Game on August 16, 2014 at 17:17, 6 players
1. 558 pts roocatcher
2. 380 pts Kalikokat
3. 357 pts s.martin
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 22 22 


6E 78 100 


G5 77 177 


H11 35 212 


K5 98 310 


14A 74 384 


A11 51 435 


8K 48 483 


E4 114 597 


8A 45 642 


N1 70 712 


1L 57 769 


D8 32 801 


D1 34 835 


1D 42 877 


I4 29 906 


C7 45 951 


13H 32 983 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
roocatcher 4 19:14 -425 558 1.7041 argomearns 1 1:26 -869 114
Kalikokat 1 8:45 -603 380 2.7270 dannyboy 0 3:15 -932 51
s.martin 3 12:38 -626 357 3.7000 GLOBEMAN 0 0:20 -959 24
argomearns 1 1:26 -869 114 Group: intermediate
dannyboy 0 3:15 -932 51 1.6800 roocatcher 4 19:14 -425 558
GLOBEMAN 0 0:20 -959 24 2.6200 Kalikokat 1 8:45 -603 380
3.6578 s.martin 3 12:38 -626 357
On 1st draw, PODIA H4 22 --- PODIUM a small platform [n]
Other moves: APAID H8 20, APAID H4 18, PODIA H8 18, APAID H5 16, APAID H6 16
CAP H6 14 roocatcher
On 2nd draw, RHODAMIN 6E 78 --- RHODAMIN a red dye [n]
Other moves: MOHAIR G5 34, MIHA G5 31, HOMA G5 29, OHM G6 28, HARMIN G7 27
HAM G7 26 roocatcher
On 3rd draw, DOGBANES G5 77 --- DOGBANE a perennial herb [n]
BANDS M2 31 roocatcher
On 4th draw, FITNA H11 35 --- FITNA a state of trouble or chaos [n]
Other tops: FIENT H11 35
Other moves: ODONATE 5F 33, OFTEN M3 33, FAINE M2 31, FANE M3 29, FATE M3 29
FAN F11 13 roocatcher
On 5th draw, DISCIPL(E) K5 98 --- DISCIPLE to cause to become a follower [v]
Other moves: SPLIC(E)D M1 90, SPLIC(E)D M6 80, C(A)PSIDAL 9A 74, DISCIPL(E) K2 74, C(U)SPIDAL 9A 72
CLIPS M2 33 Kalikokat
CLIP(E)S M1 33 roocatcher
On 6th draw, MUNITION 14A 74 --- MUNITION to furnish with war material [v]
Other moves: MUNITION 14F 68, CUMIN 8K 30, IONIUM L10 30, OMIT F8 27, MANTO I5 25
CUMIN 8K 30 roocatcher
COUNT 8K 24 Kalikokat
On 7th draw, WHAMS A11 51 --- WHAM to hit with a loud impact [v]
Other tops: CHAWS 8K 51, CHEWS 8K 51, WHIMS A11 51
Other moves: CHAIS 8K 42, CHASE 8K 42, CHIAS 8K 42, HAWMS A11 42, SHAME A11 42
WHIMS A11 51 roocatcher
SHAW 13K 33 Kalikokat
On 8th draw, CYCLE 8K 48 --- CYCLE to ride a bicycle [v]
Other tops: CYCLO 8K 48
Other moves: COLEY M3 43, COREY M3 43, COTYLE M1 37, COYER M3 37, CLOYE M2 35
CYCLE 8K 48 roocatcher, s.martin
CAT I5 17 dannyboy
YON L4 15 Kalikokat
On 9th draw, BER(C)EAUX E4 114 --- BERCEAU a cradle [n]
Other moves: BE(R)CEAUX M5 84, BEAUX(I)TE E8 82, EX(T)UBATE E8 82, EXU(R)BAN C8 46, BE(M)IX D11 42
AXE(S) L11 38 Kalikokat
AXE(S) M3 34 roocatcher, s.martin
AXE(L) 13A 34 dannyboy
On 10th draw, FAUVE 8A 45 --- FAUVE a member of a group of expressionist painters [n]
Other moves: FAUVE M2 37, FAVA D1 36, REAVE 8A 36, FAVE M3 35, FEUAR D1 34
FAVA D1 36 roocatcher, s.martin
FAR D3 22 Kalikokat
On 11th draw, LITTORAL N1 70 --- LITTORAL a coastal region [n]
Other tops: LITTORAL N8 70, TORTILLA N2 70
Other moves: TORTILLA N3 62, LITERATO O5 59, ARIOT D1 22, LATRIA I5 22, LIROT D1 22
TOLAR D1 22 roocatcher
TORA D1 18 s.martin
TOR D3 16 Kalikokat
On 12th draw, JOLT 1L 57 --- JOLT to jar or shake roughly [v]
Other tops: JILT 1L 57, JOLS 1L 57
Other moves: JONTY L4 35, SIJO 13K 35, JOTAS I3 34, SIJO D1 32, JOTUNN 10B 31
JOLT 1L 57 Kalikokat
JOLS 1L 57 s.martin
JILT 1L 57 roocatcher
On 13th draw, VEGES D8 32 --- VEG a vegetable [n] --- VEG to laze about, VEGGED, VEGGES, VEGGING [v]
Other tops: VEGAS D8 32
Other moves: SEGUE 13K 25, USAGE 13J 25, JAGS L1 24, JUGA L1 24, JUGS L1 24
JUGS L1 24 Kalikokat
SAGE 13K 23 roocatcher, s.martin
On 14th draw, WROOT D1 34 --- WROOT to turn up with the snout [v]
Other moves: WERO D1 30, WOON C11 29, WORN C11 29, TROW D2 27, COWROTE M8 26
WOE B10 24 Kalikokat, GLOBEMAN, s.martin
WOO 2J 23 roocatcher
On 15th draw, WAVEY 1D 42 --- WAVEY the snow goose [n]
Other moves: LEEWAY 1A 36, WEAVE 1D 33, EARLY 2B 32, VEENA C11 31, LEVY L12 30
WAVEY 1D 42 argomearns
YEA B10 24 roocatcher, s.martin
JEEL L1 22 Kalikokat
On 16th draw, ORANGER I4 29 --- ORANGE the colour of an orange (a fruit) [adj]
Other moves: ORANGE I4 28, ORANG I4 26, JONG L1 24, RANGER I5 24, RANGE I5 23
GEO B10 18 Kalikokat
GOE B10 18 roocatcher, s.martin
On 17th draw, LUZ C7 45 --- LUZ a bone [n]
Other moves: ZEE B10 42, JEEZ L1 40, ADZE B8 39, ZED J2 39, ZEL J2 37
LUZ C7 45 roocatcher, s.martin
ZEE B10 42 argomearns
JEEZ L1 40 Kalikokat
On 18th draw, TURDINE 13H 32 --- TURDINE belonging to a large family of singing birds [adj]
Other moves: TINDER 13H 30, DINER 13K 26, DENI 13K 24, DERN 13K 24, DINE 13K 24
TINDER 13H 30 argomearns, s.martin, roocatcher
DISCIPL(E)D K5 14 Kalikokat
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