Game of August 10, 2014 at 14:01, 5 players
1. 414 pts JennyB
2. 389 pts Kalikokat
3. 132 pts Davina
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 76 76 


4G 22 98 


3B 26 124 


11E 112 236 


8A 77 313 


C8 60 373 


12I 78 451 


14A 44 495 


13I 33 528 


M2 72 600 


A12 75 675 


15D 85 760 


8L 33 793 


2I 38 831 


1D 47 878 


B2 38 916 


14I 50 966 


O11 39 1005 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
JennyB 1 16:17 -591 414 1.7042 Davina 1 3:40 -873 132
Kalikokat 2 6:35 -616 389 2.7792 OrangeCup 0 3:26 -943 62
Davina 1 3:40 -873 132 3.7689 PIThompson 0 1:31 -975 30
OrangeCup 0 3:26 -943 62 Group: intermediate
PIThompson 0 1:31 -975 30 1.6262 JennyB 1 16:17 -591 414
2.6167 Kalikokat 2 6:35 -616 389
On 1st draw, W(E)STLIN H4 76 --- WESTLIN western [adj]
Other tops: WINTL(E)S H4 76
Other moves: WINTL(E)S H2 70, WINTL(E)S H3 70, WINTL(E)S H6 70, WINTL(E)S H8 70, W(E)STLIN H2 70
On 2nd draw, DWELLER 4G 22 --- DWELLER one that dwells [n]
Other tops: MELDER G9 22, MELLED G9 22, MERED G9 22
Other moves: MEDLE G9 21, M*RD*MERDE G9 21, MERELL G9 21, MEREL G9 20, MERLE G9 20
On 3rd draw, RIVAGE 3B 26 --- RIVAGE a coast, shore, or bank [n]
Other tops: ARRIVE M3 26, GARVIE 3B 26, GRAVURE M3 26, VERRUGA M2 26
Other moves: GRAVE 3C 24, VAGUE 3C 24, VERRUGA M1 24, VIRGA 3C 24, VIRGE 3C 24
RAVE 3L 20 JennyB
On 4th draw, ABASHED 11E 112 --- ABASH to make ashamed or embarrassed [v]
Other moves: ABASHED N1 92, ABASHED 2F 84, ABASHED G8 78, BRASHED B2 42, BASHED N2 40
BASHED N2 40 JennyB
Other moves: ROOTIES 12A 74, SOOTIER 12A 74, TOORIES 12A 74, SOOTIER N4 73, ROOTIES 2G 63
ROOST N1 22 JennyB
On 6th draw, SQ(U)IFF C8 60 --- SQUIFF tipsy [adj]
Other moves: FIQ(U)E 10J 42, FIQ(U)E 12A 42, FAQI(R) 12A 41, FAQI(R) 10J 40, FAQI(R) 12J 40
Q(U)ARE M1 26 JennyB
On 7th draw, INEDITA 12I 78 --- INEDITA unpublished literary works [n]
Other moves: ADENITIS 6A 65, DAINTIES 6A 63, IODINATE A7 60, TANNED 10E 35, DAFTIE 12A 30
DAINT 10J 22 Kalikokat, JennyB
On 8th draw, PAYOR 14A 44 --- PAYOR prayer [n]
Other tops: PAYER 14A 44
Other moves: PYAT 14B 42, PYET 14B 42, PYOT 14B 42, PYRE 14B 42, PYRO 14B 42
POETRY 10J 34 JennyB
YORE 10J 33 Kalikokat
On 9th draw, TENON 13I 33 --- TENON to unite by means of a tenon (a projection on the end of a piece of wood) [v]
Other moves: NINON 13K 25, NITON 13K 25, NONET 13K 25, INEPT A11 24, NINE 13K 21
TOPE A12 21 JennyB
NOPE A12 21 Kalikokat
On 10th draw, GERANIOL M2 72 --- GERANIOL an alcohol used in perfumes [n]
Other moves: GASOLINE 6F 65, IGAPO A11 30, FAGIN 12C 27, FOGIE 12C 27, GAPE A12 27
GAPE A12 27 Kalikokat
On 11th draw, ZUPA A12 75 --- ZUPA a confederation of village communities [n]
Other tops: ZAPS A12 75, ZEPS A12 75
Other moves: ZOEA 8L 69, ZAS L8 45, ZEA L8 45, ZA L8 44, ASSEZ 6F 36
ZAPS A12 75 Kalikokat, JennyB
On 12th draw, XENIC 15D 85 --- XENIC of a culture medium, growing with unknown other microbiota [adj]
Other moves: XENIA 15D 79, AXONE 8K 60, COAX 8L 48, COXA 8L 48, MOXA 8L 48
COAX 8L 48 Kalikokat
On 13th draw, MOPE 8L 33 --- MOPE to act in a dejected or gloomy manner [v]
Other tops: MOOP 8L 33, MOUP 8L 33, POEM 8L 33, POME 8L 33, POMO 8L 33
Other moves: FUMET 12C 30, PROEM B2 30, TRAMP B2 30, TROMP B2 30, TRUMP B2 30
MOPE 8L 33 Kalikokat
MOOT 8L 27 JennyB
On 14th draw, ABOUGHT 2I 38 --- ABY to pay the penalty for [v] --- ABYE to pay the penalty [v]
Other moves: BOUGHT 2J 36, BROTH B2 36, BOUGH 2J 34, TROTH B2 32, TRUTH B2 32
BATH 2G 23 JennyB
HIT 9G 20 Kalikokat
On 15th draw, KOTARE 1D 47 --- KOTARE a small greenish-blue kingfisher found in New Zealand and Australia [n]
Other moves: ATOKE O1 42, ATOK O1 39, TROAK B2 38, ATOK 1H 36, REAK 1H 36
TEAK 1F 30 Davina
OAK 1G 27 Kalikokat
TAKER O11 27 JennyB
On 16th draw, CRUDY B2 38 --- CRUDY (Shakespeare) crude [adj]
Other moves: CRUSY B2 36, DRUSY B2 34, CARDY O11 33, DARCY O11 33, SCAURY O10 33
STUDY O1 33 Davina
CARDY O11 33 JennyB
YO B10 27 Kalikokat
On 17th draw, SWIM 14I 50 --- SWIM to propel oneself in water by natural means [v]
Other moves: SWIG 14I 48, WIGS 14J 44, WIG 14J 40, WIS 14J 38, MAWRS O11 30
WARMS O11 30 Kalikokat, Davina, PIThompson, OrangeCup
MUTS N10 18 JennyB
On 18th draw, GAUJE O11 39 --- GAUJE a fellow [n]
Other tops: JAGER O11 39
Other moves: ERUV 15L 32, J(U)VE 10B 31, GJUS 6E 28, J(U)RE 10B 28, JEON 6J 27
JAGER O11 39 Davina
ERUV 15L 32 OrangeCup
JOT N10 26 Kalikokat
JO 10E 26 JennyB
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