Game of July 22, 2014 at 23:25, 5 players
1. 671 pts musdrive
2. 565 pts roocatcher
3. 443 pts Davina
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H3 76 76 


5E 82 158 


4A 49 207 


A4 48 255 


K5 88 343 


B1 55 398 


11D 68 466 


L10 42 508 


15G 39 547 


8J 48 595 


12D 49 644 


13I 44 688 


10J 28 716 


J2 64 780 


C3 39 819 


1B 48 867 


L1 52 919 


13A 24 943 


N2 70 1013 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
musdrive 6 16:04 -342 671 1.7677 musdrive 6 16:04 -342 671
roocatcher 2 16:30 -448 565 2.7069 Davina 2 12:52 -570 443
Davina 2 12:52 -570 443 3.7579 dannyboy 0 2:09 -925 88
dannyboy 0 2:09 -925 88 Group: intermediate
s.martin 0 1:26 -987 26 1.6823 roocatcher 2 16:30 -448 565
2.6875 s.martin 0 1:26 -987 26
On 1st draw, UPDARTS H3 76 --- UPDART to dart up [v]
Other moves: UPDARTS H2 74, UPDARTS H4 72, UPDARTS H6 72, UPDARTS H7 72, UPDARTS H8 72
UPDARTS H3 26 musdrive
On 2nd draw, O(B)EDIENT 5E 82 --- OBEDIENT obeying or willing to obey [adj]
Other moves: TEO(S)INTE 8H 74, TENO(R)ITE 8H 71, E(Y)EPOINT 4E 68, OPTI(O)NEE 4G 68, (O)PTIONEE 4G 68
E(R)ODENT 5E 28 musdrive
TEEN I3 17 roocatcher
On 3rd draw, JIBED 4A 49 --- JIBE to gibe [v]
Other moves: IBEX 4L 46, JIBES 4A 46, JEDIS 4A 44, DEX G1 36, JIBED J2 35
JIBED 4A 49 musdrive
SEXED J4 29 roocatcher
SEX J4 26 s.martin
On 4th draw, JOKES A4 48 --- JOKE to say something amusing [v]
Other moves: VOETSEK L2 38, JEELS A4 36, JOLES A4 36, STOKVEL L4 36, SLIEVE B2 34
JOKES A4 48 musdrive, roocatcher
On 5th draw, NIZAMATE K5 88 --- NIZAMATE the territory of a nizam [n]
Other moves: MAIZE 4J 42, MAIZE 6J 38, ZABETA C2 36, MEZE J4 35, ZIMB C1 34
MAIZE 6J 38 musdrive
MEZE J4 35 roocatcher
MEAT 6J 26 Davina
On 6th draw, GLAIRY B1 55 --- GLAIRY resembling egg white [adj]
Other moves: GRISY B2 53, LAIRY B2 51, GAYALS 8J 42, GYRAL L8 42, SAGGY 13K 40
GAYALS 8J 42 roocatcher
SAGGY 13K 40 musdrive
LAYS J8 36 Davina
On 7th draw, MI(Q)UELET 11D 68 --- MIQUELET a former Spanish or French soldier [n]
Other moves: MIL(I)EU L8 38, M(I)LIEU L8 38, ME(S)EL 13I 37, GEMLI(K)E 1B 36, GEM(M)ULE 1B 36
MUE(S)LI 13H 35 musdrive
LEME J8 30 roocatcher
(S)EEM 13K 29 Davina
On 8th draw, ASTONY L10 42 --- ASTONY to amaze or shock [v]
Other moves: ASTONY 13J 38, NASTY 13I 38, STONY L11 38, AYONT 8K 36, EYOTS H11 36
SOOTY 13K 36 musdrive, roocatcher
STAY 13K 34 Davina
AYE J9 31 dannyboy
On 9th draw, CROUPY 15G 39 --- CROUPY affected with croup [adj]
Other moves: PACER J8 37, PUCER J8 37, COPAY 15H 36, CRAPY 15H 36, PACE J8 33
COPAY 15H 36 musdrive
CRAPY 15H 36 roocatcher
PARRY 15H 30 Davina
YORP 15L 27 dannyboy
On 10th draw, FAVELA 8J 48 --- FAVELA a slum area [n]
Other moves: CHEF 12B 37, FEH J10 37, AVALE 8K 36, FAECAL 8J 36, FAVE 12A 36
FEH J10 37 roocatcher
HAVE 12A 36 musdrive, Davina
FEH J4 30 dannyboy
On 11th draw, ANIGH 12D 49 --- ANIGH nigh [adv]
Other moves: HAWMING D8 40, WIGAN 12A 36, HARMING D8 34, WARMING D8 34, WIGHT L1 32
WHIN 12B 30 musdrive
HAW 9M 29 Davina
REH J4 27 roocatcher
On 12th draw, VISOR 13I 44 --- VISOR to provide with a visor (a projecting brim) [v]
Other moves: SORDO 13K 32, SORGO 13K 32, SOV 13K 32, SORD 13K 30, SOD 13K 28
VISED J2 28 musdrive
VOIDS 13A 27 roocatcher
GRIDS 13A 23 Davina
On 13th draw, HAAR 10J 28 --- HAAR a cold sea-mist [n]
Other tops: QUOTH 3G 28
Other moves: REH J4 27, EH J5 26, HI 6J 26, QORMA D8 26, QUOTA O4 24
QUOTH 3G 28 musdrive, Davina
REH J4 27 roocatcher
On 14th draw, FOREX J2 64 --- FOREX short for foreign exchange [n]
Other moves: DEX J4 52, REX J4 51, EX J5 50, XI 6J 50, FAX 13B 38
FOREX J2 64 musdrive
DEX J4 52 roocatcher, Davina
On 15th draw, ABCEE C3 39 --- ABCEE the alphabet [n]
Other moves: OCEAN 13A 22, AGENE 1A 21, AGONE 1A 21, BEEN C4 20, COUNT L1 20
OCEAN 13A 22 musdrive
FENCE 2J 20 Davina, roocatcher
On 16th draw, GOWANED 1B 48 --- GOWAN a daisy [adj] --- GOWANED covered with gowans (daisies) [adj]
Other tops: GOWLAND 1B 48
Other moves: AGLOW 1A 30, ADOWN 13A 29, DAWN 13B 27, DOWN 13B 27, ALEW 4L 26
AGLOW 1A 30 musdrive
DAWN 13B 27 Davina
FAWNED 2J 26 roocatcher
On 17th draw, QUBIT L1 52 --- QUBIT in computing, a quantum bit [n]
Other moves: QUIET L1 48, QUINT L1 48, QUOIT L1 48, FIQUE 2J 34, QUIN 13A 31
QUBIT L1 52 musdrive
QUIN 13A 31 roocatcher, Davina
On 18th draw, GLOW 13A 24 --- GLOW to emit light and heat [v]
Other moves: WET 7M 23, OWE 2D 22, TWIG 13A 22, GEO M2 21, GET M2 21
GLOW 13A 24 Davina, musdrive, roocatcher
On 19th draw, NONTITLE N2 70 --- NONTITLE pertaining to an athletic contest in which a title is not at stake [adj]
Other moves: INTONATE O3 59, OINT 14B 23, INGOT A11 21, INN 14B 21, ION 14B 21
INGOT A11 21 musdrive, roocatcher
NET M2 18 Davina
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