Game on August 18, 2014 at 20:53, 7 players
1. 586 pts musdrive
2. 485 pts worsie
3. 214 pts argomearns
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. ![?](./l/bl1.png)
H3 64 64 ![l](./l/l1.png)
2. ![e](./l/e1.png)
I6 45 109 ![o](./l/o1.png)
3. ![b](./l/b1.png)
5F 31 140 ![g](./l/g1.png)
4. ![a](./l/a1.png)
L2 77 217 ![a](./l/a1.png)
5. ![d](./l/d1.png)
J10 29 246 ![h](./l/h1.png)
6. ![a](./l/a1.png)
K10 35 281 ![a](./l/a1.png)
7. ![?](./l/bl1.png)
F5 63 344 ![g](./l/g1.png)
8. ![a](./l/a1.png)
3C 32 376 ![d](./l/d1.png)
9. ![a](./l/a1.png)
11A 74 450 ![a](./l/a1.png)
10. ![a](./l/a1.png)
A8 42 492 ![a](./l/a1.png)
11. ![a](./l/a1.png)
M2 34 526 ![w](./l/w1.png)
12. ![a](./l/a1.png)
L12 36 562 ![p](./l/p1.png)
13. ![d](./l/d1.png)
M13 34 596 ![v](./l/v1.png)
14. ![e](./l/e1.png)
2J 44 640 ![k](./l/k1.png)
15. ![a](./l/a1.png)
H11 42 682 ![c](./l/c1.png)
16. ![f](./l/f1.png)
14F 47 729 ![z](./l/z1.png)
17. ![e](./l/e1.png)
N10 39 768 ![j](./l/j1.png)
18. ![a](./l/a1.png)
O1 43 811 ![g](./l/g1.png)
19. ![a](./l/a1.png)
D5 76 887 ![i](./l/i1.png)
20. ![i](./l/i1.png)
O6 29 916 ![t](./l/t1.png)
Remaining tiles: ![i](./l/i1.png)
Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
musdrive 5 9:53 -330 586 1.7706 musdrive 5 9:53 -330 586
worsie 1 21:52 -431 485 2.7031 argomearns 0 10:01 -702 214
argomearns 0 10:01 -702 214 Group: intermediate
roocatcher 0 7:52 -724 192 1.6108 worsie 1 21:52 -431 485
s.martin 0 7:24 -764 152 2.6847 roocatcher 0 7:52 -724 192
iwhist 0 4:46 -783 133 3.6775 s.martin 0 7:24 -764 152
scrab21 0 2:43 -844 72 4.6507 iwhist 0 4:46 -783 133
5.6369 scrab21 0 2:43 -844 72
On 1st draw, LA(B)IATE H3 64 --- LABIATE a plant with liplike parts [n]
Other tops: A(N)TLIAE H2 64, A(N)TLIAE H4 64, A(N)TLIAE H6 64, A(N)TLIAE H7 64, A(N)TLIAE H8 64, LA(B)IATE H4 64, LA(B)IATE H6 64, LA(B)IATE H7 64, LA(B)IATE H8 64
Other moves: A(N)TLIAE H3 62, A(N)TLIAE H5 62, LA(B)IATE H2 62, LA(B)IATE H5 62, AE(C)IAL H3 12
(R)ETAIL H7 12 worsie
On 2nd draw, OXERS I6 45 --- OXER an ox-fence [n]
Other moves: OXER I6 44, OXES I6 44, REX I7 41, SEX I7 41, SOX I7 41
OXERS I6 45 musdrive
SEX I7 41 worsie
On 3rd draw, GI(B)BET 5F 31 --- GIBBET to execute by hanging [v]
Other tops: TUP G7 31
Other moves: BILA(B)IATE H1 30, GETUP J8 21, UPTIE G8 21, UPBEAT 4D 20, E(B)B 5G 19
TUP G7 31 musdrive
SPITE 10I 13 worsie
On 4th draw, AGISTOR L2 77 --- AGISTOR person in charge of agisted cattle [n]
Other moves: AGISTOR J8 73, GAIRS L1 25, GAITS L1 25, GARIS L1 25, GIROS L1 25
GRITS L1 25 musdrive
TA G7 17 worsie
On 5th draw, HOND J10 29 --- HOND same as hand [n]
Other tops: HIND J10 29
Other moves: DIF M2 28, DOF M2 28, HID J10 28, HID M2 28, HIOI J10 28
HIND J10 29 musdrive
HIND G9 22 worsie
On 6th draw, AWEE K10 35 --- AWEE awhile [adv]
Other moves: WATER K7 33, AREW K8 32, WRATE 2J 32, AWETO 14J 31, AWE K10 30
EWE K10 30 musdrive
WEET K11 29 worsie
WERE K9 26 scrab21
On 7th draw, GROU(P)OID F5 63 --- GROUPOID a type of mathematical set [n]
Other moves: DI(D)O L12 22, DI(N)O L12 22, D(E)RO L12 21, (B)ILA(B)IATE H1 21, DIO(L) L12 20
DOO M2 19 scrab21
DOOR(S) 14F 17 musdrive
DER(E)D 13J 12 worsie
