Game on August 30, 2014 at 17:07, 6 players
1. 239 pts roocatcher
2. 144 pts argomearns
3. 127 pts s.martin
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. ![b](./l/b1.png)
H8 52 52 ![b](./l/b1.png)
2. ![a](./l/a1.png)
12H 30 82 ![z](./l/z1.png)
3. ![a](./l/a1.png)
K5 86 168 ![t](./l/t1.png)
4. ![?](./l/bl1.png)
6E 69 237 ![k](./l/k1.png)
5. ![d](./l/d1.png)
8J 27 264 ![i](./l/i1.png)
6. ![a](./l/a1.png)
N6 32 296 ![r](./l/r1.png)
7. ![e](./l/e1.png)
13L 26 322 ![n](./l/n1.png)
8. ![?](./l/bl1.png)
M7 34 356 ![t](./l/t1.png)
9. ![a](./l/a1.png)
J10 33 389 ![h](./l/h1.png)
10. ![a](./l/a1.png)
E6 76 465 ![k](./l/k1.png)
11. ![a](./l/a1.png)
D12 29 494 ![h](./l/h1.png)
12. ![c](./l/c1.png)
C10 32 526 ![u](./l/u1.png)
13. ![e](./l/e1.png)
B4 73 599 ![s](./l/s1.png)
14. ![d](./l/d1.png)
15H 57 656 ![p](./l/p1.png)
15. ![a](./l/a1.png)
A5 54 710 ![d](./l/d1.png)
16. ![e](./l/e1.png)
O13 41 751 ![s](./l/s1.png)
17. ![a](./l/a1.png)
L1 30 781 ![b](./l/b1.png)
18. ![a](./l/a1.png)
2I 36 817 ![a](./l/a1.png)
19. ![c](./l/c1.png)
O1 42 859 ![c](./l/c1.png)
Remaining tiles: ![f](./l/f1.png)
Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
roocatcher 2 5:15 -620 239 1.7026 argomearns 0 5:45 -715 144
argomearns 0 5:45 -715 144 2.7374 dannyboy 0 1:35 -829 30
s.martin 2 4:57 -732 127 3.7644 GLOBEMAN 0 0:45 -857 2
scrab21 0 1:33 -821 38 Group: intermediate
dannyboy 0 1:35 -829 30 1.6907 roocatcher 2 5:15 -620 239
GLOBEMAN 0 0:45 -857 2 2.6656 s.martin 2 4:57 -732 127
3.6483 scrab21 0 1:33 -821 38
On 1st draw, BORTZ H8 52 --- BORTZ diamond fragments [n]
Other tops: BLITZ H8 52
Other moves: ZORIL H4 48, BLITZ H4 38, BORTZ H4 38, BLITZ H5 32, BLITZ H6 32
BLITZ H4 38 argomearns
On 2nd draw, ZERDA 12H 30 --- ZERDA an African fox [n]
Other moves: GADE G7 21, GADE I7 21, GLADE G6 21, GLADE I6 21, GRADE G6 21
On 3rd draw, TAENIOID K5 86 --- TAENIOID like a tapeworm [adj]
Other moves: OATEN 11J 20, AINE 11J 18, ATONE 11K 18, EINA 11J 18, ENTIA 11K 18
On 4th draw, KI(L)OGRAY 6E 69 --- KILOGRAY a unit of absorbed radiation [n]
Other moves: YO(L)K J7 44, RI(S)KY J3 43, (F)IKY J4 43, O(A)KY J4 42, ROKY J7 42
On 5th draw, INDULT 8J 27 --- INDULT a privilege granted by the pope [n]
Other moves: UNTOLD 8J 24, KIDULT E6 22, NOULD 8K 21, ODOR J9 20, OLD J8 19
On 6th draw, RELAXIN N6 32 --- RELAXIN a female hormone [n]
Other moves: RELAX N6 30, ALEXIN N7 29, AXILE N5 28, EXALT N5 28, EXTRA 10E 28
RELAX N6 30 dannyboy
On 7th draw, NEG 13L 26 --- NEG a photographic negative [n]
