Game of July 27, 2014 at 07:22, 2 players
1. 273 pts mordeckhi
2. 123 pts faythe
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H3 26 26 


3H 36 62 


5D 90 152 


E5 72 224 


2I 70 294 


O1 36 330 


N2 42 372 


8A 33 405 


D10 41 446 


1D 49 495 


4A 44 539 


B8 78 617 


A11 51 668 


A1 36 704 


O6 59 763 


3C 26 789 


M7 79 868 


6E 31 899 


J5 37 936 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
mordeckhi 0 16:26 -663 273 1.6092 faythe 1 4:00 -813 123
faythe 1 4:00 -813 123 Group: not rated
1.4145 mordeckhi 0 16:26 -663 273
On 1st draw, TWILLS H3 26 --- TWILL to weave so as to produce a diagonal pattern [v]
Other moves: WAILS H4 24, WAIST H4 24, WAITS H4 24, WALIS H4 24, WALLS H4 24
WAIST H4 24 faythe
On 2nd draw, THANKER 3H 36 --- THANKER one that thanks [n]
Other moves: THRAVE 3H 32, WHARVE 4H 30, HANKIE 5D 26, THENAR 3H 26, WANKER 4H 26
THANKER 3H 36 faythe
On 3rd draw, R(E)MAILED 5D 90 --- REMAIL to post again [v]
Other tops: REMAIL(E)D 5D 90
Other moves: MA(N)DRELS 8A 86, EARLD(O)MS 8A 83, EM(E)RALDS 8A 83, (E)MERALDS 8A 83, DI(S)MALER 5G 70
MEAD 4J 35 faythe
On 4th draw, (E)(M)ICTORY E5 72 --- EMICTORY promoting urine flow [adj]
Other tops: (F)(E)ROCITY E4 72
Other moves: TYRO(N)IC I8 68, (E)MICTORY F4 68, COY(S)TRIL 7A 67, (F)EROCITY M2 67, CRYOLIT(E) 7D 64
YO 2J 28 faythe
CRY D4 16 mordeckhi
On 5th draw, AZO 2I 70 --- AZO containing nitrogen [adj]
Other moves: ZA 2J 64, ZO 2J 64, ZEST O1 57, ZOAEAS D10 55, ZEKS L1 54
THANKERS 3H 15 mordeckhi
On 6th draw, BISE O1 36 --- BISE a cold wind in Switzerland [n]
Other moves: GIBED 1E 34, GIBED 1K 34, DEBS D10 33, DESI O1 33, BIDES 1K 32
DICE 8C 8 mordeckhi
On 7th draw, SRADHA N2 42 --- SRADHA a Hindu ceremonial offering [n]
Other moves: TRASH N2 38, HADST 6J 35, HAUDS 6J 35, HASTA 6J 34, DASH 1F 33
DUTCH 8B 12 mordeckhi
On 8th draw, VATIC 8A 33 --- VATIC pertaining to a prophet [adj]
Other moves: PEAVY 12A 32, PEAT F10 29, TAUPIE O7 29, PAVE 4A 28, PEA F10 28
PAY 12C 16 mordeckhi
On 9th draw, WOF D10 41 --- WOF a nobody,a fool (a waste of flesh) [n]
Other moves: WAB D10 37, WEB D10 37, BOEP D12 36, PEBA D10 36, WOF 1G 36
WAY 12C 18 mordeckhi
On 10th draw, FRIEND 1D 49 --- FRIEND to enter into a warm association with [v]
Other moves: FINDER 1D 48, JERID 1E 46, JIRD 1F 43, DJIN 1F 42, REFIND 1D 40
DINER O7 21 mordeckhi
On 11th draw, JUDO 4A 44 --- JUDO a form of jujitsu [n]
Other moves: JUPON M7 42, DJIN O7 39, JUDO M7 39, JUD M7 38, JOIN M7 37
JAP 7M 20 mordeckhi
On 12th draw, ACOEMETI B8 78 --- ACOEMETI an Eastern order of monks [n]
Other moves: EMETIC O7 41, EMETIC O6 39, METIC O6 36, EMIC O6 33, MICE O6 33
MICE O7 28 mordeckhi
On 13th draw, PUBES A11 51 --- PUBES the lower part of the abdomen [n]
Other tops: PUBIS A11 51
Other moves: BUNJES A1 45, BUNJIE A1 45, PUNJIS A1 45, BENIS A11 43, PENIS A11 43
PINES 15A 24 mordeckhi
On 14th draw, NINJA A1 36 --- NINJA a feudal Japanese warrior [n]
Other tops: OUIJA A1 36
Other moves: EONIAN O7 23, ANION O6 22, EAN C13 22, ENNUI O6 22, INANE O6 22
NOUN O7 14 mordeckhi
On 15th draw, EXPORT O6 59 --- EXPORT to send to other countries for commercial purposes [v]
Other tops: EXPERT O6 59
Other moves: EX F9 56, OX F9 56, EXPO O6 53, LOX 6H 53, EXERT O6 50
PAX 7M 15 mordeckhi
On 16th draw, OVAL 3C 26 --- OVAL an oval (egg-shaped) figure or object [n]
Other moves: AVO 3C 24, OVA 3C 24, ALAE 4L 22, LAV M7 22, QI 7D 22
LAX 7M 11 mordeckhi
On 17th draw, RETINUE M7 79 --- RETINUE a group of attendants [n]
Other tops: REUNITE M7 79
Other moves: NEURITE N9 76, REUNITER 10H 62, UTERINE G8 61, TRIENE M6 25, TRIUNE M6 25
TURN M7 17 mordeckhi
On 18th draw, (M)YAL 6E 31 --- MYAL of African witchcraft [adj]
Other moves: YAGI L12 30, YOGA L12 30, YOGI L12 30, GAY 2C 29, GAY L10 29
GUY 12L 14 mordeckhi
On 19th draw, EQUINE J5 37 --- EQUINE a horse [n]
Other moves: UNIQUE 12I 30, QUOIN 11I 28, QUIN 11J 26, EQUINE 13H 25, QI L10 24
QUIET 9I 24 mordeckhi
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