Game on August 28, 2014 at 17:43, 4 players
1. 676 pts OrangeCup
2. 576 pts worsie
3. 134 pts argomearns
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 64 64 


I6 23 87 


15B 113 200 


13B 78 278 


11E 44 322 


G2 68 390 


12A 55 445 


F6 71 516 


12K 50 566 


O6 48 614 


N12 28 642 


15L 39 681 


4F 32 713 


M1 93 806 


H1 36 842 


1K 24 866 


2J 40 906 


5K 20 926 


J6 24 950 


M10 22 972 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
OrangeCup 6 14:00 -296 676 1.8086 PIThompson 1 0:38 -901 71
worsie 3 19:07 -396 576 Group: advanced
argomearns 0 4:03 -838 134 1.7843 OrangeCup 6 14:00 -296 676
PIThompson 1 0:38 -901 71 2.7004 argomearns 0 4:03 -838 134
Group: intermediate
1.6177 worsie 3 19:07 -396 576
On 1st draw, EN(C)LOSE H8 64 --- ENCLOSE to close in on all sides [v]
Other tops: ELE(V)ONS H2 64, ELE(V)ONS H3 64, ELE(V)ONS H4 64, ELE(V)ONS H6 64, ELE(V)ONS H7 64, ELE(V)ONS H8 64, ENOL(A)SE H2 64, ENOL(A)SE H3 64, ENOL(A)SE H4 64, ENOL(A)SE H6 64, ENOL(A)SE H7 64, EN(C)LOSE H3 64, EN(C)LOSE H4 64, EN(C)LOSE H6 64, EN(C)LOSE H7 64, ESLO(Y)NE H2 64, ESLO(Y)NE H3 64, ESLO(Y)NE H4 64, ESLO(Y)NE H6 64, ESLO(Y)NE H7 64, OLE(I)NES H2 64, OLE(I)NES H3 64, OLE(I)NES H4 64, OLE(I)NES H6 64, OLE(I)NES H7 64, OLE(I)NES H8 64, ONESEL(F) H2 64, ONESEL(F) H3 64, ONESEL(F) H4 64, ONESEL(F) H7 64, ONESEL(F) H8 64, (K)EELSON H2 64, (K)EELSON H3 64, (K)EELSON H6 64, (K)EELSON H7 64, (K)EELSON H8 64
Other moves: ELE(V)ONS H5 62, ENOL(A)SE H5 62, ENOL(A)SE H8 62, EN(C)LOSE H2 62, EN(C)LOSE H5 62
NOLES H8 12 OrangeCup
On 2nd draw, TOEY I6 23 --- TOEY nervous [adj]
Other moves: TAY I7 22, AY I8 20, EYOT G11 20, YITIES 13C 20, *L*Y*TALIYOT 11G 18
TAY I7 22 OrangeCup
TOY G12 17 worsie
On 3rd draw, INBREED 15B 113 --- INBREED to breed closely related stock [v]
Other moves: BENDIER 15B 104, BENDIER 15E 104, INBREED 15E 101, INBREEDS 13A 76, LINEBRED 11H 72
INBREED 15B 63 OrangeCup
BREED 15D 57 worsie
On 4th draw, HANDLESS 13B 78 --- HANDLESS having no hands [adj]
Other moves: HANDLESS 13A 76, HANDSELS 13A 76, HANDLES J1 71, HANDLES G2 66, HANDSEL G2 66
HEEDS 14F 34 OrangeCup, worsie
On 5th draw, OARLIKE 11E 44 --- OARLIKE resembling an oar [adj]
Other moves: KERRIA H1 35, KORARI H1 35, RAKE 12A 33, RAKI 12A 33, ROKE 12A 33
RAKE 12A 33 OrangeCup
KA 12C 22 worsie
On 6th draw, PROBING G2 68 --- PROBE to investigate or examine thoroughly [v]
Other moves: ORBING 12J 30, PROB 10C 26, BOI 14A 25, BON 14A 25, BOP 10D 25
PROB 10C 26 OrangeCup
BRING 10K 14 worsie
On 7th draw, J(A)FA 12A 55 --- JAFA a person from Auckland New Zealand (offensive - just another f**ing Aucklander), cf RONZER [n]