Other tops: ENG 13L 26
Other moves: POWNIE 9G 23, UG 13M 22, UNWEPT 11C 22, UPWENT 11C 22, EWK E4 20
On 8th draw, TUFA(S) M7 34 --- TUFA a porous limestone [n]
Other moves: TUFA M7 33, TUF(A) M7 31, DAR(A)F J10 29, UFO(S) M8 29, (B)UFO M7 29
On 9th draw, HORSE J10 33 --- HORSE to provide with a horse (a large, hoofed mammal) [v]
Other tops: HARES J10 33, HAROS J10 33, HORAS J10 33, HORIS J10 33
Other moves: HARE J10 30, HARO J10 30, HORA J10 30, HORE J10 30, HORI J10 30
On 10th draw, KERATOID E6 76 --- KERATOID horny [adj]
Other moves: ADROITER 10A 65, DOATER 15J 34, DOTIER 15J 34, IODATE 15H 34, ROADIE 15G 34
On 11th draw, HALE D12 29 --- HALE healthy [adj] --- HALE to compel to go [v]
Other tops: HAAR D12 29, HARE D12 29, HARL D12 29, HEAL D12 29, HEAR D12 29, HERL D12 29
Other moves: HALER 8A 27, LAHAR 8A 27, HAAR D11 26, AHA G8 25, HAE D12 25
On 12th draw, UNCLE C10 32 --- UNCLE the brother of one's father or mother [n] --- UNCLE to address as uncle [v]
Other tops: LUCRE C10 32
Other moves: CURNEY L1 30, COLURE O1 29, CONURE O1 29, LEUCO F9 29, ROUNCE O1 29
On 13th draw, SEEMING B4 73 --- SEEMING outward appearance [n]
Other moves: SEEMING 15C 38, ENEMIES 15D 36, INSEEM 15H 36, MESNE O11 36, SIGNEE 15J 36
MISE 15A 26 roocatcher
On 14th draw, PSYOP 15H 57 --- PSYOP an operation in psychological warfare [n]
Other moves: POLYPS 15G 54, SLOPPY 15J 51, DEPLOYS 15C 48, LOPPY 15F 48, POLYP 15G 48
POP A6 41 roocatcher
POSY 15G 39 argomearns
On 15th draw, DWAM A5 54 --- DWAM to swoon [v]
Other moves: WAME A6 50, ADVEW A1 47, VOWED 15A 47, ADVEW F10 46, VOWED A1 45
WEM A6 45 roocatcher
WADE 15A 33 argomearns
On 16th draw, SUQ O13 41 --- SUQ a marketplace in the Middle East [n]
Other moves: QUEY L3 34, FEUS C5 32, FUSEE 15A 32, FUSE 15A 29, QUEST O4 29
SUQ O13 41 roocatcher, s.martin
QUEY L3 34 argomearns
On 17th draw, BAILEY L1 30 --- BAILEY an outer castle wall [n]
Other tops: BARLEY L1 30, BEAR C5 30
Other moves: LIBRAE O1 29, BESEEMING B2 28, BAROLO H1 27, BOLERO H1 27, BORA F9 27
BEL B13 23 roocatcher, s.martin
BOY L4 18 scrab21
On 18th draw, AVIATOR 2I 36 --- AVIATOR a pilot who flies aircraft [n]
Other moves: VIATOR 2J 34, ORBITA 1J 24, RUBATI 1J 24, RUBATO 1J 24, TABOUR 1J 24
ABORT 1K 21 roocatcher, s.martin
On 19th draw, CRUVE O1 42 --- CRUVE a pen or sty [n]
Other moves: COVE C3 33, ERUV O1 33, CONF 1F 32, COVEN 1E 32, ONCE F10 30
CRUVE O1 42 roocatcher, s.martin
FEN 1G 20 scrab21
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