Game of July 31, 2014 at 08:11, 1 player
1. 174 pts elcee51
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 32 32 


G5 34 66 


8C 62 128 


C6 82 210 


B3 67 277 


13B 61 338 


H12 57 395 


A1 54 449 


K5 94 543 


1A 83 626 


L1 87 713 


J10 67 780 


E5 44 824 


1J 33 857 


M7 86 943 


I3 35 978 


B9 32 1010 


A10 32 1042 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
elcee51 1 5:30 -868 174 1.6802 elcee51 1 5:30 -868 174
On 1st draw, KELOID H4 32 --- KELOID a scar caused by excessive growth of fibrous tissue [n]
Other tops: CLEIK H8 32, CLOKED H4 32
Other moves: CLOKED H7 30, COKED H4 30, KIDEL H4 30, LICKED H7 30, LOCKED H7 30
On 2nd draw, FABLE G5 34 --- FABLE to compose or tell fictitious tales [v]
Other moves: FOAL I7 27, FOE I7 26, VOLABLE 6F 26, VOLAE I3 26, ABLE G6 25
On 3rd draw, NODALISED 8C 62 --- NODALISE to form nodes [v]
Other moves: DEFENDS 5E 48, ADDS 10E 34, DEADS I5 34, DOSED I3 34, ODDS 10E 34
On 4th draw, ANNEXIO(N) C6 82 --- ANNEXION the act of annexing [n]
Other tops: ANNEXIO(N) C7 82
Other moves: AN(N)EXION C1 80, AN(N)EXION C7 80, A(N)NEXION C1 80, A(N)NEXION C6 80, DIOXANE(S) E8 80
On 5th draw, OYEZ B3 67 --- OYEZ a cry used to introduce the opening of a court of law [n]
Other moves: ZO B6 64, SEZ B4 63, OYEZ D12 60, SHOWY B2 57, ZOOEY 12A 54
On 6th draw, U(N)SAINED 13B 61 --- UNSAINED unblessed [adj]
Other moves: UNSAID 14A 37, ASUDDEN E5 36, ASUDDEN K5 36, DANDIES E5 36, DANDIES K5 36
On 7th draw, JETE H12 57 --- JETE a ballet leap [n]
Other tops: JEAT H12 57, JEES H12 57, JEST H12 57, JETS H12 57
Other moves: HAJES 12H 50, HAJ A1 48, HAJES D2 42, HAJES 14H 39, STASH I5 39
On 8th draw, COPAY A1 54 --- COPAY a fee required by a health insurer to be paid by the patient [n]
Other moves: HYPO A1 49, HOYA A1 44, CAPOT A1 42, TYPO A1 40, HAYS I5 38
On 9th draw, (D)EADLIFT K5 94 --- DEADLIFT to execute a type of lift in weight lifting [v]
Other moves: CALIF(A)TE 1A 89, C(A)LIFATE 1A 89, FLEA(B)ITE 15A 83, F(R)AILTEE 15A 83, KALIF(A)TE 4H 80
On 10th draw, CURRANTS 1A 83 --- CURRANT an edible berry [n]
Other moves: TUNDRAS E5 32, ASTUN B10 29, NURS 10E 29, TARS 10E 29, URSA 10F 29
On 11th draw, VERMINS L1 87 --- VERMIN small, common, harmful, or objectionable animals [n]
Other moves: MINEVERS 15C 64, MINEVERS 15E 64, VERDINS E5 44, EONISMS D7 41, MINDERS E5 40
On 12th draw, QI J10 67 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: GEISHA I5 42, PASH I6 36, PISH I6 36, HEAP M2 35, HAPS I5 34
QI J10 67 elcee51
On 13th draw, OUTDREW E5 44 --- OUTDRAW to attract a larger audience than [v]
Other moves: LOWERS I3 35, TOWERS I3 35, REWS I5 32, TEWS I5 32, WE C3 32
WET B9 26 elcee51
On 14th draw, MEVROU 1J 33 --- MEVROU (South Africa) a title of respect for a woman [n]
Other moves: RUME C1 32, OMERS I4 31, MERIL F10 30, MVULE 1K 30, ME C3 28
MEL B9 24 elcee51
On 15th draw, PELTING M7 86 --- PELT to strike repeatedly with blows or missiles [v] --- PELTING the act of pelting [n]
Other moves: RIPE C1 32, NEPS I5 28, PE C3 28, INEPT M4 27, OPTING N1 26
PELTING M7 36 elcee51
On 16th draw, CIGARS I3 35 --- CIGAR a roll of tobacco leaves for smoking [n]
Other moves: RAWS I5 32, ORGIAC N1 30, WAGS I5 30, RAW C1 28, ROW C1 28
COW D3 21 elcee51
On 17th draw, HOH B9 32 --- HOH to stop [v]
Other tops: HAH B9 32
Other moves: HO F10 31, OATH L12 31, TAHOU B9 30, RAH C1 28, HAO B9 26
On 18th draw, VAW A10 32 --- VAW the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet [n]
Other moves: TWA A9 31, WAB A10 30, RAW C1 28, VAG A10 28, WAG A10 28
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