Other moves: JAF(A) 12A 54, JAN(E) 12A 45, GAJ(O) 12A 42, JAG(A) F4 36, J(A)GA F4 36
J(A)FA 12A 55 OrangeCup
JA H1 31 worsie, argomearns
On 8th draw, QUAT F6 71 --- QUAT a pimple [n]
Other moves: QUA F6 70, LOQUATS 4F 52, QUALE 10B 42, QUATE 10B 42, QUEST 10B 42
QUAT F6 71 OrangeCup, PIThompson
LOQUATS 4F 52 worsie
SQUAB 5C 32 argomearns
On 9th draw, TOWZY 12K 50 --- TOWZY shaggy [adj]
Other moves: TOWZY 10K 42, DOZY 12K 37, ZO H1 37, WOODY 12F 34, TOWSY 12K 32
ZO H1 37 OrangeCup, worsie
On 10th draw, PRIMACY O6 48 --- PRIMACY the state of being first [n]
Other moves: CRAMPY O7 45, CRIMPY O7 45, CAMPY O8 42, PAYNIM O10 39, PIRACY O7 39
CRIMPY O7 45 worsie, argomearns, OrangeCup
On 11th draw, ZING N12 28 --- ZING to move with a high-pitched humming sound [v]
Other tops: ZIGS N12 28
Other moves: GIEN H1 27, GIES H1 27, GOES H1 27, ZEIN N12 26, ZIG N12 26
ZING N12 28 OrangeCup, worsie
ZONE N12 26 argomearns
On 12th draw, VUGG 15L 39 --- VUGG a small cavity in a rock [n]
Other moves: VEER H1 33, OVERGET 4G 30, VERGE 15K 30, VERTUE N2 30, VERTU N2 26
VEER H1 33 OrangeCup, worsie
On 13th draw, COWRITE 4F 32 --- COWRITE to collaborate in writing [v]
Other tops: AIRCREW 3C 32
Other moves: WIRETAP 2A 28, WAITER J2 25, EWK J9 24, TIER H1 24, TRICEP 2B 24
WAITER J2 25 OrangeCup
WE H4 22 worsie
On 14th draw, MENSHED M1 93 --- MENSH to remark [v]
Other moves: ENMESHED L1 67, MESHED M2 41, HEM N8 33, MENSH M1 33, EMENDS 3I 31
MESHED M2 41 OrangeCup, worsie
On 15th draw, VIEW H1 36 --- VIEW to look at [v]
Other tops: EVILEST 2I 36
Other moves: EVITES 2I 34, VALETE 2J 34, VALETS 2J 34, VELETA 2J 34, VIEWS M9 34
VIEW H1 36 OrangeCup, worsie
On 16th draw, TOMIA 1K 24 --- TOMIUM the cutting edge of a bird's bill [n]
Other tops: AUMIL 1K 24
Other moves: OATH 5J 22, TATH 5J 22, OMIT 1L 21, LOWT M10 18, TAWT M10 18
TOWT M10 18 OrangeCup
TAT N8 15 worsie
On 17th draw, FOUET 2J 40 --- FOUET a leek [n]
Other moves: TEREFA 2J 38, FETWA M9 34, AUF N8 33, OAF N8 33, TEF N8 33
TEF N8 33 worsie, OrangeCup
On 18th draw, AAHS 5K 20 --- AAH to exclaim in amazement, joy, or surprise [v]
Other moves: AAH 5K 18, ASH 5K 18, ISH 5K 18, RAWS M10 18, REI 13L 18
ROWS M10 18 OrangeCup
TOOTERS K1 14 worsie
On 19th draw, AX J6 24 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other tops: EX J6 24, OX J6 24
Other moves: AXED L7 23, ODEA N7 22, OX N7 22, OXER L7 22, TAX 6I 22
OX J6 24 OrangeCup
AXED L7 23 worsie
On 20th draw, LEWD M10 22 --- LEWD obscene [adj]
Other moves: DEI 13L 21, LED N8 21, LOD N8 21, LUD N8 21, OUD N8 21
LEWD M10 22 OrangeCup, worsie
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