Game on August 15, 2014 at 00:38, 6 players
1. 352 pts iwhist
2. 131 pts roocatcher
3. 89 pts dannyboy
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 22 22 


7E 76 98 


K5 36 134 


4C 70 204 


11E 64 268 


M3 105 373 


3C 36 409 


H11 72 481 


14F 74 555 


2F 85 640 


8A 40 680 


13K 36 716 


15L 48 764 


O6 80 844 


10F 64 908 


1G 55 963 


5C 38 1001 


6J 40 1041 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
iwhist 2 7:03 -689 352 1.7270 dannyboy 0 3:22 -952 89
roocatcher 0 5:07 -910 131 Group: intermediate
dannyboy 0 3:22 -952 89 1.6499 iwhist 2 7:03 -689 352
s.martin 0 2:17 -991 50 2.6797 roocatcher 0 5:07 -910 131
GLOBEMAN 0 0:52 -1012 29 3.6621 s.martin 0 2:17 -991 50
GillesB 0 0:43 -1014 27 4.6917 GLOBEMAN 0 0:52 -1012 29
5.6535 GillesB 0 0:43 -1014 27
On 1st draw, GADOID H4 22 --- GADOID a type of fish [n]
Other tops: GADOID H7 22
Other moves: GADDI H4 20, GADID H4 20, GADID H8 20, GADOID H3 20, GADOID H8 20
On 2nd draw, PEJORATE 7E 76 --- PEJORATE to make worse [v]
Other moves: TAJ G5 40, JA G7 36, JAP G5 34, JAPE G3 31, JADE 6F 28
On 3rd draw, OUTNAME K5 36 --- OUTNAME to surpass in notoriety [v]
Other tops: AUTOMEN K5 36, NOTAEUM K5 36
Other moves: MANE 8L 34, MANO 8L 34, MAUN 8L 34, MEAN 8L 34, MENO 8L 34
On 4th draw, ISAGOGES 4C 70 --- ISAGOGE a type of introduction to a branch of study [n]
Other moves: GAPOSIS E5 40, AEGIS M3 33, AGIOS M3 33, GASES M3 33, SAGES M3 33
On 5th draw, RIT(O)RNEL 11E 64 --- RITORNEL a short instrumental passage [n]
Other moves: LINT(S) M3 25, NIRL(S) M3 25, TIRL(S) M3 25, TIRR(S) M3 25, TRIL(D) M3 25
On 6th draw, OVERDYE M3 105 --- OVERDYE to dye with too much colour [v]
Other moves: OVERDYED 9A 68, OVEREYE L3 49, OVERED M2 45, DROVE 8A 43, REDYE 8A 43
On 7th draw, MIHA 3C 36 --- MIHA an unopened fern frond [n]
Other tops: (O)GHAM H11 36
Other moves: MIHA 5E 34, PIMA 3C 33, HAM 3C 32, HAP 3C 32, HIM 3C 32
On 8th draw, (O)XBOW H11 72 --- OXBOW a U-shaped piece of wood in an ox yoke [n]
Other moves: WOX 10D 56, BOX 10D 55, OX 10E 52, XI 10F 52, BOW 5C 44
On 9th draw, CLODPAT(E) 14F 74 --- CLODPATE a stupid person [n]
Other moves: PLAC(E)D 8A 45, PLAC(I)D 8A 45, PLAC(E)T 8A 41, PLAC(I)T 8A 41, D(O)PA 5C 40
YAP 8M 24 iwhist
On 10th draw, FATUOUS 2F 85 --- FATUOUS foolish, inane [adj]
Other moves: FAUTS N10 58, FOUATS N9 53, TOFUS N10 46, TUFAS N10 46, F*TS*FATSO N11 42
FAST N12 40 iwhist
FATS N11 40 dannyboy
On 11th draw, NEAFE 8A 40 --- NEAFE the fist [n]
Other moves: FANNER 8A 36, NEAFE 15K 33, NEAFE 1K 32, FAN 1G 31, FEARE 8A 31
FAN 1G 31 dannyboy, iwhist
On 12th draw, BEWIG 13K 36 --- BEWIG to adorn with a wig [v]
Other moves: BEG 1G 31, BIG 1G 31, WET 9C 29, BEG 9C 27, YEW 8M 27
WET 9C 29 iwhist
On 13th draw, HEIL 15L 48 --- HEIL to salute [v]
Other tops: HEIR 15L 48, HELO 15L 48, HERL 15L 48, HERO 15L 48
Other moves: HIOI 1G 36, RHO 5C 35, OH 5D 31, OH 6E 31, HAILIER C7 30
HI 10F 28 iwhist
On 14th draw, SNOTTING O6 80 --- SNOT to blow the nose [v]
Other moves: NISI N12 34, ONS 5D 29, NOINTS 1J 28, SOTTING O7 27, STONING O7 27
SIT 10M 20 iwhist
OINT 1L 18 dannyboy
On 15th draw, QI 10F 64 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: CRAY 6C 35, CAY 6D 34, IMARET 10J 33, AIMER 10I 32, RAY 6D 32
QI 10F 64 iwhist
CAY N1 21 roocatcher
On 16th draw, ZIN 1G 55 --- ZIN a dry, red table wine [n]
Other tops: AZON 5B 55
Other moves: AZONAL C8 50, NAZIR 1K 50, ZA 1G 50, AZLON 5A 48, AZON 1L 45
ZA 1G 50 iwhist, roocatcher
On 17th draw, LOY 5C 38 --- LOY a long narrow spade [n]
Other moves: LOY 6D 32, OY 5D 31, OY 6E 31, SOYA J4 30, OMER 10J 29
LOY 5C 38 iwhist
SOYA J4 30 roocatcher
OY 7B 20 s.martin
On 18th draw, KURRES 6J 40 --- KURRE Spenserian word for cur [n]
Other moves: KERVE 12A 36, AKEE 1L 30, CRAKE 12A 30, CARVE 12A 28, CRAVE 12A 28
CRAKE 12A 30 roocatcher, s.martin
CRAVE 12A 28 iwhist
CREEK B6 27 GillesB
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