Game on August 31, 2014 at 19:14, 3 players
1. 366 pts scrab21
2. 270 pts mordeckhi
3. 50 pts argomearns
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. ![a](./l/a1.png)
H4 20 20 ![m](./l/m1.png)
2. ![?](./l/bl1.png)
5E 74 94 ![s](./l/s1.png)
3. ![e](./l/e1.png)
K3 58 152 ![o](./l/o1.png)
4. ![a](./l/a1.png)
8K 48 200 ![e](./l/e1.png)
5. ![a](./l/a1.png)
I7 68 268 ![o](./l/o1.png)
6. ![d](./l/d1.png)
F1 66 334 ![l](./l/l1.png)
7. ![a](./l/a1.png)
H12 79 413 ![j](./l/j1.png)
8. ![a](./l/a1.png)
1A 66 479 ![w](./l/w1.png)
9. ![a](./l/a1.png)
H1 66 545 ![s](./l/s1.png)
10. ![d](./l/d1.png)
J11 30 575 ![f](./l/f1.png)
11. ![a](./l/a1.png)
8A 48 623 ![c](./l/c1.png)
12. ![e](./l/e1.png)
C7 46 669 ![w](./l/w1.png)
13. ![a](./l/a1.png)
12A 50 719 ![z](./l/z1.png)
14. ![b](./l/b1.png)
C1 32 751 ![x](./l/x1.png)
15. ![f](./l/f1.png)
L1 30 781 ![f](./l/f1.png)
16. ![e](./l/e1.png)
M7 88 869 ![y](./l/y1.png)
17. ![a](./l/a1.png)
A12 42 911 ![z](./l/z1.png)
18. ![a](./l/a1.png)
1J 27 938 ![u](./l/u1.png)
19. ![a](./l/a1.png)
D1 26 964 ![b](./l/b1.png)
Remaining tiles: ![g](./l/g1.png)
Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
scrab21 2 17:22 -598 366 1.7110 argomearns 1 0:39 -914 50
mordeckhi 0 13:10 -694 270 Group: intermediate
argomearns 1 0:39 -914 50 1.6529 scrab21 2 17:22 -598 366
Group: not rated
1.4275 mordeckhi 0 13:10 -694 270
On 1st draw, MOOLA H4 20 --- MOOLA moolah [n]
Other tops: MIAOU H4 20, MIAUL H4 20, MOOLI H4 20
Other moves: AUMIL H4 16, AUMIL H8 16, LOUMA H4 16, LOUMA H8 16, MIAOU H8 16
MOOLI H4 20 scrab21
On 2nd draw, S(E)NORI(T)A 5E 74 --- SENORITA an unmarried Spanish girl or woman [n]
Other tops: AN(D)ROI(D)S 5D 74, AN(E)ROI(D)S 5D 74, ARSONI(S)(T) 5E 74, ARSONI(T)(E) 5E 74, AR(S)ONIS(T) 5E 74, A(T)RO(P)INS 5E 74, IN(B)OAR(D)S 5E 74, NAR(C)OSI(S) 5D 74, NAR(C)O(S)IS 5D 74, RAINO(U)(T)S 5D 74, RAISON(N)(E) 5D 74, RAISO(N)N(E) 5D 74, RAN(G)O(L)IS 5D 74, RA(B)(B)ONIS 5D 74, SAR(D)ONI(C) 5D 74, SA(V)ORIN(G) 5E 74, SI(G)NORA(S) 5D 74, SI(G)NOR(I)A 5D 74, S(E)ARO(B)IN 5D 74, S(E)N(S)ORIA 5D 74, S(I)(G)NORIA 5D 74, S(T)RON(T)IA 5E 74, S(U)(T)ORIAN 5E 74, (B)ARONI(E)S 5E 74, (B)(O)RONIAS 5E 74, (C)AN(T)ORIS 5D 74, (C)ARO(T)INS 5E 74, (D)INOSA(U)R 5E 74, (M)AINO(U)RS 5D 74, (M)AR(C)ONIS 5D 74, (M)INOR(C)AS 5E 74, (P)ARSONI(C) 5D 74, (S)I(G)NORAS 5D 74, (S)(E)NSORIA 5D 74, (T)A(B)ORINS 5E 74
Other moves: AN(G)ARI(A)S 8H 71, AN(G)ARI(E)S 8H 71, AN(G)(A)RIAS 8H 71, AN(T)IS(E)RA 8A 71, AN(T)IS(E)RA 8H 71
MARIN(E)(R)S 4H 18 scrab21
On 3rd draw, OU(T)GOERS K3 58 --- OUTGOER someone who is outgoing [n]
Other moves: MOOSE 4H 23, GROUSE M1 21, RUGOSE M1 21, ERGOS M1 19, GOERS M1 19
GOONS G2 13 scrab21
On 4th draw, EVOKE 8K 48 --- EVOKE to call forth [v]
Other moves: KEAVIE 8J 42, KNAVE 4A 36, KNIVE 4A 36, KINEMA 4D 31, EIKON 8K 30
SINK 10K 18 scrab21
