Game of July 20, 2014 at 23:29, 4 players
1. 638 pts roocatcher
2. 605 pts Davina
3. 412 pts GLOBEMAN
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H3 76 76 


5E 48 124 


10B 75 199 


3G 82 281 


O3 101 382 


2J 66 448 


K5 66 514 


13H 75 589 


1L 44 633 


1H 45 678 


J8 61 739 


N10 30 769 


15H 194 963 


2B 45 1008 


L7 28 1036 


D4 29 1065 


9E 30 1095 


1A 35 1130 


M5 20 1150 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
roocatcher 3 19:50 -512 638 1.7064 Davina 2 18:14 -545 605
Davina 2 18:14 -545 605 2.7169 GLOBEMAN 2 11:42 -738 412
GLOBEMAN 2 11:42 -738 412 Group: intermediate
s.martin 0 2:04 -1093 57 1.6816 roocatcher 3 19:50 -512 638
2.6846 s.martin 0 2:04 -1093 57
On 1st draw, EM(I)CATE H3 76 --- EMICATE to sparkle [v]
Other tops: CEME(N)TA H2 76, CEME(N)TA H4 76, C(R)EMATE H4 76, MAC(H)ETE H2 76, MAC(H)ETE H4 76, MEE(R)CAT H4 76, MEE(R)CAT H8 76
Other moves: CEME(N)TA H3 72, CEME(N)TA H6 72, CEME(N)TA H7 72, C(R)EMATE H2 72, C(R)EMATE H6 72
C(R)EMATE H4 26 roocatcher
CEME(N)T H4 24 s.martin, Davina
On 2nd draw, APH(I)DES 5E 48 --- APHIS an aphid [n]
Other moves: PHASED 10E 35, HAPS G7 34, HEPS G7 34, PAHS G7 34, PEHS G7 34
PAHS G7 34 Davina
HASPED 10F 33 roocatcher, s.martin
On 3rd draw, INGOTED 10B 75 --- INGOT to shape into a convenient form for storage [v]
Other moves: INGOTED G8 66, INGOTED I8 66, EMOTING 4G 32, EMODIN 4G 31, MITOGEN 4H 27
DOING 6J 24 roocatcher
DOTING 10H 22 Davina
On 4th draw, HEL(O)TAGE 3G 82 --- HELOTAGE slavery or serfdom [n]
Other moves: HEL(O)TAGE 9G 77, HEL(O)TAGE 3A 76, ALIGHTE(D) B8 72, HELOTAG(E) E7 72, H(E)LOTAGE E7 72
H(O)G 6J 28 roocatcher
HAT 11E 26 Davina
On 5th draw, SCORNED O3 101 --- SCORN to treat or regard with contempt [v]
Other moves: SCORNED D2 87, CONDERS 2A 79, CENSORED N2 76, NECROSED N2 76, SECONDER N2 76
SCORNED O3 51 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
COSED O1 39 Davina
On 6th draw, ZEA 2J 66 --- ZEA the stigma of a cereal plant [n]
Other moves: ZA 2J 63, ZEAS L1 46, FAZES N8 45, FAZE N8 44, ZA G7 44
ZEA 2J 66 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
ZA 2J 63 Davina
On 7th draw, SOLANINE K5 66 --- SOLANINE a poisonous alkaloid [n]
Other moves: MONAL 4H 40, EOLIAN 1F 32, EONIAN 1F 32, AMEN 4G 31, AMIN 4G 31
MONAL 4H 40 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
LOAN 1H 26 Davina
On 8th draw, LEISURE 13H 75 --- LEISURE freedom from the demands of work or duty [n] --- LEISURE to have recreational time [v]
Other moves: LEISURE 2A 73, REGULISE D8 72, LUSER D1 25, LUSER L8 25, SIEUR D1 25
LUSER 13I 21 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
RELIES 2B 21 Davina
On 9th draw, BAYT 1L 44 --- BAYT to diminish [v]
Other tops: BAFT 1L 44
Other moves: FLAY H12 42, PYAT 1H 41, FLAB H12 39, FLAP H12 39, BLAY H12 36
FLAY H12 42 Davina
FEY 9G 26 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 10th draw, JUD 1H 45 --- JUD a mass of coal holed ready for removal [n]
Other moves: FUJI L12 40, JUDY 6B 36, JUDY 4B 35, FUSED N10 34, DUFUS L10 33
JUD 1H 45 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
FUSED N10 34 Davina
On 11th draw, FOX J8 61 --- FOX to outwit [v]
Other tops: FAX J8 61, FLEXOR 12I 61
Other moves: FLEXO 12I 57, LAX J8 55, LOX J8 55, FLAX H12 54, FLEX 12I 53
FAX J8 61 Davina
FLAX H12 54 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 12th draw, PIGEON N10 30 --- PIGEON a short-legged bird [n] --- PIGEON to hoax [v]
Other moves: PIONING C7 28, POGOING D8 28, GLOP H12 27, NOOP 11B 27, POGO L6 27
GLOP H12 27 roocatcher, Davina, GLOBEMAN
On 13th draw, WARIMENT 15H 194 --- WARIMENT wariness [n]
Other moves: WARTIME 2A 91, WARTIME 12B 79, WARIMENT C4 65, WIREMAN 15H 45, WATER D1 37
WIREMAN 15H 45 roocatcher
WANE 15L 33 Davina
On 14th draw, TAROKS 2B 45 --- TAROK a card game [n]
Other tops: TROAKS 2B 45
Other moves: TROAK D4 41, KORATS D3 35, QATS 6B 35, TAROKS D3 35, KARST D3 31
QAT 4C 26 roocatcher
KA G7 24 Davina
On 15th draw, AYE L7 28 --- AYE an affirmative vote [n]
Other moves: NAY L6 27, AYE 3B 26, YAE 11E 26, YEA 11E 26, YEN 11E 26
YEN 11E 26 Davina
NAY 1A 25 roocatcher
On 16th draw, ORIBI D4 29 --- ORIBI an African antelope [n]
Other tops: BRUIN D4 29
Other moves: BRIN D4 25, BRIO D4 25, BINER G7 23, BRO D4 23, BRU D4 23
OBI 11D 23 Davina
NIB 1A 21 roocatcher
On 17th draw, WIFE 9E 30 --- WIFE a woman married to a man [n] --- WIFE to marry a woman [v]
Other moves: FLOWN E8 27, FIL 11E 26, FIN 11E 26, FINE G7 26, LIFE G7 26
FIN 11E 26 Davina
WIN 11E 26 roocatcher
On 18th draw, QI 1A 35 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: VINO 1A 31, QI 9B 26, LINO 1A 22, VIN 1A 22, VIRINO 6A 21
QI 1A 35 Davina, roocatcher
On 19th draw, LUV M5 20 --- LUV a sweetheart [n]
Other moves: ALGOR M1 19, LO 4L 19, ON 11D 19, UN 11D 19, VINO 6C 17
ON 11D 19 Davina, roocatcher
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