Game on August 30, 2014 at 13:58, 5 players
1. 725 pts OrangeCup
2. 361 pts argomearns
3. 287 pts scrab21
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 32 32 


5D 86 118 


7E 68 186 


4A 35 221 


8L 50 271 


8A 40 311 


A1 51 362 


B1 47 409 


C6 72 481 


D10 31 512 


B12 34 546 


N8 32 578 


15L 50 628 


3G 93 721 


L1 38 759 


H1 45 804 


12K 48 852 


I9 63 915 


15A 39 954 


H12 64 1018 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
OrangeCup 9 13:21 -293 725 1.8114 PIThompson 1 0:31 -971 47
argomearns 2 7:07 -657 361 Group: advanced
scrab21 1 7:59 -731 287 1.7838 OrangeCup 9 13:21 -293 725
worsie 1 8:03 -754 264 2.7004 argomearns 2 7:07 -657 361
PIThompson 1 0:31 -971 47 Group: intermediate
1.6446 scrab21 1 7:59 -731 287
2.6189 worsie 1 8:03 -754 264
On 1st draw, VOWI(N)G H4 32 --- VOW to make a vow (a solemn promise) [v]
Other moves: VOWI(N)G H7 28, VOWI(N)G H3 26, VIGO(R) H4 24, VOGI(E) H4 24, VOWI(N)G H5 24
VOWI(N)G H4 32 OrangeCup
On 2nd draw, LARDOONS 5D 86 --- LARDOON a strip of bacon [n]
Other moves: LADRONS 3G 85, LARDONS 3G 83, (N)ORLANDS 8H 77, LARDOONS 5C 68, GOLDARNS 9H 62
LANDS 3G 21 worsie, OrangeCup
On 3rd draw, SETIFORM 7E 68 --- SETIFORM having the form of a seta [adj]
Other moves: FORMATES E1 63, FORE 4A 26, FORELS D1 26, FROE 4A 26, MEOWS 6E 25
FORE 4A 26 OrangeCup
FORMS F3 16 worsie
On 4th draw, K(I)TED 4A 35 --- KITE to obtain money or credit fraudulently [v]
Other moves: GEDD(I)T 8A 33, EK(E)D 8L 32, K(I)DDLE D1 32, D(E)KED 4A 31, D(I)KED 4A 31
K(I)TED 4A 35 OrangeCup
EK(E)D 8L 32 worsie
On 5th draw, YEBO 8L 50 --- YEBO yes [interj]
Other moves: YORE 8L 44, YOUR 8L 44, BY 6E 36, REEKY A1 36, OBEY 8L 35
YORE 8L 44 OrangeCup
YORK A1 33 scrab21
EYER 8L 29 worsie
On 6th draw, BAGGIT 8A 40 --- BAGGIT a salmon who has retained her eggs [n]
Other moves: KITBAG A4 39, BANKIT A1 36, BANK A1 30, BINK A1 30, KAING A4 30
BANK A1 30 worsie
BATING 3G 26 OrangeCup
BAKING A2 13 scrab21
On 7th draw, ZOUK A1 51 --- ZOUK a dance music of the French West Indies [n]
Other tops: ZONK A1 51
Other moves: LUZ 3B 41, TR(I)ZONAL B2 36, ZOBU N6 35, ZOL 6B 35, R(I)TZ B3 32
ZONK A1 51 OrangeCup
ZOA B6 32 scrab21
ZA B7 11 worsie
On 8th draw, OX B1 47 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: OXYTONE 2A 38, OXEYE 4K 34, BOXY N8 32, OY B1 31, BOXEN N8 30
OX B1 47 OrangeCup, scrab21, PIThompson, worsie
On 9th draw, LIGNEOUS C6 72 --- LIGNEOUS of or resembling wood [adj]
Other moves: NUBILOSE N6 64, NUBILOSE A6 61, LOST C1 30, LOUT C1 30, SOUT C1 30
SOUT C1 30 OrangeCup, scrab21
ZOS 1A 12 worsie
On 10th draw, FOP D10 31 --- FOP to deceive [v]
Other moves: FOP 9M 29, PROF D11 28, FID 9M 27, DIP D10 25, DOP D10 25
FOP D10 31 OrangeCup
POUF 12A 24 argomearns
On 11th draw, YAWP B12 34 --- YAWP to utter a loud, harsh cry [v]
Other tops: YAWPS 3G 34
Other moves: PYAS B11 33, YAWP 3G 33, SWAYL 3F 32, YAWLS 3G 32, PAYSD 3G 31
YAWS 3G 31 argomearns
AY C1 30 OrangeCup
On 12th draw, BEDUNCE N8 32 --- BEDUNCE to make a dunce of [v]
Other moves: ACNED 9K 29, EAU A13 29, APED 15A 27, UPEND 15A 27, CADEE 3G 26
EAU A13 29 OrangeCup
APED 15A 27 argomearns
On 13th draw, VIDE 15L 50 --- VIDE see -- used to direct a reader to another item; VIDE is the only form of this verb; it cannot be conjugated [v]
Other moves: VILDE 15K 44, UPDIVE 15A 39, PRELUDI 15B 33, LUDE 15L 32, RIDE 15L 32
VIDE 15L 50 OrangeCup, argomearns
On 14th draw, HARIRAS 3G 93 --- HARIRA a kind of Moroccan soup [n]
Other moves: SPAHI 15A 42, PARIAHS 15B 39, APHIS 15A 33, APISH 15A 33, ARRISH 3H 33
APISH 15A 33 OrangeCup
HAIRS 3G 26 argomearns
On 15th draw, JEAN L1 38 --- JEAN a durable cotton fabric [n]
Other tops: JEAT L1 38
Other moves: HETE 2J 34, SIETH E7 34, JETE 2L 33, HEN 2J 31, HET 2J 31
JEAN L1 38 OrangeCup, argomearns
On 16th draw, REAVOWI(N)G H1 45 --- REAVOW to vow again [v]
Other moves: EPIC 15A 33, JILT 1L 33, CLERIC 13I 26, CRETIC 13I 26, CITTERN 12H 24
JILT 1L 33 OrangeCup, argomearns, scrab21
On 17th draw, TRANQ 12K 48 --- TRANQ a drug that tranquilizes [n]
Other moves: JAIL 1L 33, JARL 1L 33, JEAT 1L 33, JILT 1L 33, QI J2 31
JILT 1L 33 OrangeCup, argomearns, scrab21
On 18th draw, INTITLE I9 63 --- INTITLE to give a right to [v]
Other moves: INTITLE 13E 61, JILT 1L 33, PENTITI 15B 30, ELAIN B6 25, LAIN B7 18
JILT 1L 33 OrangeCup, scrab21, argomearns
On 19th draw, EPICAL 15A 39 --- EPIC a long narrative poem [adj] --- EPICAL relating to an epic [adj]
Other tops: PULICENE 15B 39
Other moves: ALIEN H11 33, APNEIC 15A 33, EPIC 15A 33, JAIL 1L 33, JANE 1L 33
EPICAL 15A 39 OrangeCup
JAIL 1L 33 argomearns
JANE 1L 33 worsie
On 20th draw, HAEM H12 64 --- HAEM a component of hemoglobin [n]
Other moves: HAEN H12 52, MEAN H12 44, MIEN H12 44, JEHU 1L 42, JANE 1L 33
HAEM H12 64 OrangeCup
JEAN 1L 33 argomearns
JANE 1L 33 scrab21, worsie
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