Game of July 28, 2014 at 02:30, 1 player
1. 50 pts faythe
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 34 34 


G5 75 109 


F9 33 142 


11C 94 236 


C9 50 286 


H10 56 342 


E3 75 417 


D1 24 441 


1A 30 471 


12A 26 497 


14H 28 525 


C3 31 556 


K5 72 628 


A10 30 658 


L1 53 711 


3I 40 751 


J2 25 776 


N10 34 810 


1L 30 840 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
faythe 0 1:45 -790 50 1.6092 faythe 0 1:45 -790 50
On 1st draw, VEHME H4 34 --- VEHM a medieval German court [n]
Other tops: H(U)MVEE H4 34
Other moves: VEHM(E) H4 32, V(E)HME H4 32, THE(A)VE H3 30, THE(A)VE H8 30, TH(I)EVE H3 30
On 2nd draw, BOO(F)IER G5 75 --- BOOFY uscular and strong but stupid [adj]
Other tops: BOO(M)IER G5 75
Other moves: BOI(L)OVER 4C 74, OVERBOI(L) 4G 74, BIO(P)HORE 6D 66, BOO(F)IER G8 64, BOO(K)IER G8 64
On 3rd draw, AWEEL F9 33 --- AWEEL well [interj]
Other moves: AWEE F9 32, AWOL F9 32, AWA F9 31, AWE F9 31, OWE F9 31
On 4th draw, INTERLAPS 11C 94 --- INTERLAP to lap one over another [v]
Other moves: PLAINTS E3 71, PERTAINS 11E 40, PERSALT 11E 36, PERSANT 11E 36, PERTAIN 11E 36
On 5th draw, ZAIRES C9 50 --- ZAIRE a monetary unit of central Africa [n]
Other moves: ZAIRE C9 48, ZEINS D8 48, LAZES H11 45, PRIZE J11 36, VEZIRS 4H 36
On 6th draw, BL(O)CKY H10 56 --- BLOCKY short and stout [adj]
Other moves: BLE(A)KY H10 53, BL(O)KEY H10 50, BYC(O)KET E5 47, K(O)INE D8 42, BLI(M)EY H10 41
On 7th draw, ENWINDS E3 75 --- ENWIND to wind around [v]
Other moves: BENDWISE 5G 28, INDEW 12K 28, WIRE 12A 26, BEDEWS 5G 24, INDEW E5 24
On 8th draw, MANI D1 24 --- MANI a stone prayer in a Tibetan Buddhist temple [n]
Other tops: MINA D1 24, QAT D1 24, QI D6 24, QIS 14A 24
Other moves: AMIN B12 22, AMI B12 20, MATIN 4A 20, AMI D2 18, MAN B13 18
On 9th draw, STEMING 1A 30 --- STEM to remove stems (ascending axes of a plant) from [v]
Other tops: CNEMIS 1A 30, METICS 1D 30, MINCES 1D 30, TEMSING 1B 30
Other moves: KESTING 14H 28, MESIC 1D 27, METIC 1D 27, METING 1D 27, MINCE 1D 27
On 10th draw, FARO 12A 26 --- FARO a card game [n]
Other tops: FORA 12A 26
Other moves: VIFDA 4H 24, FAD B13 23, FID B13 23, OF C3 22, DIF B13 21
On 11th draw, KATORGA 14H 28 --- KATORGA a Russian form of penal servitude [n]
Other moves: GROUF A8 27, AGORA C3 24, FRAG A12 24, FROG A12 24, FRUG A12 24
On 12th draw, OPING C3 31 --- OPE to open [v]
Other tops: APING C3 31
Other moves: GANOF A8 27, GONIF A8 27, GOAD 13K 26, PAGING M9 26, TAPING B1 26
On 13th draw, ACRIDEST K5 72 --- ACRID sharp and harsh to the taste or smell [adj]
Other moves: CRAFTED A9 39, DECAF A8 33, ADRIFT A8 30, DAFTER A10 30, DAFTIE A10 30
On 14th draw, DEFUEL A10 30 --- DEFUEL to remove fuel from [v]
Other moves: VELDT L1 28, DELVE L1 24, DEVEL L1 24, DILUTE 8J 24, DUVET L1 24
On 15th draw, HYRAX L1 53 --- HYRAX a small, harelike mammal [n]
Other moves: XI 15N 36, XU 15N 36, HAIRY L1 35, HYRAX 15G 31, AX 15N 29
On 16th draw, JIRRE 3I 40 --- JIRRE (Afrikaans) an exclamation expressive of surprise, admiration, shock, etc [interj]
Other moves: JOUR J2 37, OUTHIRE 1I 30, JOY 2J 29, REJIG M10 26, JIRRE 3J 24
JOY 2J 29 faythe
On 17th draw, VIOL J2 25 --- VIOL a stringed instrument [n]
Other moves: THIOL 1K 24, THOLI 1K 24, TOLA 2A 24, HILT 1L 21, HOLT 1L 21
HOLT 1L 21 faythe
On 18th draw, QUOTA N10 34 --- QUOTA a proportional part or share [n]
Other moves: QI B5 28, DHOTI 1K 27, DHUTI 1K 27, QI J8 25, IDIOT 8K 24
On 19th draw, HOUF 1L 30 --- HOUF to go often to a place [v]
Other moves: DOIT O8 28, DUIT O8 28, DHOTI 1K 27, DHUTI 1K 27, FID L8 26
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