Game of July 22, 2014 at 22:38, 4 players
1. 566 pts musdrive
2. 188 pts Davina
3. 135 pts dannyboy
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H6 70 70 


G6 28 98 


5H 29 127 


11D 48 175 


4L 50 225 


3J 42 267 


C9 29 296 


12A 22 318 


10J 32 350 


O4 33 383 


14B 38 421 


15F 38 459 


A6 71 530 


N6 40 570 


15A 38 608 


M8 78 686 


14I 30 716 


B2 28 744 


2F 23 767 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
musdrive 7 14:07 -201 566 1.7668 musdrive 7 14:07 -201 566
Davina 1 6:08 -579 188 2.7066 Davina 1 6:08 -579 188
dannyboy 2 3:27 -632 135 3.7579 dannyboy 2 3:27 -632 135
GLOBEMAN 1 4:25 -704 63 4.7123 GLOBEMAN 1 4:25 -704 63
On 1st draw, ATONING H6 70 --- ATONE to make amends or reparation [v]
Other moves: ATONING H2 68, ATONING H3 68, ATONING H4 68, ATONING H7 68, ATONING H8 68
ATONING H6 20 musdrive
TONING H7 18 Davina
On 2nd draw, PESADE G6 28 --- PESADE the position of a horse when rearing [n]
Other moves: PADIS G6 25, PEDES G6 25, SEPAD I6 25, SIPED I6 25, SPADE G7 25
GASPED 12H 20 musdrive
APED G5 18 Davina
On 3rd draw, B(R)AVO 5H 29 --- BRAVO a hired killer [n] --- BRAVO to applaud by shouting "bravo" [v]
Other moves: BOGOA(K) 5H 27, BOO(N)GA 5H 27, VAG(I) I6 26, BOGA(N) 5H 25, BOOG(Y) 5H 25
BO(N)G 5H 23 musdrive
G(I)VEN 11D 16 Davina
On 4th draw, SPLENIUM 11D 48 --- SPLENIUM a surgical bandage [n]
Other moves: PLENISM 11E 44, PLENUMS 11E 44, PIUM 4L 30, PLIM 4L 30, PLUM 4L 30
PLUM 4L 30 musdrive, Davina
On 5th draw, ZOOT 4L 50 --- ZOOT in zoot suit [adj]
Other tops: ZOON 4L 50, ZOOT 12A 50
Other moves: TR(E)Z 4L 48, ZO(B)O 12A 48, ZO(B)O 4L 48, ZO(O)N 4L 48, ZO(O)T 12A 48
ZOON 4L 50 musdrive
(R)AZOR J4 33 dannyboy
On 6th draw, SWABS 3J 42 --- SWAB to clean with a large mop [v]
Other moves: STAWS 3J 40, WABS 3K 40, WAISTS L8 39, SAWS 3K 38, SWAB 3J 38
SWABS 3J 42 musdrive
SWABS L11 35 Davina
On 7th draw, ROADIE C9 29 --- ROADIE a person who works for travelling entertainers [n]
Other tops: DEAIR C9 29
Other moves: IRADE C9 27, ADORE C11 25, AIDER C11 25, AIDOI C11 25, AIRED C11 25
GORED 12H 22 musdrive
TIRADE O4 21 Davina
On 8th draw, NUDIE 12A 22 --- NUDIE a movie featuring nude performers [n]
Other tops: RUDIE 12A 22, SENTI D11 22
Other moves: RUNLET 12J 20, RUTILE 12J 20, TUNIER 12J 20, NIRL 6L 19, NITE 6L 19
SENT D11 18 musdrive
TINTER O4 18 Davina
On 9th draw, METED 10J 32 --- METE to distribute by measure [v]
Other tops: MOTED 10J 32, MUTED 10J 32
Other moves: MEOUED 10J 31, DEMETON A6 30, DEMOUNT A7 30, EUDEMON A6 30, MEOUED 12J 30
MOTED 10J 32 Davina
METED 10J 32 musdrive
On 10th draw, THIEF O4 33 --- THIEF one that steals [n]
Other tops: FOEHN A8 33
Other moves: FEH 9K 32, FEH B8 32, FOH B8 32, HEIFER M9 32, HEREOF M9 32
THIEF O4 33 dannyboy
FEH B8 32 musdrive
On 11th draw, HERRY 14B 38 --- HERRY to harry [v]
Other tops: HY(E) N6 38, (C)HERRY 14A 38, (S)HERRY 14A 38, (W)HERRY 14A 38
Other moves: HER(B)Y 14B 36, HER(R)Y 14B 36, HE(N)RY 14B 36, HE(R)RY 14B 36, Q(U)ERY 14A 32
Q(U)ERY 14A 32 musdrive
QI 6N 31 dannyboy
On 12th draw, AXLE 15F 38 --- AXLE a shaft upon which a wheel revolves [n]
Other tops: AXEL 15F 38
Other moves: AXE 15F 35, AXE I7 30, MUREX J10 30, LEAL 2I 28, NEAL 2I 28
AXEL 15F 38 dannyboy, musdrive
On 13th draw, NEUTRON(S) A6 71 --- NEUTRON a subatomic particle [n]
Other tops: NEUTR(I)NO A6 71, NO(C)TURNE A6 71, UNROT(T)EN A5 71, UNRO(T)TEN A5 71, UNT(H)RONE A6 71
Other moves: NEUTRO(N) 14I 68, OUTE(A)RN 14I 68, RE(C)OUNT 14I 68, RE(M)OUNT 14I 68, ROUTE(M)EN M6 68
RO(S)E 15A 27 musdrive
On 14th draw, KAI N6 40 --- KAI a meal [n]
Other tops: KOI N6 40
Other moves: SOAK N3 39, SOOK N3 39, KA N6 34, KO N6 34, OIK 2M 25
KOI N6 40 musdrive
On 15th draw, QI 15A 38 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: GEAL 2I 29, AGGIE B2 22, LIGGE B2 22, QAT L8 22, ANLAGE 9G 21
QI 15A 38 musdrive
On 16th draw, REEDLING M8 78 --- REEDLING a marsh bird [n]
Other moves: DREEING M7 36, DERING 12J 31, DREEING M8 27, GIRNED B2 27, GREINED M8 27
REEDING M8 26 musdrive
On 17th draw, OCTANE 14I 30 --- OCTANE a liquid hydrocarbon [n]
Other tops: COAL 2I 30
Other moves: GAOL 2I 29, GEAL 2I 29, GOAL 2I 29, CLANG 14J 28, TEAL 2I 28
CLANG 14J 28 musdrive
On 18th draw, CAVIE B2 28 --- CAVIE a hen coop [n]
Other moves: CLEF 12L 26, FLIC 12L 24, ALEF 12L 22, ALIF 12L 22, AVE I7 22
CAVIE B2 28 musdrive, GLOBEMAN
On 19th draw, FUNGO 2F 23 --- FUNGO a fly ball hit to a fielder for practice in baseball [n]
Other moves: ERF 7A 21, GURL 12J 21, AFRONT 3B 20, FLOG 12L 20, ERGON 7A 19
FLOG 12L 20 musdrive, GLOBEMAN
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