Game of July 28, 2014 at 23:02, 3 players
1. 578 pts musdrive
2. 316 pts Davina
3. 48 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 74 74 


11E 56 130 


10F 30 160 


D8 32 192 


C12 26 218 


8A 27 245 


I1 62 307 


H1 40 347 


15A 48 395 


C1 70 465 


B5 53 518 


K4 76 594 


L1 39 633 


M2 93 726 


A1 40 766 


8J 39 805 


13G 70 875 


N1 38 913 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
musdrive 6 11:09 -335 578 1.7699 musdrive 6 11:09 -335 578
Davina 2 8:51 -597 316 2.7042 Davina 2 8:51 -597 316
roocatcher 0 0:35 -865 48 Group: intermediate
1.6700 roocatcher 0 0:35 -865 48
On 1st draw, ASTILBE H7 74 --- ASTILBE an Asian perennial [n]
Other tops: ABLEIST H3 74, ALBITES H2 74, BASTILE H4 74, BESTIAL H4 74, BLASTIE H4 74, LIBATES H2 74
Other moves: ABLEIST H2 70, ABLEIST H4 70, ABLEIST H6 70, ABLEIST H7 70, ABLEIST H8 70
BLASTIE H4 24 roocatcher
BALTIS H4 22 musdrive
On 2nd draw, WIGLIK(E) 11E 56 --- WIGLIKE resembling a wig [adj]
Other moves: WAILI(N)G 11E 40, WIG(L)IKE 13B 38, EWKI(N)G 13H 34, WA(K)IKI G3 34, GAWKIE(R) 13C 30
WAILI(N)G 11E 40 musdrive
KA G7 24 roocatcher
On 3rd draw, HUI 10F 30 --- HUI a Maori gathering [n]
Other moves: GRUFE 12A 27, NIEF I10 26, FEU G7 25, HUE G7 25, GRUFE G4 24
HUI 10F 30 musdrive
On 4th draw, DAU(T)ED D8 32 --- DAUT to fondle [v]
Other moves: DAU(B)ED 12A 30, DAU(D)ED 12A 30, DAU(R)ED 12A 30, DAU(T)ED 12A 30, ADA(W)ED 12A 28
DAU(B)ED 12A 30 musdrive
On 5th draw, MOPE C12 26 --- MOPE to act in a dejected or gloomy manner [v]
Other tops: EPROMS 13H 26, MOPS C12 26, PERM C12 26, POEM C12 26, POME C12 26, P*MSPOMS C12 26
Other moves: EPROM 12K 25, EPROM E5 25, POSER 14F 25, PROEM E5 25, SPERM 12K 25
MOPE C12 26 musdrive
On 6th draw, TORDIONS 8A 27 --- TORDION an old dance [n]
Other moves: ENROOT 15C 21, NOO B13 20, NOR B13 20, NOT B13 20, ROO B13 20
TOR B13 20 musdrive
On 7th draw, ONEROUS I1 62 --- ONEROUS burdensome or oppressive [adj]
Other moves: OUTSNORE A6 59, SENOR B11 29, SERON B11 29, BOONERS 12H 27, BOONER 12H 25
BOONERS 12H 27 musdrive
On 8th draw, SOYA H1 40 --- SOYA the soybean [n]
Other moves: YAE H1 37, YEA H1 37, SIEVE 15A 36, SOOEY 1H 36, SAVOY 1F 33
YAE H1 37 musdrive
YEA H1 37 Davina
On 9th draw, CLEWED 15A 48 --- CLEW to roll into a ball [v]
Other moves: CLEW 15A 39, ALEW 15A 33, DEW G1 31, LEWD J1 31, AWED 15A 30
CLEWED 15A 48 Davina
WEED 15A 30 musdrive
On 10th draw, ORANGIER C1 70 --- ORANGEY resembling the colour of an orange [adj] --- ORANGY resembling or suggestive of an orange [adj]
Other moves: GONER J1 28, NEROL B11 27, BOING 12H 25, ENOL B12 25, GONE J1 25
GONER J1 28 musdrive
ARKING J9 17 Davina
On 11th draw, AX B5 53 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: AXONES 1A 42, AXONE 1A 39, AXONS 1A 39, EXONS 1A 39, SLOVEN 1A 39
AX B5 53 musdrive, Davina
On 12th draw, ADOPTIV(E) K4 76 --- ADOPTION the act of adopting [adj] --- ADOPTIVE that adopts [adj]
Other moves: PAVID A1 41, VAPID A1 41, ADOPT A1 37, PIVOT A1 37, AVOID A1 35
AVOID A1 35 musdrive
ADOPT 1A 33 Davina
On 13th draw, CALMER L1 39 --- CALM free from agitation [adj]
Other moves: CLAIM A1 36, CREAM A1 36, CROME 1A 36, MALIC A1 36, MELIC A1 36
CALMER L1 39 musdrive
CRIME L1 35 Davina
On 14th draw, NAIVETE M2 93 --- NAIVETE the quality of being naive [n]
Other moves: NAIVETE M5 69, NAIVE M2 37, EVENT A1 31, SONICATE 1H 30, AINEE M3 28
EVENT A1 31 musdrive
CAVE 1L 27 Davina
On 15th draw, BRIEF A1 40 --- BRIEF short [adj] --- BRIEF to give instructions [v]
Other moves: FERE D1 39, FIBER A1 37, BRIEF 2B 36, BENE D1 33, BERE D1 33
BRIEF A1 40 musdrive
FIBER A1 37 Davina
On 16th draw, ETHENE 8J 39 --- ETHENE a flammable gas [n]
Other tops: HERE D1 39
Other moves: THERE 8K 36, HARE N1 29, HARN N1 29, HERE N1 29, HERN N1 29
HERE D1 39 musdrive
HERN N1 29 Davina
On 17th draw, RETINULA 13G 70 --- RETINULA a neural receptor of an arthropod's eye [n]
Other tops: TENURIAL 13G 70
Other moves: AUNTLIER O2 59, RETINULA O7 59, TENURIAL O7 59, INTRA N1 33, AIRN N1 23
TARN N1 23 musdrive
On 18th draw, TYGS N1 38 --- TYG an old drinking-cup [n]
Other moves: FY 14J 34, JANTY 2K 30, TYG N1 30, FY N1 28, JASY N12 28
JASY N12 28 musdrive
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