On 5th draw, ORTHIAN I7 68 --- ORTHIAN high-pitched [adj]
Other moves: TRAHISON 10F 65, HORNTAIL 7A 63, ANTIHERO O3 62, AIRTH 6B 32, NORTH 6B 32
OH 6E 27 scrab21
On 6th draw, LIPP(E)RED F1 66 --- LIPPER to ripple [v]
Other tops: LIPPERED O2 66
Other moves: LIPPERED O4 64, PERP H12 42, PIPE H12 42, PIED H12 39, PERI H12 36
PIKED N6 22 scrab21
On 7th draw, JADE H12 79 --- JADE to weary [v]
Other tops: JEED H12 79
Other moves: JEAT H12 76, JEEL H12 76, JETE H12 76, JELLED 1D 66, JELLED 1C 45
JAKE N6 31 scrab21
LAD 1F 12 mordeckhi
On 8th draw, WAXBILL 1A 66 --- WAXBILL a tropical bird [n]
Other moves: BLAWED 8A 48, WAX J12 45, WEX J12 45, WAX 9M 41, XI 9M 40
LAX 1F 30 mordeckhi
On 9th draw, SI H1 66 --- SI the seventh note of the diatonic scale [n]
Other moves: WAXBILLS 1A 60, KYANISE N8 32, ANY J10 31, JASEY 12H 30, SNIPY 3C 28
SI H1 66 scrab21
WAXBILLS 1A 60 mordeckhi
On 10th draw, FIND J11 30 --- FIND to come upon after a search [v]
Other moves: FID 9M 29, DUI 2B 27, FID G13 27, FIL 9M 27, FIN 9M 27
XI C1 9 mordeckhi
On 11th draw, CRAVED 8A 48 --- CRAVE to desire greatly [v]
Other tops: CARVED 8A 48
Other moves: SACRED 15J 45, SCARED 15J 39, CARDED 8A 36, OVERSAD M8 30, SACRED 8A 30
SCARED 15J 39 scrab21
AVERS B1 16 mordeckhi
On 12th draw, WAYMENT C7 46 --- WAYMENT to lament [v]
Other moves: ETYMA L1 35, TWENTY L10 34, WYE 9M 33, WYN 9M 33, UNMEW 4K 32
MOY M7 15 scrab21
MANY C7 13 mordeckhi
On 13th draw, ZONATE 12A 50 --- ZONATE arranged in zones [adj]
Other tops: ZONDA 12A 50, ZONED 12A 50
Other moves: ZANTE 12A 48, ZONAE 12A 48, ZOOEA 3I 48, ZONA 12A 46, ZONE 12A 46
ZONED 12A 50 argomearns
DAZED 14D 36 mordeckhi
ZAP 4D 30 scrab21
On 14th draw, XEBEC C1 32 --- XEBEC a Mediterranean sailing vessel [n]
Other moves: BELEE 11B 26, BUNCE 4J 26, CRENA L1 26, JAILER 12H 26, LEBEN 11B 26
LUBE 4J 22 scrab21
BECK N5 14 mordeckhi
On 15th draw, FLOTA L1 30 --- FLOTA a fleet of Spanish ships [n]
Other moves: GUTFUL 4J 29, FON 9M 27, FLONG 3I 26, ENUF 11C 25, MOGUL 4H 25
FOLK N5 13 mordeckhi
On 16th draw, YOUTHIER M7 88 --- YOUTHY young [adj]
Other moves: ZITE A12 39, HEY 2B 35, HYE 9M 33, YITE M1 33, FURY 1L 30
RETCH A5 10 mordeckhi
On 17th draw, ZAGS A12 42 --- ZAG to change course sharply [v]
Other tops: ZIGS A12 42
Other moves: ZATI A12 39, ZEAS A12 39, ZEST A12 39, ZETA A12 39, ZITE A12 39
FIGS 1L 24 scrab21
FIST 1L 21 mordeckhi
On 18th draw, UNFINE 1J 27 --- UNFINE not fine [adj]
Other tops: ENFANT 1J 27, INFANT 1J 27
Other moves: AINE M1 24, AITU M1 24, EINA M1 24, BAIT D1 22, BEAN D1 22
FINE 1L 21 mordeckhi
FEAT 1L 21 scrab21
On 19th draw, BEAD D1 26 --- BEAD to adorn with round balls of glass, wood or plastic [v]
Other tops: GAED L12 26, GAUD L12 26
Other moves: TEAED 11B 23, BAIT D1 22, BEAT D1 22, DAUT L12 22, GEAT L12 22
TEAK N5 15 mordeckhi
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