other moves: TAED 6C 23, TEAD 6C 23, TEED 6C 23, AIDE J4 22, EIDE J4 22
TEED 6C 23 OrangeCup, Davina
AIDE J4 22 roocatcher
On 8th draw, CAE(S)IUM 10E 76 --- CAESIUM a metallic element [n]
Other moves: NEUMA(T)IC K5 72, (L)EUC(E)MIA C8 72, (L)(E)UCEMIA C8 70, AC(H)ENIUM K1 61, MANICU(R)E K3 61
MA(L)ICE J2 37 OrangeCup, PIThompson
MICE J4 30 Davina
C(R)IME J3 30 roocatcher
On 9th draw, NOSEAN L8 25 --- NOSEAN a cubic mineral [n]
Other tops: NELSON L7 25
Other moves: LOSEN L8 23, NELSON 11J 22, NOSEAN 11J 22, SALON L10 21, SENNA L10 21
SLOAN L10 21 OrangeCup
ONES 11I 20 roocatcher
SALE L10 19 Davina
On 10th draw, PLINKER 13I 32 --- PLINKER one that plinks [n]
Other tops: KIPE J4 32, PEEK 11J 32, PEEK 2A 32
Other moves: KEEP 2A 30, KERNEL 13I 30, KLIEG L1 30, MELIK K10 30, REEKIE 11J 30
PLINKER 13I 32 roocatcher
KIPE J4 32 OrangeCup
KIP J4 27 Davina
On 11th draw, HERONRY O8 42 --- HERONRY a breeding place for herons [n]
Other moves: GYRON O11 39, HYE 11E 39, HYEN 11J 39, GORHEN 11B 38, HONEY N10 38
HYE 11E 39 OrangeCup
HORNY O11 36 roocatcher, Davina
On 12th draw, AVOW 4L 34 --- AVOW to declare openly [v]
Other moves: BAWD A1 30, AVOW M6 29, BOWAT N7 28, VAW M7 28, VOW M7 28
AVOW M6 29 Davina
WO 2F 28 OrangeCup, roocatcher
On 13th draw, JAUP N6 38 --- JAUP to splash [v]
Other moves: JAP M7 32, CAUP N8 27, TAJ N9 27, CAPUT N7 26, JAUP M6 26
TAJ N9 27 OrangeCup
PIC J4 25 roocatcher
JO N3 9 Davina
On 14th draw, BLOW O1 27 --- BLOW to damn [v] --- BLOW to drive or impel by a current of air [v]
Other tops: BLAW O1 27
Other moves: BALOO 14F 23, LIB J4 23, BA 2F 22, BLOTTO 12D 22, BO 2F 22
BLOW O1 27 OrangeCup, roocatcher
LIB J4 23 Davina
On 15th draw, MAYING K10 33 --- MAYING the gathering of spring flowers [n]
Other moves: YAY 14M 31, GANDY A1 30, NYE 11J 28, TYE 11J 28, YA 2F 28
GANDY A1 30 OrangeCup
YO 2F 28 roocatcher
TYE 11J 28 Davina
On 16th draw, OXY 14M 50 --- OXY containing oxygen [adj]
Other moves: EXOTIC J1 49, AXED A1 36, FOETAL 2J 34, TOXIC J2 34, COIF J3 32
OXY 14M 50 OrangeCup, roocatcher, PIThompson
AXED A1 36 Davina
On 17th draw, EARWIG 15F 30 --- EARWIG to insinuate against in secret [v]
Other moves: WE 2F 28, WAIDE A1 27, AREW 2A 25, TREW 2A 25, AWED A1 24
WE 2F 28 OrangeCup, Davina
WAIDE A1 27 roocatcher
WEID A1 24 s.martin
On 18th draw, TIFT J4 34 --- TIFT to lunch [v]
Other tops: LIFE J4 34, LIFT J4 34
Other moves: LEFT 14D 30, LIFE 14D 30, LIFT 14D 30, TIFT 14D 30, EFT 14E 29
LEFT 14D 30 OrangeCup
LIFE 14D 30 Davina, GLOBEMAN
LIFT 14D 30 PIThompson
IF J5 28 roocatcher
On 19th draw, CUITTLE 14B 80 --- CUITTLE to coax [v]
Other moves: CUTLET 14B 26, LUCITE 14B 26, CUTLET 14A 24, CUTTLE 14A 24, LUCITE 14A 24
CUTTLE 14A 24 OrangeCup
CUED A1 21 roocatcher
CITE 14D 14 Davina
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