Game of July 28, 2014 at 07:45, 1 player
1. 32 pts elcee51
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H2 82 82 


3C 30 112 


5H 78 190 


K1 70 260 


I8 67 327 


14B 76 403 


1K 45 448 


C7 74 522 


N3 67 589 


O8 49 638 


H12 37 675 


15A 34 709 


8A 48 757 


L8 74 831 


F2 34 865 


K10 38 903 


4A 31 934 


A1 45 979 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
elcee51 0 0:37 -947 32 1.6802 elcee51 0 0:37 -947 32
On 1st draw, DEFAM(E)S H2 82 --- DEFAME to destroy the reputation of [v]
Other tops: DEF(O)AMS H2 82, D(E)FAMES H2 82
Other moves: DEFAM(E)S H8 80, DEF(O)AMS H7 80, D(E)FAMES H8 80, D(I)SFAME H7 80, DEFAM(E)S H4 78
DEFAM(E)S H2 32 elcee51
On 2nd draw, IMPUTED 3C 30 --- IMPUTE to credit to a person or a cause [v]
Other moves: DIMOUT I5 28, PODIUM G5 28, MOTU G3 27, TUMID G5 27, TUMID I5 27
On 3rd draw, ABSOLVED 5H 78 --- ABSOLVE to free from the consequences of an action [v]
Other moves: BELOV(E)DS 7C 72, B(E)LOVEDS 7G 69, BODE 4A 31, DOES 4C 27, LOBED G5 27
On 4th draw, ZEALOTRY K1 70 --- ZEALOTRY excessive zeal [n]
Other moves: ZETA 4A 56, ZYME D1 56, DRAZEL O5 48, LAZED O1 48, RAZED O1 48
On 5th draw, TWINIER I8 67 --- TWINY resembling twine (a strong string) [adj]
Other moves: WINIER 4A 42, WINDIER O2 36, WEINER 2J 34, RENEW N2 32, WINE 4A 32
On 6th draw, INFLATER 14B 76 --- INFLATER one that inflates [n]
Other moves: ANTILIFE 12D 74, ANTILIFE 12F 74, ANTILIFE 10D 71, ANTILIFE 10F 65, ZANTE 1K 45
On 7th draw, ZOOEA 1K 45 --- ZOOEA the larval stage of crabs [n]
Other tops: ZEROS 1K 45, ZOEAS 1K 45
Other moves: SWOONER 11E 40, AWES 15E 36, OWER 15E 36, OWES 15E 36, REDOWAS O3 36
On 8th draw, EUONY(M)IN C7 74 --- EUONYMIN an extract of bark of the euonymus [n]
Other moves: EUONY(M)IN 11B 70, EUONY(M)IN 11F 70, YO(G)IN 15D 56, YO(W)IE 15D 56, YONI(S) 15D 54
On 9th draw, BREATHES N3 67 --- BREATHE to inhale and exhale air [v]
Other moves: BASHER H10 50, BATHER H10 50, BATHES H10 50, BEHEST 2J 47, H*B*SHEBES 2J 46
On 10th draw, OHONE O8 49 --- OHONE expressing lamentation [interj]
Other moves: OCHONE O10 47, OHO O8 40, OOH O7 40, NOH 15F 37, ECHO M7 35
On 11th draw, GREW H12 37 --- GREW to shudder [v] --- GROW to cultivate [v]
Other moves: OWER H12 32, WAR 15F 31, AREW H12 29, GOER H12 28, WALI L3 25
On 12th draw, LOSE 15A 34 --- LOSE to misplace or be deprived of [v] --- LOSE to loose [v]
Other moves: EGGS J11 33, EGIS J11 31, EGOS J11 31, GOUGES 8A 30, GIS J12 28
On 13th draw, POUKE 8A 48 --- POUKE a goblin [n]
Other moves: POUK 8A 45, DOUK 8A 42, GOUK 8A 42, KEMP D1 34, GOUGED 8A 33
On 14th draw, ANTIGUN L8 74 --- ANTIGUN opposed to guns [adj]
Other moves: ANTEING E5 32, TAIG 4C 27, NAIN 4C 24, TAIN 4C 24, TUAN 4C 24
On 15th draw, QUAG F2 34 --- QUAG a quagmire [n]
Other moves: QUAI 10F 33, QUAI F2 33, QUA F2 32, UMIAQ D2 32, JUGA 2A 31
On 16th draw, AX K10 38 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: AXOID 9A 35, JEDI 2J 33, ADMIX D1 32, CADI 4A 31, RADIX 10F 31
On 17th draw, CADI 4A 31 --- CADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other moves: CIMAR D1 24, ACRED E5 22, ARCED E5 22, CAULD E11 22, AROID 9A 21
On 18th draw, JUICER A1 45 --- JUICER a juice extractor [n]
Other moves: JUICE A1 42, JEER 2J 31, ERUCIC A1 30, JEE 2J 28, JEU 2J 28
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