Game on August 20, 2014 at 05:59, 4 players
1. 152 pts elcee51
2. 136 pts mordeckhi
3. 64 pts fatcat
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 22 22 


12H 28 50 


H8 30 80 


13A 72 152 


A10 45 197 


13L 34 231 


O8 42 273 


14J 33 306 


N6 23 329 


8C 64 393 


M3 27 420 


F1 70 490 


M8 45 535 


O1 57 592 


1D 54 646 


C5 66 712 


B4 70 782 


O8 52 834 


N1 34 868 


3C 32 900 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
elcee51 1 6:20 -748 152 1.6796 elcee51 1 6:20 -748 152
mordeckhi 0 8:01 -764 136 2.6520 fatcat 1 0:57 -836 64
fatcat 1 0:57 -836 64 Group: novice
mookie 0 0:37 -890 10 1.5026 mookie 0 0:37 -890 10
Group: not rated
1.4215 mordeckhi 0 8:01 -764 136
On 1st draw, INSECT H8 22 --- INSECT any of a class of small invertebrate animals [n]
Other tops: SCIENT H3 22
Other moves: CENTS H4 20, CESTI H4 20, CINES H4 20, CITES H4 20, INCEST H3 18
On 2nd draw, CURVEY 12H 28 --- CURVEY curved [adj]
Other moves: CURVY 12H 26, MUSIVE 10F 25, VERMINY 9C 24, CRUIVE 12H 22, ERUVIM 11H 22
On 3rd draw, INSECTAN H8 30 --- INSECTAN pertaining to insects [adj]
Other moves: INSECTA(N) H8 27, INSECT(A)N H8 27, AEON 13L 20, EOAN 13L 20, NAOI 13L 20
AVE K11 12 mordeckhi
On 4th draw, A(R)MGAUNT 13A 72 --- ARMGAUNT with gaunt limbs [adj]
Other moves: MA(H)UANG G2 64, MA(H)UANGS 10A 64, MAGYA(R) M9 28, MANG 13L 28, MUNG 13L 28
YAM M12 16 mordeckhi
On 5th draw, BOVATE A10 45 --- BOVATE as much land as one ox could plough [n]
Other moves: OVATE A11 36, AGAVE A11 33, OBVE(R)T B9 32, ABATE A11 30, GAVE A12 30
On 6th draw, LANX 13L 34 --- LANX a platter [n]
Other tops: LARYNX M9 34
Other moves: SILEX 11E 33, LAX 13L 32, RAX 13L 32, SAX 13L 32, (R)AX B13 31
On 7th draw, STORAX O8 42 --- STORAX a fragrant resin [n]
Other moves: TAXOR O11 39, QAT 14J 35, SUQ F12 32, TRANQS 9E 26, TRANQ 9E 25
On 8th draw, DI(L)DO 14J 33 --- DILDO an object used as a penis substitute [n]
Other moves: FO(R)DID B6 29, FO(G)DOG D8 28, (K)IDDO 14J 27, FIDG(E)D D10 26, FOODI(E) B6 26
On 9th draw, ALOED N6 23 --- ALOED pertaining to aloe [adj]
Other tops: LOOED N6 23
Other moves: LEAD N7 20, LOAD N7 20, LOOTED B6 20, TAED N7 20, TEAD N7 20
TOAD E11 10 mookie
On 10th draw, LIKENING 8C 64 --- LIKEN to represent as similar [v]
Other moves: KINGLE O1 41, EIK M7 31, ELK M7 31, GLIKE M3 31, KINGLE M2 29
On 11th draw, DOWF M3 27 --- DOWF dull [adj]
Other moves: BOWGET D10 26, BOWED M2 25, BOEUF F10 24, DEBT M6 24, FEW M6 24
On 12th draw, PORTABLE F1 70 --- PORTABLE something that can be carried [n]
Other moves: PROB L1 33, *B*ABO L3 26, APO L3 26, OBA L3 26, PROBALL C3 26
On 13th draw, GJU M8 45 --- GJU an old Shetland viol [n]
Other moves: UPJET 1E 42, JIGGER D10 32, J*S**TJESUIT 10F 31, JIG L2 31, JUSTER 10F 31
On 14th draw, FEWMET O1 57 --- FEWMET the dung of a deer [n]
Other moves: WAMPEE 1C 42, WEEM L1 37, FEWMET 4A 36, WEEM E2 35, FAW L2 31
On 15th draw, HIPPIER 1D 54 --- HIPPY having big hips [adj]
Other moves: HEPPER 1D 51, HIPPER 1D 51, HIPPIE 1D 51, HIPPIER 1C 45, HEPPER 1C 42
PIER 1F 18 mordeckhi
On 16th draw, HAILSTORM C5 66 --- HAILSTORM [n]
Other moves: HAO N2 34, ISH 14D 32, SHA 15M 32, RAH N2 31, IOTAS 9B 30
HAGS D11 16 mordeckhi
On 17th draw, COZ B4 70 --- COZ a cousin [n]
Other moves: REZ B4 68, SEZ B4 68, ZO B6 64, COZ L2 53, STORAXES O8 52
ZO B6 64 elcee51
RAZES 5E 28 mordeckhi
On 18th draw, STORAXES O8 52 --- STORAX a fragrant resin [n]
Other moves: SYNE 9F 37, EYE N1 34, QIS 10F 32, SUQ F12 32, SYE 15M 32
QIS L2 31 elcee51
ZAS 6B 12 mordeckhi
On 19th draw, EYE N1 34 --- EYE the organ of sight [n] --- EYE to watch closely [v]
Other moves: QIS 10F 32, YA N2 27, YE N2 27, RAY L2 25, YA L4 25
QIS 10F 32 fatcat
RAY L2 25 elcee51
QUAY F12 18 mordeckhi
On 20th draw, QUARER 3C 32 --- QUARE queer [adj]
Other tops: QIS 10F 32, SUQ 10H 32
Other moves: QUAI 2A 31, QUARE 3C 30, QUIRE 3C 30, QUA 2B 29, AQUAE E10 28
QIS 10F 32 fatcat
QUARER 3C 32 elcee51
QUAG J5 16 mordeckhi
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