On 8th draw, DACTYL 3C 32 --- DACTYL a certain poetic rhythm pattern [n]
Other tops: BADDY 12D 32, CADDY 12D 32, CYMBAL 3C 32
Other moves: BY L12 31, TRYMA 8K 30, BAYT E11 29, MATY E11 29, TYMBAL 3C 28
MAY E11 27 musdrive
CLAY 3G 13 worsie
On 9th draw, AMNESIAC 11A 74 --- AMNESIAC one who suffers from amnesia [n]
Other moves: CAMESE J2 33, ACADEMES 13G 30, CAMANS 13A 30, MACES E11 29, SCAM 4A 29
MACES 14F 28 musdrive
MACES 13B 28 worsie
CREAM 8K 27 scrab21
On 10th draw, ABRAY A8 42 --- ABRAY to awake [v]
Other moves: BLAY L12 40, ABRAY A11 39, CARBY H11 39, BLAY 4A 37, BRAY 4A 37
BRAY 4A 37 musdrive
BRAIN 8K 21 worsie
On 11th draw, WOF M2 34 --- WOF a nobody,a fool (a waste of flesh) [n]
Other tops: FIGO L12 34
Other moves: WAIF M1 33, FAW 4B 31, FIG L12 30, WIG L12 30, GIF M2 28
FAW 4B 31 musdrive
MAGI B11 19 worsie
On 12th draw, PEEP L12 36 --- PEEP to utter a short, shrill cry [v]
Other tops: CUPPA H11 36, PERP L12 36
Other moves: CAPER H11 30, CRAPE H11 30, CREEP H11 30, CREPE H11 30, PEAR L12 28
PEEP L12 36 musdrive
CREPE H11 30 worsie
On 13th draw, VEE M13 34 --- VEE the letter V [n]
Other moves: CLEVE H11 33, DEV N1 33, IMPEDE 15J 33, IMPLED 15J 33, VIED 4A 33
VIED 4A 33 musdrive
IMPLED 15J 33 worsie
MEE M13 30 argomearns
On 14th draw, KNAWE 2J 44 --- KNAWE a cornfield weed of the chickweed family [n]
Other moves: NEK N12 37, CRONK H11 36, ROVEN N10 35, EVOKER D7 34, KNAVE D1 34
REV N1 31 musdrive
PEEK 15L 30 worsie
PERK 15L 30 argomearns
MAKE D2 20 roocatcher
On 15th draw, CHURN H11 42 --- CHURN to stir briskly in order to make butter [v]
Other tops: CHAIN H11 42, CHAIR H11 42, CHINA H11 42, CHIRU H11 42
Other moves: HAIN 4A 29, HAIR 4A 29, HUIA 4A 29, HID 12D 26, NAH 4B 25
CHURN H11 42 worsie
HID 12D 26 musdrive
HAAR D1 22 argomearns
HA 1N 20 roocatcher
On 16th draw, ZORIS 14F 47 --- ZORI a type of sandal [n]
Other moves: FIZ 2B 44, FIZ N4 44, ZOLS N10 42, ZOLS 13C 36, ZOL B6 34
ZORIS 14F 47 musdrive
ZOL B6 34 roocatcher
ZOS B6 34 s.martin
ZOS 4B 31 worsie
FEZ D10 30 argomearns
ZO E7 24 iwhist
On 17th draw, JIVE N10 39 --- JIVE to dance to jazz or swing music [v]
Other moves: VLEI O1 37, JIVER 6B 31, JAVEL D2 30, VEIL 4A 29, VLEI 4A 29
JAVEL D2 30 iwhist
VEIL 4A 29 musdrive
JAM D2 24 worsie, roocatcher, s.martin
RIVE 8L 21 argomearns
On 18th draw, GLUM O1 43 --- GLUM being in low spirits [adj] --- GLUM glumness [n]
Other tops: GLAM O1 43
Other moves: ALGUM O1 40, ALMUG O1 40, ALUM O1 40, GLAUM O1 40, GUNMAN O6 38
GUNMAN O6 38 s.martin, roocatcher
GLAM 4A 29 musdrive
GUAN O8 26 argomearns
GULA O7 24 iwhist
PEAL 15L 18 worsie
On 19th draw, INFLATED D5 76 --- INFLATE to cause to expand by filling with gas or air [v]
Other moves: FITNA O6 33, DIF O13 32, FIAT O8 32, FLAN O8 32, FLAT O8 32
FLAT O8 32 iwhist, musdrive, roocatcher, s.martin
FLAN O8 32 argomearns
DRAFT 8K 27 worsie
On 20th draw, TURION O6 29 --- TURION a thick new growth on a plant [n]
Other tops: ULTION O6 29
Other moves: LIROT O7 26, INTRO O6 24, NITRO O6 24, IRON O8 23, LION O8 23
INTRO O6 24 roocatcher, s.martin
TRON O8 23 argomearns
IRON O8 23 musdrive
RIOT O8 23 worsie, iwhist
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