Game of July 21, 2014 at 13:06, 2 players
1. 564 pts kellybelly
2. 89 pts Davina
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 32 32 


G5 73 105 


10C 70 175 


D8 48 223 


8A 42 265 


13A 87 352 


A10 45 397 


F3 38 435 


15A 80 515 


14H 29 544 


E2 39 583 


D1 46 629 


4H 22 651 


15K 38 689 


K1 78 767 


J6 70 837 


M1 74 911 


14M 38 949 


1K 33 982 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
kellybelly 4 14:34 -418 564 1.7453 kellybelly 4 14:34 -418 564
Davina 0 2:37 -893 89 2.7064 Davina 0 2:37 -893 89
On 1st draw, MYTHI H4 32 --- MYTHUS a type of traditional story [n]
Other moves: AMITY H8 28, ATIMY H8 28, MYTHI H8 28, THYMI H4 28, THYMI H8 28
HAY H7 18 kellybelly
On 2nd draw, NEUTER(S) G5 73 --- NEUTER to castrate [v]
Other moves: RETUNE(S) G1 72, MUEN(S)TER 4H 70, MUT(I)NEER 4H 70, ERUM(P)ENT 4E 68, NUMER(A)TE 4F 68
M(O)UNTER 4H 16 kellybelly
On 3rd draw, (S)ATYRALS 10C 70 --- SATYRAL a monster [n]
Other moves: A(N)ALY(S)TS 11B 68, SATYRAL(S) 10C 68, STAY(S)A(I)L 11C 68, (S)ATY(R)ALS 11G 68, (S)TAYSA(I)L 11G 68
STAY F3 35 kellybelly
On 4th draw, ZOAEA D8 48 --- ZOAEA a larval stage of crabs, pl ZOAEAE or ZOAEAS [n]
Other moves: ZOAEA(S) 11B 40, ZOEA F2 39, ZONA F2 39, NYANZA 5G 36, ZOEA I3 36
MAZED 4H 34 kellybelly
ZONES J6 34 Davina
On 5th draw, DITZ 8A 42 --- DITZ a ditsy person [n]
Other moves: APP F5 38, PAP F4 30, DAP F4 29, AIDANT H10 28, NAP F4 28
DITZ 8A 42 kellybelly
PAP F4 30 Davina
On 6th draw, EGESTED 13A 87 --- EGEST to discharge from the body [v]
Other moves: EGESTED 13B 85, EGESTED 13D 76, SEDGE 13C 31, DEETS 13C 29, EDGES 13A 29
GEDS 13A 27 kellybelly
GEST 13B 25 Davina
On 7th draw, RAKEES A10 45 --- RAKEE a Turkish liqueur [n]
Other tops: RAKERS A10 45
Other moves: AKEES A11 42, SKEAR A11 42, SKEER A11 42, REAK F3 41, ASK F4 40
RAKERS A10 45 kellybelly
On 8th draw, FROW F3 38 --- FROW a cleaving tool [n]
Other moves: FAW F4 37, WOF F4 37, AROW F3 35, OAF F4 34, RAW F4 34
FROW F3 38 kellybelly
On 9th draw, SAGENITE 15A 80 --- SAGENITE a mineral of needle-like crystals [n]
Other moves: GALENITE I8 65, GELATINE I8 65, GEAT E2 31, NEAT E2 29, EAT E3 27
MEETING 4H 20 kellybelly
On 10th draw, ROJI 14H 29 --- ROJI a Japanese garden design [n]
Other moves: JOLES J6 28, JOURS J6 28, JUROR 4B 24, ROJI I1 23, JOUR 4C 22
JOLES J6 28 kellybelly
On 11th draw, DOUP E2 39 --- DOUP the posterior, or bottom of anything [n]
Other moves: ROUP E2 37, OUP E3 35, DOPER 15K 30, DRUPE 15K 30, DUPER 15K 30
DOPER 15K 30 kellybelly
On 12th draw, HOWS D1 46 --- HOW a method of doing something [n]
Other moves: SHOGI 15K 41, WISH L12 40, GOSH L12 36, GUSH L12 36, WHIGS L10 36
WISH L12 40 kellybelly
On 13th draw, MARVEL 4H 22 --- MARVEL to be filled with wonder or astonishment [v]
Other moves: MALVA 4H 20, ARVAL 13K 18, AVALE 13K 18, LARVA 13K 18, LAVER 13K 18
MALVA 4H 20 kellybelly
On 14th draw, OPIUM 15K 38 --- OPIUM an addictive narcotic [n]
Other moves: UMPH 1A 33, OPINE 15K 32, OUPH 1A 27, ONIUM 15K 26, PILEUM M2 26
POEM 13K 20 kellybelly
On 15th draw, BRAVOING K1 78 --- BRAVO to applaud by shouting "bravo" [v]
Other moves: ABORIGIN B2 76, LABORING M4 63, BAGH 1A 30, BLARING M3 26, BRAVING K1 26
BRAVING K1 26 kellybelly
On 16th draw, QUAIS J6 70 --- QUAI a wharf [n]
Other moves: QUA J6 68, QI J6 64, NIQAB 1G 48, VRAIC 2J 36, BAVIN 1K 33
QUIN B6 33 kellybelly
On 17th draw, INCLINED M1 74 --- INCLINE to slant [v]
Other moves: CRINED 2J 30, DICH 1A 30, CRIED 2J 28, BINDI 1K 27, INCH 1A 27
INCH 1A 27 kellybelly
On 18th draw, OX 14M 38 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: TEXT E10 35, DEX 8M 33, FOX N5 33, EXON N6 29, OXEN N6 29
OX 14M 38 kellybelly
On 19th draw, BLIVE 1K 33 --- BLIVE immediately [adv]
Other moves: FRENA 2J 32, BRANLE 2J 28, BLAH 1A 27, FLAB 1H 27, ELVAN L8 25
FLAB 1H 27 kellybelly
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